Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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What's been happening?

Anyone savy on the current state of the galaxy? Care to give a brother a rundown?

Had a busy few weeks, sorry for the wait for those I was threading with, I've not abandoned you! Since the communist thing doesn't appear to be drawing in much interest I'm looking to write a military pilot character for one of the larger factions. If anyone out there would like to thread with such a character (or are a member of a faction in need) Let me know!

Particularly if you're of a non force dominated Empire.

Caius Flavian

Faction Admin - The Galactic Republic
[member="Bin Tutis"]

Hey man,

Well the Imperial Remnant is always looking for members. We right now are predominantly Non Force Users. Although that is in part because most of our force users have lost their muse.

We have a wealth of lore and a deep and budding backstory!

Our Emperor is a non force user and our Empress is a force user. They are also NPCs

Take a look here and let me know what you think!

We are in the process of a Faction Leader election and I am acting Interim Faction Leader until those are over.

For that reason I've set the membership settings for Faction Admin Approval. Our Out of Character forum is open though at the moment to guests to post and go ahead and post in our welcome thread if you need help developing a character that will fit in!
If you decide to join after taking a look then I'll make the approval. I would suggest refraining from voting for yourself but it is your choice on whom you feel might be fit to lead out of character!

Otherwise in other news there is the The Tournament of the Gods going on along with a series of betting house roleplay threads.
Thats about all I'm aware of right now though been to busy focusing on in faction stuff to keep up on the main line stuff

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