Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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What's still Unwritten​

[member="Tanaski Yumi"]

The world was a place of beauty to see, everything that they had done... more so with some of her as she walked. The sound of the music as it was playing in the rooms of the temple for the people working on the construction was important. While she could admit there was not a need for it to herself there was also the fact this was a job that was time consuming and they were expected to work back breaking labor in the heat and cold to get everything done. Some entertainment for them was not to much to ask. It had the looks for her wherever she wanted to go now. More sounds coming as a shower of sparks and dust seemed to be coming off of some fo the equipment offering Junko a small nod of her head.

The jedi princess herself was carefully dressed, for reconstruction and upgrading purposes well she was prepared for any number of things that they could use. She walked on the arkannes wooden geta that made soft sounds on the newly carved and treated stone itself. THe silvery crystal veins of it gleaming in the light of the force energies all around her. Marble black and smooth to the touch with an inner warmth that radiated the lightside of the force. They were working on it to have the stone here that reflected her image wearing the princess robes. A sleek black kimono that radiated with the force energies, red trim to her outfit and it was stiff in some places but everything seemed highly flexible.

Her lightsaber was on the sash belt of her robes while against her tight was the field kit, the thin case with everything perfectly placed within it. Her eyes were black and looking forward as she walked letting the soft sound of the crystals in her hair piece clink together. Small strands coming down the length of her heair with a smile on her face where she presented it to the workers. Signing off of parts here and there for the reconstruction efforts that moved around with the jedi knight herself. Her sabers electrum and bone hilt over the new alloy they had designed allowed her to connect with it before she got to the older parts of the jedi temple itself hre able to look out and see the city in the distance across the valley below.
Voss, a jewel of the galaxy, home of the Silver Jedi, the order his sister was soo insistent on him checking out. Even if not to join the militant Jedi faction, to just check it out an see what the else was on offer besides endless assassination, constant flirting as well as getting in trouble with the authorities. Tanasuki just sighed, "this feels like a colossal waist of time, but anything to get her to stop bugging me about it, though, I have no idea where I am".

The young Jin had landed at the temple a few minutes ago in his personal fighter, a refurbished Jedi interceptor from the clone wars which his mother had acquired hold of some how, and was milling around with no real goal. "I guess I should look for someone to direct me in the right direction, but where", his brown eyes scanned the temple from a distance, looking for any definite signs of people. Soon said eyes and ear picked up the undeniable task of people working, not to far in the distance men and woman doing repairs or upgrades to the temple of sorts.

Tana gave a little shrug "Good enough place to start then any", making sure his vibro swords and other equipment was secured the young effeminate assassin started to climb the steps of the Jedi temple. The sound of tools echoing in the distance as the wind blew against his long black/blue hair. 'Why do Jedi have to make their temples so high up'.

[member="Junko Ike"]
[member="Tanaski Yumi"]

She was looking at all of it, where they had the work. Jet black stone that was highly reflective and she could see the silver strands they were working to put into the design here. Before the jedi knight looked around and saw someone she didn't know on the world. It was often people appeared but the princess stood there while her hands were clasped in front of herself. She was walking and bowed her head seeing him or her.. she wasn't exactly certain but it didn't really matter either way. They could let it go off of that. "Welcome to Voss young one, what is it that brings you out here if I may ask?"
As Tana continued up the steps it became apparent the the workers were remodeling the place, black marble being laid out and polished, pillar and other ornate decorations around for passerby's to see, "must cost a fortune to keep this place clean and tidy.... I guess that is what droids where made for". Walking further into the temple many of the workers gave Tana a quick nod, most likely mistaking him for a Jedi of sort, as well as being too busy to really care, though there was one person who did notice him and stood out very distinctly from those mulling around.

It was a woman, if memory served him correctly an Astrian, a race similar to his own, the Jin, just not obsessed with honor and pride. The woman was wearing a long red Kimono, complimented with the poise of a noble, perhaps this was the Jedi assigned to precede over the refurbishment of the temple. At the woman words Tana return the bow, something he did not do often, but felt obliged and not wanting to get in trouble, there were only so many places you could screw up before you were wanted by the whole galaxy.

