Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private What The Heck Is a Jigowatt?!

Spark Vallen

Caffeinated Corellian
Another blast rocked the Corellian light freighter, which caused colorful cursing to come from the cockpit. Spark would've jokingly chided Maize for his outburst, if the situation hadn't been so dire. Now, she didn't dare... and really, she didn't have time. She looked back to Lukas and hyperdrive.

"This has gotta be it," Spark insisted, banging around with the 'spanner more than using it effectively.

She saw Lukas glaring at her for her efforts and shot him a look.

"What? Do I LOOK like a mechanic? How do we get it back to up to 1.21 jigowatts?"
"What the heck is a jigowatt?!" Lukas exclaimed, incredulous.

He was fond of Spark because she was Marck's older sister, but frak, Lukas was also sure the woman was at least half insane. Jigowatt? What the frak!

Lukas ignored Maize growling in the cockpit, trusting the equally quirky, and apparent turncoat-Sith to keep them alive long enough to give them a chance to fix the damaged hyperdrive. Still, the spy knew that even Maize's skill had its limits. They had to fix this ship and fast.

I gotta live long enough to find Marck!

"Gimme that," he snapped, wrenching the 'spanner out of Spark's hand.

She yelped in surprise, but he ignored her too, crouching deeper into the compartment as he studied the wiring. Lukas wanted to yell at her because whoever did her maintenance -- Prolly Spark herself, he figured -- was clearly incompetent at this. Of course, it wasn't his area of expertise either, but he obviously knew more than she did. Maize would be the most likely mech, but he was also the best pilot of the tree of them.
"Hurry up back there!" Maize roared.

Swearing under his breath this time, he dropped the Cafinator into a steep drive, sighing inwardly as he heard whatever cargo Spark was hauling crash and clang in the hold. Oops. Well, her fault for not securing things before!

He had bigger things to worry about, after all, like dodging the Sith warships that were hellbent on taking out Spark's little freighter - along with the others - as they fled Naboo. Maize didn't have time to think about what he'd just done to his own career and survival. For now, he had to focus on his instincts, the Force, and getting them the hell out of the system.

If the two idiots back there can fix the frakking hyperdrive!

"NOW!" he shouted.

Spark Vallen

Caffeinated Corellian
"It's... it's a power... thing! We have to get it back up to 1.21 jigowatts!"

Maize was shouting from the cockpit and Lukas wasn't doing any better at fixing the hyperdrive than she had been. She scrolled through the ship's technical manual, in tiny font on her small datapad, then snatched the hydrospanner back from Lukas.

"I got it! See? Right here!"

Spark bent over the open compartment and reached in, shoved the 'spanner into the open port, and turned it hard. Lukas' shout that she was crazy fell away to a startled yelp as the Cafinator lurched forward. In the cockpit, she heard Maize yell, "ABOUT TIME!" as she and Lukas fell down in a heap from the sudden acceleration.

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