Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private What's lost is found.

Rustbuckets will never go out of style.
Subject 73 Red Subject 73 Red Dr. Droideka Dr. Droideka Annasari Annasari

Leenic stood in the hangar bay of the giant Zweihander Union dreadnought Natalus. He hoped that his call to his long-time friend and commander Red had not fallen on deaf ears, and that the bounty hunter he hired for extra protection (and to burn some unneeded credits) didn't get cold feet. He knew treasure hunting wasn't exactly the most exiting of missions, but this was important to him to complete. Mk3 Battle Droids scurried around the hangar doing whatever tasks were assigned to them, but paying very little (if any) attention to the bounty hunter and his ship. Leenic heard the foot steps of a larger droid and another man and turned to greet them. "Ah, Dr. Droideka, nice to see you."

Subject 73 Red

We're more ghosts than people.
Leenic Ellsil Leenic Ellsil Dr. Droideka Dr. Droideka Annasari Annasari

Red walked through the hangar of the Dreadnought. He passed multiple ships and crew members and pilots on his way through. Red held his helmet under his left arm. He had his armor already on, and was already fully equipped with his weapons, including his beloved grenade launcher and lightsaber. He equipped his blaster rifle with an adjustable scope, to allow it to have a sniper mode. He was here because Leenic had asked for his help, and Red answered the call. He knew that this mission meant a lot to Leenic, so he agreed to go on it.

He approached Leenic. "Leenic, good to see you. I'm here." He told him.

Dr. Droideka

I'll be the brains of this outfit
Dr. Droideka stepped out into his ship's hangar and approached Leenic, nodding a hello to the man while his tactical droid "Crypt" gave him an over-exaggerated salute. "Welcome aboard Mr. Elsil." Said Droideka, standing about a foot in front of the man and looking into what he presumed to be his eyes. "But do not think that this is a luxury cruise, need I remind you that this is the second favor you have called within a week? You owe me double now." He then sighed and turned toward the door to the hangar, its blue shield casting a slight hue that was in slight contrast the the darkness of space. "I take it the others have yet to show up? It doesn't surprise me, I had a hu-" He was then interrupted by Red approaching and addressing Leenic. "I told you there was a 98% chance that at least one would show up." Said Crypt, looking down at Droideka. "I know you did Crypt," Droideka replied, turning and extending a hand towards Red. "Dr. Droideka, nice to finally meet the man I used droids to save."
Annasari stumbled through the giant hangar bay, still half-drunk from her wild night the evening before. To tell the truth, she had almost forgotten about this job; she had only remembered when the alarm on her datapad went off this morning, and she only decided to go when she couldn't fall back asleep after. She stopped for a moment, letting out a giant yawn, stretching into it, before continuing on. This mission should be interesting, to say the least. From what she had been told, the other bounty hunter had gathered a unique crew for a unique purpose.

Amidst the military members coming and going, Annasari felt out of place. She herself had never served- growing up on Nar Shadda, that wasn't exactly the thing people did. It was only recently she had taken up bounty hunting, attempting to make something of herself. She didn't doubt her own ability in this sector though- she knew she could face whatever challenge was thrown at her. As she walked, she stood up a little straighter, weapons swinging at her side, in an attempt to hide her uneasiness.

As she approached the ship, she eyed the figures who stood in front of it. She saw the Mandalorian she had been in contact with a few days before, along with the two others. She had heard rumors of who they were but never came face to face with them before. As she grew approached the group, she raised her eyebrows in way of greeting.

"Sorry for being late. We ready to do this, or what?"

Leenic Ellsil Leenic Ellsil | Dr. Droideka Dr. Droideka | Subject 73 Red Subject 73 Red
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Rustbuckets will never go out of style.
Leenic turned around at the woman's voice, noticing that she had a slight sway in her step that usually had too much drinking to blame. "Glad you could join us Ms. Annasari, but please refrain from drinking too much while on the mission." He said, stepping backwards to allow her into the circle of people he had gathered for the mission. "And now that everyone is here, time to talk about what it is you are all here for. The mission will be to track down an ancient Mandalorian artifact dating back from before the Clone Wars." He pulled out a holodisk and activated it, showing a map to a small system near Mandalor. "This map should take us right too it, but I've learned not to trust all intel that comes my way." He then closed the map before looking around at the group. "The pay is 100,000 credits each. If you have any questions or want to back out, you had better speak your peace before we get into hyperspace."