"I am here to visit my elder sister, she was also very persistent in me having a look at the temple for myself and this Jedi Order, oh sorry I forgot to introduce myself, I am Tanasuki Yumi, I guess I am a Jedi, though more out for my own benefit, would I be able to get the name of such a well dress and I must say beautiful woman who stand in front of me"?

[member="Junko Ike"]
[member="Tanaski Yumi"]

Junko raised an eyebrow, not because of suspicion but more of interest. The boy and while she was confused at first by their appearance it kind of got cleared up. She was standing there as everything continued to work and go ahead. THe reconstruction of the temple in areas as they pulled up the stones, the newer more technically and structurally sound materials that were being used with a nod of her head. "I am Junko, Princess and regent of Maizuri." She said it plainly and standing there as a woman came to her with a hammer and some equipment on her belt.

Junko's nostrils flared a little allowing her to smell the sweat and work that they were doing. The old stone was good but it covered old dirt and things made their homes in the dirt... or their graves and as small areas that might have been sealed off were uncovered the smells and things were coming out. She knew they were working to repel and get rid of some of the bugs as wel. "We have been working on some things, we pulled up the old training rooms floors and there were some dead cats that made a home under there. Some other pets and creatures attracted to that old rotten garden the Silver Cross made and ignored."

Junko gave her a nod of her head, where they were working to get the pieces in the area. Before she was motioning with a hand to get the boy and herself out of the way of the droids and workers here. "I am afraid you have come at a strange time, the silver jedi are here and this is their temple or at least a part of it. We have been renovating it and a number of others across the galaxy." She said it but looked at him while standing there and allowed more of her look to be on display from the robes but also what she could do. Signing the datapads where they were working when holoprojections came up. "Tell me do you know anything about construction?"
He noted the way the woman looked at him with a quizzical look, he got those faily often, but want changed his attitude was what the woman said, 'a princess, that would explain the fancy clothing and the fact she's overseeing the new construction'. From what he could see with what limited knowledge on construction it seemed the workers were busy putting in new floors, wall and structural things, maybe rooms as well. The smell of gravel and dust hitting further to this fact, though what the princess said next made him snicker on the inside, the oh so powerful Jedi, thwarted by dead animals and pets, seemed ironic.

As the woman continued to speak he wondered if his sister had told him to come now so he'd get caught up in all this construction work. "I have not worked in construction, my main skills lie in weapons crafting fighting as well as espionage, why are you short handed? can you not just use droids for the work?" judging from the woman's sigh they were having a reasonable amount of problems with said renovation.

[member="Junko Ike"]
[member="Tanaski Yumi"]

Junko was looking at him with a nod of her head, He could be helpful but this was more or less something that they did. "It is quite alright, we have been doing this at many other sites." She said it while walking to the side and motioning to one fo the rooms that had been renovated already. With new projectors showing the temple against the sides of the mountain as it overlooked at the city in the distance with the valley between. Where they were setting up roadways and tunnels throughout. She had a few other things there while letting the projectors in the room create seats that they could sit on before she tested it and adjusted the hardlight works. "Come, come and sit. A visitor here who doesn't bring an army is a rare things now and days." She said it with a small look but had some interest and a keen eye in other things. Lounging almost in the chair with some practiced grace so she coudl see everything in the room but focusing on the current as the sounds drawned away leaving room for both of them to be heard.
Tana wondered how much money they were putting into their projects, still the renovations seemed nice, the over looking view of the city with the temple integrated into the mountain side. His eyes kept watering around looking around the temple as the workers continued their contraction until the geisha like woman beckoned him to sit with her, "I do not know if to take that comment about the armies as a sarcastic quip or a serious talk, from what my sister has told me about the order it seems that the major galactic powers with darkside backing seems to be after you... I wonder how long this order of yours has before your are forced to flee, and what that they might spell for the free core worlds".

Tana was not really a philosophical person, or a minder of galactic affairs, but his time on a world that had recently been taken over by the First Order relived, things would not be pretty, if the galaxy scummed to the dark side, all force users would be hunted down and force to join what ever dark faction caught them... or wore, he was partially glad the Rens had bigger fish to fry instead of worrying about a young force using assasin.

