The Sergeant huffed as he looked over the datapad in his hand, the message he had received a day or two earlier really put him on edge. He had heard nothing of the OTS unit on Alderaan since about a year after he had been relieved of his title. Back then, Valkren was looked upon as an OTS legend, breaking most of the records and times for several exercises that simulated combat with full assault units. Those records might have existed to this day had he not been kicked out of the damn place. Did he have something against the CO's of the school? Ofcourse, who wouldn't have held a grudge if you had been kicked out after leading the entire class for a solid seven months. Yet, he got over it, spending most of his days working under the command of Colonel [member="Weiss"], as a specialized unit of commandos.
This time, however, he was off the books.
He was unsure of all of this, he had always gotten messages requesting assistance..Old and new friends, work partners, and old flames. Most he had just blown off due to his duty requiring his full attention. This was different, this was what seemed to be a terrorist threat on the Republic itself. The amount of young and inexperienced soldiers and students that sat in wait at that school with no idea of their impending doom was too great to let slip by. He swiped the message off of the pad as he heard someone approaching, the ship rattled suddenly as he heard a familiar voice.
"You alright, boss?" As Valkren looked up to the walkway next to his seat, he spotted his white plated comrade, Jonathan Michaels, his demolitions expert and second in command (Saber-Two). Even while he hadn't told his higher ups about this mission, he was against leaving his team in the dark. So when he told his brothers about the message, they wouldn't let their NCO go on a mission without them.
"It's probably just his time of month." Piped up Watson, Saber team's designated marksman and also their Saber-Three. The marksman with a rather strong southern drawl slid onto the bench where Valkren had placed himself before. The Sergeant simply responded to this jeer by putting his ally into a headlock, tightening his grip as Watson pounded his fist against the white and grey plating of Valkren's armor. Just earlier before they had taken this ship into the space of the surrounding republic space, his entire team had already readied their gear, which included suiting up in their specialized heavy-assault armor. Even if the attack on the OTS compound came in a few days, Valkren wanted to begin setting up imedietly. "Yeah, it's my time of the month boy, so where's my chocolate?" Valkren jeered back at him, before his intel specialist, Young, spoke up over the ship's communications system. "If you fellas' are done karking around, you should come up to the pilot's deck."
With this message, Valk' released his grip on Watson, shoving him away and chuckling. "Get movin' kiddies, let's see what the good word is." The small portion of Saber team lifted up their helmets in one hand, with their rifles in the others, and made their way up to the pilot's deck. As they reached the deck of the ship that included the cockpit and a makeshift briefing room, Saber team's two assault specialists, O'Connor and O'Riley, would already be there leaning on their Z-6 rotary cannons. They both nodded to Valkren, and he returned their gestures with his own half-assed salute. Young pushed himself away from the pilot seat and made his way to the group. "Right, so we'll be in Alderaan's airspace in about half a day.."
"This is only going to leave us about two days to convince to higher ups of OTS that they really are in danger.."
"If they even are." O'Riley muttered.
"Stuff it, Irish."
"Piss off."
His team had every reason to be skeptical, Valkren was just as confused about this mission as the next commando, but they had to asses the situation right away. Valkren knew his men would be with him no matter if this was a serious situation, or just a false alarm. He hoped to god it wasn't a false alarm if he had slipped away without Weiss knowing. Soon they'd be on his home planet, hell..Maybe they could visit his sister and mother.
[member="Dark Swarm Narrator"]