Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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What waits in the darkness

Only a few had been told as to what she had been planned or where she was going. For the last few months she had been scouring through everything she could get her hands on when it came to the Force. Once she had even made her fiance agree to find a means for her to connect to the force - a labor that had not provided any fruit from the endeavor. Though what little information she was capable of finding and getting her hands on was more than enough in the end.

Her golden hues fell upon the world before her, an ancient Sith world that rest near the edge of the galaxy - even with the threat of others - it was worth coming here herself. Of course she hadn't struck out alone with just herself and her personal starfighter, rather she had in tow four personal guards from the Knights of the Pyre. A soft smirk crossed her lips as the small formation of starfighters made for the surface of the world.

What information she had on Dromund Kaas was more focused on its history as the seat of the ancient Sith Empires that continued to rise and fall. For a moment a heavy sigh escaped her lips as she brought her starfighter into a steady dive before pulling up as it tore through the clouds, followed by the other four. Making sure she remained on her course, it took only a few moments before the fighter came to rest on a landing pad, surrounded by the other four in quick succession.

A loud hiss escaped from the starfighter as it hatch opened, the woman pulling herself up as she stood on the top, her hands pulling the heavy helm down as she let out a soft sigh. Cloud cover, at least she had that going for her as her golden hues scanned the horizon, already darkening from the onset of night. Looking to the four with her, she nodded as they came together and now was the moment of truth.

Pulling a datapad free from its confines of the bag it rest in, she quickly typed out a message addressed to the individual that she had found so little information on - with what she found only stating for the most part that they were living on Dromund Kaas and had some knowledge of Sith techniques in regards to the Force. That was what she was looking for, the information and if it existed the capability for what she had arrived to achieve.

"Miss Miraxus, I've arrived on Dromund Kaas to speak with in regards to certain Force techniques. If you are available I would like to meet as soon as possible."

She signed the message with a simple upper case A before she set the datapad aside. Her hand coming up and affixing a visor to the helm she wore before pulling it down. In these times she couldn't be too safe in keeping her identity somewhat protected.

[member="Cecile Miraxus"]

Talon Vosra

[member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"]

She walked her garden, pale glacial blue eyes scanning the plethora of flora that she had collected. It was a vanity of which she was more than aware, but she allowed herself her little pleasures, she had made them after all. She moved along the stone path in her simple house pants and baggy shirt. Her hand reached out to brush her finger tips along the broad leaf of a dwarf palm as she made her circut. She rubbed her fingers against her thumb to dust off the pollen that had accumulated on the broad leaves and carried on in silence until footsteps on the flagstone walk gave her pause.

One of her man-servants approached and knelt down to present her with a datapad. She took the device and quickly read the message. It was signed with a simple Aurek but she didn't know exactly who that could be. She returned the pad to the man and folded her hands beneath her breast.

"Prepare rooms and food for our guest." She said looking at the dimming light of the sky, "And ready my clothes, something in white I think would be fitting. Have the disciples, just two present to serve."

"As you command, mistress." The man said as he kept his eyes downcast and quickly backed away.

Cecile mused, as she made her way toward her rooms to be dressed, this was intriguing in a way that made an unexpected visit almost exciting. She walked calmly through her large hewn stone mansion and gave a small quirk of her lips as the servants stopped to bow as she passed. Very intriguing day, indeed.

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