Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Whats a Dark Lord To Do ( Open)

OOC: Just a little fun, to see wherwe it goes.​
Bury all your secrets in my skin
Come away with innocence, and leave me with my sins
The air around me still feels like a cage
And love is just a camouflage for what resembles rage again...
Arumi Zy, Darth Fidelis those were names that were once the same and once described an ancient and dark being. since his resurgence into the galaxy many things had changed for the sith lord. The order that the sith order had once represented had devolved into petty squabbling minors lords who tore the galaxy asunder with their quest for dominance over one another. His heart still raged with the darkness of the sith, his heart was still angry and his abilities fluctuated between the light and the dark. Never one to disavow the dark or to allow fully the light he tread a delicate path of self destruction and death.

So if you love me, let me go.
And run away before I know.
My heart is just too dark to care.
I can't destroy what isn't there.
Deliver me into my fate -
If I'm alone I cannot hate
I don't deserve to have you...
My smile was taken long ago
If I can change I hope I never know
The dark lord had abandoned the sith and was now an enemy of the state, yet he sought solace and refuge in the Republic and the jedi who he believed could restore order to the galaxy. Darkness was the gift that he gave them, an unswaying and uncompromising engine of destruction who would not hesitate to kill and destroy in order to achieve his souls. He abandaoned the sith code and took upon a new code reflecting of the ancient Je'daii of old, the ancestors of all modern force users. He walked a path of balance and chaos that would corrupt any unfamiliar with the sweet drawl of the dark side and the power that it promised. He swore his allegiance to the Jedi, giving complete loyalty to the jedi Master Syn and the Grand Master Selena Holycon. Now that he had found a place he truly belonged the dark lord was ready to set out and bring order and balance to the galaxy one death at a time. One bar at a time and one dark place after another he would help to root out the corruption of his fellow sith.

So save your breath, I will not care.
I think I made it very clear.
You couldn't hate enough to love.
Is that supposed to be enough?
I only wish you weren't my friend.
Then I could hurt you in the end.
I never claimed to be a saint...
Ooh, my own was banished long ago
It took the death of hope to let you go
Coruscant, Lower Levels

Arumi Zy ignited his saber as the Swoop gang descended upon him, his blade working in a successive fury as he removed the arm of one gangly Rodian, then dunked below a barrage of blasters to seperate the upper and lower half of an unfortunate human. He worked in concert, a rythmic and beautiful dance of yellow and blue light to dispatch his foes in a quick and as quiet of a manner a she could. He didn't stop or slow to deliver blows that would only injure or incapacitate he destroyed and he killed. although he was bound by the jedi order he was not a jedi, he would not break their laws or the law of the Republic but he would also not take the effort to fight less deadly. Instead relying on the old adage of self defense.
After only a few moments the swoop gang was dead or dying and the sith lord continued on his way, trying his best to remain undetected. The Dark Lord still had his contacts and spies and had received intelligence of a sith network in the gangs. he was looking for evidence of sith arms and equipment supplying the gangsters that he could present to the Senate and the Council. He had mostly kept his actions secretive and had not told anyone the nature of his trip to Coruscant, instead relying on complete and total secrecy to achieve his mission. He rather wished he had brought some back up, the gangs were better equipped then he had believed.
When you find yourself in some far off place
and it causes you to rethink some things
You start to sense you are slowly becoming someone else
And then your find yourself

A journey can begin anywhere. It is the encounters along the way that make the journey worth taking, even if the encounters begin in the darkness it is but only a few moments till there is light. Light that illuminates everything that the eyes can see, but notice in the corners there is still a bit of darkness. The Jedi had seen it own fair share of changes, the comings and going of people no one would have seen as ever leaving. The support and fixtures of the temple had rested once upon broad shoulders, for some the weight had been too much.

