Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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What we are all about.

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Well-Known Member
If you could not follow the Description, I have given you a simplification of who we are.

In all basicness, we are a splinter group of the Sith, with radically different goals. After centuries preceding the Dark Lord's death, Non-Force sensitives who use the Force as their scape goat devised a plan to use said Force sensitives as weapons to literally destroy the force itself, under the guise that they are "bringing it to balance". They used Darth Vader as the cults hero to gain the strength of Dark Siders, telling a tale how he was truly the choosen one, and did bring balance to the force by destroying the Jedi and the Sith. Now with isolation and generations to grow within the turmoil of the Gulag plague, the fanatics have, and are growing threateningly large. They scheme to steal young force sensitives to make them into weapons to hunt the scatter regrouping Jedi and the reemerging Sith Empire.

With that cleared up, I hope I can reel in more of people's interests into to joining this unique idea. :)
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