Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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What to do next?

Now that I'm back from my prolonged LOA, I'm looking to keep the Senator part of my life active. Where are we at, politically? What needs doing, and how can I assist? Any bills to be written? Amendments to put forth? Filibusters to bloviate over? Dominions that still need a political hand? If not, I'll go start my own and bring you all down in with me!


I would like some help too... I just don't know what to do as the head of the Agricultural Committee... :p Well, I know what she has to do, but I'd need some help at RPing it out.

And @[member="Jack Sparrow"], not too much has happened... I could help you with whatever you come up with, though. :)
@[member="Aliannah S. del D. Filia"], it's a date! Let me peruse my docket and see what I can shuffle to the top. How would you feel about a trade negotiation to a neutral planet that may end in bounty for all, or possibly a painful and sudden death if it all goes wrong?


@[member="Jack Sparrow"]

Ooh, risking... definitely not something what Aliannah would love to do, but I accept this offer. Time to get out of my comfort zone. :p
@[member="Ayumi Pallopides"]: "Bounty," my dear, not "bounties."

noun \ˈbau̇n-tē\

: good things that are given or provided freely and in large amounts

I'm speaking in terms of the good to come from trade relations, specifically with Attahox. Unknown to many who haven't clicked on the hyperlink, the planet, while serving as the galaxy's refuse dump and home to many unfortunate persons of ill repute, is also an excellent source for the mining of phosovane salts, a base ingredient for pain-killer medicines.

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