Thank you for the tag, [member="Cecily de Demici"], I appreciate it.
Vigil-01 said:
I'm awfully confused by the military here. Is it active? Who is leading it? There doesn't seem to be a coherent leadership, or activity.
Sorry if this comes off as rude, just trying to figure out what the go is
*Edit: By coherent leadership I mean there aren't many defining leaders of the military. I've noticed two, but there are so many ranks, so many unfilled.
In in-character terms, Grand Admiral Gir Quee is the official leader as the Supreme Commanding Officer.
In out-of-character terms, I coordinate military activities, but I do not control or dictate them.
In terms of activity, we are two main group roleplays going on, but people frequently do roleplays and storylines just by themselves, and that's fine too.
The navy has an ongoing skirmish
here while a joint team of jedi and ground-pounders are working
here to eliminate some infiltrators. There is another thread with our groundpounders conducting a mission with the Mandalorians.
You won't see a lot of activity in this forum, because much of the planning for these threads typically occurs over private message or Skype. Feel free to ask me any follow-up questions you might have by posting in this thread, private messaging me, or contacting me on Skype. My skype name is "Travot Ravenna".
EDIT: Is there anything in particular that you're looking to do in or with the Republic Defense Forces?