[member="Junko Ike"]
[member="Tanaski Yumi"]

Junko looked at him with a plain face and it was something of interest there. "Perhaps but the galaxy itself is a large place and the jedi always have places they can go that the darkside cannot find... or chooses not to bother with. It might not always be easy to admit but a wise jedi knows there are dangers and limitations in trusting the force instead of trying to bend it and others to their will. It means you have to have faith in someone to lead the way, or in something bigger such as the force, or in the people themselves who can have the hope to spark a rebellion and tear down the dakrness themselves instead of waiting for those who might be a little stronger, a little faster." She said it looking at him while she sat there though. "It won't be easy, it never should be easy. A jedi's life is service, even one such as myself must serve... yes it is true that I have wealth from my family. I have a title, I have a palace and lands but that doesn't make me special it means I have a duty to ensure all of the people who come to my home, who come to see me have the means to live, a meal in their bellies, a bed to sleep in. Clothing on their backs, fresh water and any number of other things." She said it though and wondered. "Your sister though if she thought you might want to be here, I am guessing she wanted you to meet a force user and gain an interest in us yes?"
Tana listened to the woman as she explained, her talked reminder him about his mother stories of the dark days, the days of the Galactic Empire over 800 years ago. True the Jedi could hide, work from the shadows, something he could well get behind, but in all cases of total dark dominance there was always one little factor. With the Empire it was that there where only two Sith in major power, and plenty of surviving Jedi left over, the Empire had also taken over diplomatically with many people knowing about the day before the war, and hat the freedom of the Republic was.

"That may be so but in today's galaxy it is a little different, to me anyways". "The Sith stay together and united due to a common enemy, someone to fight, people to stretch their power over", I would not put it past the Sith to go out of lengths ways to look for fights if they do establish themselves as majors powers". "That is what I worry about, because I will be around to see it, just like my mothers, a slight curse from her side of the family.... very, very long life span".

He gave out a slight sigh, a bit relived to get that burden of his shoulders, then completely changing personalities as the conversation went along. "Oh yes my lovely sister, a bit bland in my books, not one for fun, very strict adhere-er to the Riben-Jin code of honor and a prodigy force user, especially with force sight and visions". Sukai was a stronger and more naturally gifted force users, showing her abilities at a much younger age, though equal in power, her skill developed much faster than Tana's.

"My elder sister says that I should put my skills as a anti light-saber wielding force users to a good cause, but unlike her I did not receive as much training in the arts of using said force powers, focusing on the way of the sword". At that Tana produced on of his cortisis coated vibro swords, its grey and finely sharpened blade shinning in the sun light, "That is my reason for being here, as well as some firm words from my mother, our last meeting was a little heated, mainly about my current form of employment.

[member="Junko Ike"]
[member="Tanaski Yumi"]

Hmm she was listening and remained intent upon it. At some points going still and allowing the boly to finish before looking with a small flick of her eyes towards his blades but she didn't say anything yet. Allowing a moment until she returned her eyes to meet his. "Interesting." She said it before offering a smile, warm, inviting and making the small sides of her eyes raise up while she took a moment and then stood with a more fluid grace. Not bending her knees or making a sound aside from the sound of her robes where they were loose. THe jedi knight gave it a small look though as she held out a hand for a moment.

"Come along then, we'll see if there is something your skills can do and maybe get you a bath and some food." SHe said it less as an insult then more just because, hygiene was important and here they had the benefit of some of the more useful places. Thanks to the hydro technology developed along with sonic cleaners. Motioning for him to follow her as she stepped out fo the temple and down in the valley was a ship, landed and secured being loaded with supplies like new droids as well as some technicians. Junko motioned as the parts of the temple that were being worked on outside showed the smooth stone being reinforced in layers with silver metal.