When you go through life so sure of where you are going
and you wind up lost and it is the best thing that could happen
Cause sometimes when you lose your way sometimes its just as well
That is when you find yourself
The lower levels of Coruscant

It was the day that Rianna came down to the lower levels bringing medicine, and her healers skills to those who needed it. Those who thought that everyone in the levels above had forgotten unless it was to blame them for something, or hunt for someone. Rianna brought what bits of comfort she could. Today was no different. Rianna was tending the wound of a young man, who looked at her with haunted untrusting eyes. Everyone about him told her he was in trouble, and trusted no one. Rianna dabbed the wound a bit with the bacta, it was deep, a blade wound for certain. What could she say to him that would help in some way.

"I will be here again next week, come back and see me let me know you are alright, that the wound is healing" The wound would heal, what Rianna was going to try to do was step over a bridge and get him to trust her. It would take time, a lot of time.

He grunted an acknowledgement of what she said and then hopped off the table and disappeared out the door. She could sense his relief though, greatful that she had helped him. Within a few seconds another patient appeared. A doe eyed girl, her lips swollen, bruises down her arms it was clear to Rianna's trained eye the poor dear had been beaten. Rianna had to swallow the lump that hung in her throat. She wished she could take this kind of brutality and administer it to those who gave it, she had to look down and swallow her emotions forcing a smile as she looked up. "Well now let's see what we have here"

Then there was a commotion, "There's fighting three levels down!" someone was announcing to everyone. Heads turned, there in their eyes a myriad of emotions. Don't go. Please go. Are we safe here? Rianna half smiled as she thought what to do next.
More swoop gangsters, this time with some droid support had the dark one pinned down and Arumi knew it. He also knew the droids that they were using, although an older model those execution droids were still heavily used by some sith lords. this confirmed his suspicions that the sith were aiding the gangs. Perhaps the crumbling Empire had a few fledgling lords looking to establish a base or one of the new factions rising looking for a start to bring down and wage war on the republic. Neither of those options sat well with him or sat well with the idea of order that he was trying to bring back to the galaxy. Arumi growled as he ignited his sabers and darted over the rubble that was acting as his cover, sabers twirling to deflect blaster bolts before they could do him in.
An explosion rocked beside him and he turned his head in time to spot the gangster with the heavy rocket taking aim at him. He flung a saber catching the rocketeer in the leg a she fired, unfortunately for the rocketeer the rocket hit where her leg once was obliterating her. Arumi began his dark work of cleaning up what survivors in this group, after a few minutes he had finished cutting them down. He knelt down beside the execution droid looking it over to clues of its owner or the sector it had come from.

(( Ooc had to kind of short hand it do to time constraints.
Rianna thought quickly, to save lives she grabbed her medical bag with its emergency kit. She looked at the one who had been doing all the yelling regarding the fight, running over to him she grasped his shoulder, "Take me there, please" He looked at her startled "But Miss" Rianna peered into his eyes, surely he could see what she felt she needed to do. He after a moment nodded, and so began Rianna's adventure through a series of ladders, slides, and air ducts. Was there no better way to get there, like an elevator?

But this was the way the man knew, he was use to evading it took about half and hour before Rianna was finally near where the fighting had occurred, and she could feel it. It hung heavy in the air around, them. "you can go" She told her guide who seemed more than eager to leave. Rianna walked carefully. The smell of blood was light, some weapons corterized wounds as they were used, less blood and very effective.

Bodies were strewn everywhere, there was no sounds of life, no sign of life. As she looked ahead she could feel a presence but she did not know this presence. The dim lighting here and there made it difficult to see well, shadows crawled along the walls. Rianna stopped as she scanned again for anyone. She swallowed hard this tension that hung over her made her ask what was at work now. It whispered to her to be silent, to be watchful.

And then she saw someone kneeling, but what was he doing. Words hung in her throat, what kind of Jedi comes to a fight and then can say nothing.
Arumi continued to examine the droid for marks indicating its point of origin and what sith lord had had them manufactured. He flipped the hull over and ripped off the back panel, looking at the interior of the droid.