Subject 73 Red

We're more ghosts than people.
Leenic Ellsil Leenic Ellsil Annasari Annasari Dr. Droideka Dr. Droideka

Red turned to Dr. Droideka and his tactical droid. Red quite liked tactical droids, he even knew one that worked in the CIS. They were... definitely an interesting bunch of droids. "Dr. Droideka, nice to finally meet you. Thanks for the help on Coruscant, by the way. None of us expected anything like that to happen." He said, shaking the man's hand. Red turned to the other member of their group, the woman who seemed slightly off. Red was tempted to take a breathalyzer from the woman, just to see how drunk she was, but he refrained from doing that, it wasn't exactly something you asked someone to do.

Red listened to Leenic as he explained the mission. A Mandalorian artifact? There were like, hundreds or even thousands of those, and plenty from before the Clone Wars.
"What exactly are we looking for?" He asked. Red raised an eyebrow at the amount of money they were being paid for this job. "Why so much money?" He asked.
A slight blush begin to take over Annasari's face as she was called out. It quickly faded as she chose not to be bothered by the Mandalorians words. She studied the map intently after he activated it, frowning slightly. She was no archaeologist, and hunting artifacts may be a new gig to her, but she had a sneaking suspicion that it wouldn't be nearly as easy as it sounded. Nevertheless, she needed the credits.

As the other man spoke, her eyebrows went up in a state of curiosity. If the Mandolorian wanted to overpay, who were they to question it? She had just figured some buyers with way too much money was interested in whatever curio they were going after. She cleared her throat before beginning speaking.

"100,000 credits is agreeable. I don't ask questions, I'm just here to work."
Rustbuckets will never go out of style.
Leenic smiled when the woman said she didn't ask questions. "You should take notes, Red!" He joked, nudging Red with his elbow. "When a man offers you 100,000 credits, you should just take it! But, in all seriousness, all I know about it is two things. One, it belonged to the Death Watch and was a symbol of Mandalor's warrior culture. Two, it is the last of its kind and as such it is too priority to my clan that we get it to them intact." He shrugged and looked over at Red. "For all I know it could be the Darksaber, but that has been missing for hundreds of years. And I doubt the Mandalorian would just leave it somewhere."

Dr. Droideka

I'll be the brains of this outfit
Dr. Droideka nodded when Leenic finished his explanation, satisfied with both the payment and the object they were after. "This should not be too terribly difficult, just so long as there are no curses or ancient temples involved." He said, turning on his heel and begining to walk off towards the bridge. "Crypt and I will be in the bridge, it should take around 6 minutes to jump to hyperspace. Feel free to join us."

Subject 73 Red

We're more ghosts than people.
Leenic Ellsil Leenic Ellsil Dr. Droideka Dr. Droideka Annasari Annasari

Red listened to Leenic as he spoke. Okay, so the artifact belonged to Death Watch, and it's the last of it's kind. That narrows it down. Red doubted it would be the Darksaber, but you never knew. Leenic joked with Red about him just taking the money, and the woman said she didn't ask questions. Yeah, most normal people would just take the money, do the job, no questions asked. Good thing Red wasn't like most normal people. "The Darksaber? I'm pretty sure that is still in Mandalorian hands. If I remember my history correctly, the Rebel Sabine Wren used the Darksaber during the Galactic Civil War, against the Empire, before returning it to the Mandalorians. I doubt it will be the Darksaber, but it could be." Red said.

Dr. Droideka said he would be in the bridge, and they would jump to hyperspace soon. "Nah, I'm going to go to the firing range and training area, I want to do a little bit of warming up. If you need me, I'll be there." He told them. Then, he walked off, down the hallways and further into the ship, waling towards the training area and firing range.

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