The same metal of the ship itself, sleek and silver frame with a golden pyramid in the center that towered over most. A capstone appearing as it was a massive crystal grav trap able to detect stealth ships approaching. The droids that were loading things like cleaning supplies and some crates of different equipment. "My ship, like a few of the others we have from the jedi there is a great deal here. All are able to dock with the library compared to some fo the others if we really want to get more information or training. Sorel and Corvus helped out a lot with the construction of it." She said it while she was walking and motioned towards some fo the more intacts areas's of the temple where other jedi were.
Tana waited for the woman's response, getting a small mutter, before the princess stood up, had he revealed a bit to much information about his family? He did not know the full extent of his mothers or fathers past life, for now it may be best to refrain from refraining anymore personal information. "Hmmm, oh yes, that would be nice, been a while since I've had a bath or have sat down properly for decent meal".

He followed the Jedi through the hall ways to the ship, a sleek and beautiful design in all part, "So your personal ships act a home while they are dock at the temple? interesting, sounds like something that a smuggler would do, but i see its practicality". The two continued to walk further into the temple, the sound of work ad construction slowly dying out, being replaced by the wound of shuffling feet and words as Jedi and others started to come into view. "This is the first time I have been around so many force users and Jedi, it feels.. odd".

[member="Junko Ike"]
[member="Tanaski Yumi"]

Junko looked at him as she ascended the steps of the temple going towards some of the higher rooms. The comment about her ship got som interest. "Well as wonderful as the temple is there is more then just it. As many jedi seem to forget, several worlds where temples and places have been built or restored." She said it while still walking and looking out. "My ship though serves as a mobile temple and palace where I can meet others. For diplomatic missions to Atrisia and other places that are needed to go." She said it with a small grin on her face now entering one of the rooms until she clasped her hands behind her back.

"Now lets get you that bath and some food, by the time you get out there will be a spread for you and myself here in the solar." She said it motioning with one hand as some of the servant droids and armored servants came around with supplies. "One of the rooms made for meeting and hosting others. Please take your time, we have more then enough and with all of the work going on well you'll find the bathhouse or even the private chambers to be quite sparse." She was looking at some of the parts here motioning for the boy to go off before she secured her saber on a table and had them bringing out different robes that she could wear.
Tana did not know a lot about the Jedi or their ways, but it seemed that staying in a central hub of.. well he didn't know what to call it, but the whole staying in one central place seemed to be a common thing no matter where you went, maybe that was just part of human/near human nature, wanting to be at the center of whatever was going on.

Upon entering the room he gave the woman another slight bow, after she explained the proceedings, reverting back to a more proper personality, "Thank you for your hospitality". Tana took off hi weapon belt, handing it to one of the protocol droids, "I trust you will keep these safe, I forged them myself", Riben-Jin where traditionally expert smiths and weapon makers, a skill that Tana had taken up early on in life, just as a light saber was to it Jedi, the short curved swords where part of him.

"Oh, before I go in for a bath, would you by any chance have a spare Kimono that I could wear, it has been a while since I have dressed in one". He waited for the woman's response before heading off the the baths, eagerly anticipating the coming warm and long needed sensation of warm water. Slowly Tana disrobed, neatly folding up his sailor suit like clothing, placing the pants and armor wear kama on top, "I wonder what would happen if a male Jedi suddenly came in, hehehe, that would be a laugh".

Fashioning his hair into a neat bun Tana slowly approached the warm water, steam filling up his vision as he place a foot into the bath, a welcoming sensation running up his body, "I have to do this more often, hmmm, maybe visit a hot spring on Tintiang, apparently they are very popular". Getting fulling into the bath Tana carefully slid down to wait height, leaning against the end, it seemed that the woman war right about it being sparse "I wonder what she is making the robot prepare for dinner".


[member="Junko Ike"]
[member="Tanaski Yumi"]

Junko let him go off and motioned with her hand. "Of course." She said it and offering a small chance for them to be able to bring out some other clothing. Something nice as she got a deep red kimono for the boy and left her own there with a small grin on her face. She had them laid out while changing and having the food set up and ready. Before she was taking a seat and could see everything laid out, various meats and veggies that had been steamed. Rice with sauces and a collection of cheeses to go along with the different types of bread as there were slices of jakobeast bacon there sizzling in their own flavorful grease.