" Your fear betrays you" the dark one said as he finally found the makers mark, imprinted on the back panels interior. " Sector 3" he said wondering who was the sith lord of the sector, who commanded the respect. He knew that the Empire was fragmenting, internal strife and external factors weighted heavily on them causing them to begin looking out for their best interest over that of the Empire. If there was a sith lord preparing to use this as a seat of power he would find them and he would stop them, the law enforcement on this planet already had enough to deal.

" Well are you going to say something or set there like a nerf at slaughter" he spat as he patted his trench down for his smokes and unceremoniously lit one " I was unaware that any other Republic assets was in this area"
"I am contemplating exactly what to say, as I also try to figure out why you have done this?" Rianna waved her hand to motion to all the bodies. "I come into this area to see to the sick, and wounded." Rianna took a soft breath in as she thought about what to say.

"I don't recognize you, are you of the Coruscant temple?" It was then that Rianna stretched out her senses around her trying to find out if he was light or dark, and should she be more on her guard. He seemed very sure, controlled. She was sure if she had seen him before she would remember. "Or are you on a special assignment for the Republic?" Too many questions, she knew it but how else to find out.

Cautiously she stepped forward looking down at the dead, their lifeless eyes staring upwards into the levels of a world that at times had forgotten them. Taking a way of life that made them further outcasts except to those they kept company with, and those that hired them.

@[member="Arumi Zy"]
@[member="Rianna Organa"]

" A little of all of that" he said as he stood up and moved next to the next droid, pulling off its access hatch and looking at the marks inside " If you are hear to heal the sick and wounded, i have made your job easier. Far fewer murderers and rapist to do damage to what amounts to the innocent in this section of hell" he said as he finally stood back erect and pulled out a small holopad. He typed in a few things before putting it away.

" Arumi Zy, or if you like Darth Fidelis. I am off the jedi council even though i am not much of a jedi, more a political refugee and under the control of the council. I am investigating sith ties these swoop gangs have" he said as he patted his coat down for his smokes and lit one. " These gangsters are being supplied with sith tech, i am looking for their cache and trying to identify which lord it is. With the sith in such dissaray it is time to be wary of one trying to move in"

" As to why i have destroyed them to the last as i have found them, they left me little choice. To kill or be killed is often the only way in these slums, law does nothing in this area, law has no sway. In the center of the galaxy, they afford little to protect those outside of the eye".
Rianna looked around, "That maybe so, but you're frightening the ones that are usually the victims, they think you are here to" Rianna smiled, "take over" It was not unheard of for someone force trained to come within the lower levels, and make havoc with everyone.

Rianna went a little closer, watching as Arumi Zy moved swiftly looking over and taking what was needed. "Sith ties" Rianna whispered, "that would explain why some of the people are scared, maybe they've seen something similiar." Rianna bit her lip for a moment, what to call him, "If you don't mind I would like to call you Arumi, I am Rianna Organa."

She understood finally what he was doing, "Perhaps I can help in some way, I am not one to kill. I can defend, but maybe I can help you find out who the name of the Sith" Arumi was doing a good thing, even if she was not sure of his methods. But still, she might be able to help in some way.

@[member="Arumi Zy"]

Cab Khan

Cab released her breath, and brushed some dust from her tunic before going around the corner now the fight had ended. This was Coruscant for pity's sake. Who was allowing gangsters with rocket launchers to wander around? Where was the CSF? Avoiding those who needed their help, as usual. But, that's why she had a job. But this was a little extreme. She double-checked her blaster pistol. Still good. The fighting was over, fortunately, though two people stood in the middle of it. Her rendezvous point was not far away now. Plenty of time yet to go the long way around. But it was good to be there early.
She frowned, tapping her fingers slowly, and then slipped forward to a nearby patch of shadows. She stopped, quieting her breath to see if she'd been detected or not.

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