Darth Vulcanus
Better than other-other space Kaiden
Whiskey soaked memories lingered in the swirl of the shot glass - too many for tired eyes to count. Marvik followed the melting ice as it circuited the vortex he'd spun into existence with twirls of his wrist. Somewhere along the long line of neats on the rocks, he had given up on drinking the faces at the bottom of the glass away and let the tide of pain and thick booze sweep him away. Cigarette smoke smelled again now as it had last year on this day - and the year before that and the year before still. Chimes of glasses sounded again now as they did those years past. Cheers of men sounded again the same...
Pyre smoke on the breeze, clatter of blades and howls of men circled around two brothers - of which one would become an only child. Marvik's eye lit to life again, but only long enough to empty the glass and beat the bartop in a signal for another. It filled again to the brim and was gone just as quickly as it came. Maybe he had it filled again. Maybe he didn't.
The whiskey blur colored over the events of the night just as it did every year - and that's the way he'd keep it.
He leaned back in the stool, breathing deep and watching the blood smeared memory playing across the back of his eyelids. The hair on his neck jumped when he felt the air move faster than it should and he realized he was tilting too far back.
Throwing a hand out, he caught himself on the bar and pulled himself forward - bumping into whatever was sitting next to him. A long growl leaked from cracked lips as he turned to face whatever fight he'd have to end, but he didn't raise his fists or voice when he saw the red eyes of a woman looking back at him.
She had taken her seat somewhere along the latter-half of his binge and been nothing more than a black coat to his shakey vision - until now. Her hair was buzzed to the skin, eyes sunken from crying, age or both. Beautiful or a portrait of beauty painted by booze, who was he to say in his state...
...but it was enough for him to choke back his drunken fighting words, "S-sorry. Didn't see you there."