the new colossus
"That's right, BD. Plenty of ancient tech to scan down there."
Captain Drake smiled when BD-7 chirped brightly in agreement. He was happy to see blue skies after so long in the Tempered Wastes, a starless void where the ancient rakatan homeworld drifted far from the light of their galaxy. Navigator's Guild assistance granted his survey ship Constellation safe passage through the Unknown Regions' turbulent and unreliable hyperlanes. It now drifted in high orbit.
Reports of new ruins discovered on one of the world's largest archipelagos had finally reached the Core Worlds. Outbound Flight was recruiting anyone with the right skillset to capitalize on such a rare archaeological find.
"Camp Gizka this is Drake requesting clearance to land with more expedition crew."
When no one answered Atlas repeated his hail. Nothing but static. He was beginning to wonder if their comlink was malfunctioning when his BD unit hooted a shrill warning alert. Smoke on the horizon. There was something wrong at the Alliance outpost.
"Strap in!" Drake shouted back to his passengers, "We're about to burn sky!"