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What is the best way to Roleplay with a Canon Holocron?


Disney's Princess
Dear Community,

To note my bias. My character [member="Karen Roberts"] is the owner of the Holocron of Obi-won Kenobi.

However. Roleplaying with Canon Characters is not allowed on this website. Even as NPCs. Therefore, as a writer I must assume that I simply cannot summon the likeness, or familiarity, or personality of Obi-won Kenobi, whenever I use or interact with this item.


Q: What is the best way to roleplay the use of a Canon Holocron? I need ideas.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
I usually just Roleplay out a nameless guardian being there. Even if i know that in canon the guardian is a piece of the person that made it, site rules get in the way of that. So nameless faceless guardians give you the same effect without breaking the rules.
[member="Jay Scott Clark"], not to.

Okay, well I'm no authority on matters like this but canon holocrons would be some of the most prized and coveted items this side of Darth Vader's shoelace collection. Probably best to do generic brand, or you could track down the owner or if you have one so contact staff/research. Honestly your best bet would try and find a big name Chaos jedi, and ask questions to him.
Well-Known Member
[member="Jay Scott Clark"] Well based on the precedent we are able to infer at least some modicum of relation to canon relations, I'd say your best bet, is simply to infer you've spoken with their guardian in some capacity. Thus you get to speak of their teachings and how your character interacted with them in that capacity, without ever actually, role playing any aspect of a canon character.

Or! You could say the holocron is glitched, and give it a guardian in the likeness of the canon character, but with several minor, or one huge difference in personality. Or perhaps, an entirely unique personality trapped in the likeness of a canon character.

After all, appearances do not have to be unique here on chaos, all of the Doctor Who playby's and Master Chief wannabe submissions prove that ;)
[member="Jay Scott Clark"]
Discuss with him off screen or have a telepathic, wordless link.

Holocrons are less of a problem because they're partly computer programs. Force ghosts and meeting actual alive canon characters is the biggest issue.

Connor Harrison

[member="Jay Scott Clark"]

I thought this title said "What is the best way to Roleplay with a Connor Harrison?" on first glance. Had to re-look.
[member="Connor Harrison"]

I'd be down for an answer to that :)

[member="Jay Scott Clark"]

I've seen it done in many a way, the best thing to do is like everyone here as already said, just have the offscreen convo.

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