Junko looked out while the attending droids and now that she was here the Onna Bugeisha appeared here. All of the work they did as they stood around, force katana's on their hips and all were looking intently. Along the corners before her Vassals here made sure the man in the bathing area was prepared for anything that might be working out. She didn't have them for fear but all of the information about what they were bringing for her to see and sign off on. "My lady your cousin [member="Shoma Ike"] has been seen." Junko raised an eyebrow at that and tapped a screen to see an image as she felt something strange.

"Send him a message, hopefully it is him but one cannot be to safe. We have seen many clones that were sith agents or worse. Invite him for a future date to come and see me. We have worked to restore the palace after all and it should be very nice with the village down below. it will be just like home." She had a small grin on her face now leaving it open for Tanaski to come and join her in his own seat next to her at the table. "As for the boy well make sure he has his clothing as well as equipment for himself but give proper cleaning supplies to it. It shouldn't be well dirty to mess up his clothing." She got nods as they all set about to work.
Tana eyed the Red kimono as he relaxed in the bath, it seemed like something his mother would wear as he slightly preferred white, but it still looked beautiful, most likely cost a a small sum. Muffle sounds came from outside, sounding like people discussing something more that food preparations, 'she did say she was a princess, perhaps some foreign dignitary has stopped by, if that's the case, have to be on my best behavior'.

A bit of time passed as the noise from outside quieted down, as well as on of the princesses Vassel coming in, giving a short bow before presenting his equipment and clothing. "Lady Ike as to have your equipment returned for you upon finishing your bath, and awaits your presence at the table". "Of course, I am just about done here anyways, starting to get hungry myself". The vassal gave a slight nod before leaving Tana to his privacy, leaving his swords and other belonging to the side, next the Kimono, its light shade or red being a stark contrast to his usual navy blue outfit.

Tana excited the bath, the slightly cool air sending a shiver down his spin, but also giving a refreshing feeling. Quickly Tana dryed himself of with the towel provided by the vassal, getting dresses in the light red Kimono, tucking both Vibro swords to his left side. Once again tiring his hair into a pony tail, but stopping half way through, 'hmmm, I need to do something different'. Reaching into his other outfits pocket he produced two hair clips, moving his usual flat fringe to the side and pinning it up, making his face a bit more visible, 'thats better, now for lunch, or dinner, either works'.

Walking out of the bath house he gave a slight twirl around, testing the new set of clothing, "This is a very nice piece of clothing lady Ike, thank your for letting me wear it". Tana walked to the table where the spread had been set out, the amount and variety of food present being more then he would have been able to experience staying as an assassin, 'I could get use to this'. "Is there anyone else joining us today, seems like a lot of food for only two people"?

[member="Junko Ike"]
[member="Tanaski Yumi"]

Junko paused when he came out and it was a strange look for a moment. She was more curious as he seemed to almost look like a girl for a moment but then she let it go as fast as it came to her mind. She looked at the spread though and gave the slightest of shrugs. "Perhaps but no this is just for us, I wasn't sure what you might like or how much so I had them make a good spread that covers all of the basis and allows you to eat anything." She said it sitting there before they were here. She flicked her eyes up to the boy again. "You look better, I am glad that they fit." She said it while looking at some of the other parts they had here before motioning to the chair.

"Now sit, eat and tell me what kind of master you are looking for so we can begin the process of finding you one." Junko said it as she sat there and started to serve a small portion to herself, still a good amount on the plate but she started to eat for herself. Using the bread to absorb the juices from the meat and sauces. She as liking the taste of it and they had gone out fo their way to really make this something to see and taste for themselves. She waited for some of the juice they brought to drink with a small bow of her head checking and putting a napkin on her lap.
Tana mentally laughed to himself at lady Ike, slightly stunned expression, it was always fun to confuses people in his gender, even when people did know he was a boy, it was still very confusing for them. "Well the meal looks delicious... oh do you like the look? true I have a habit of coming off very.. girly, but I do not mind, has lead to some, interesting conversations and meetings with people".

Pulling out on of the chair he Tana sat down, making sure to keep a straight posture, as to no crease the Kimono, the large table and accompany food was almost to good to be true, and in all honestly he did not know where to start. He decided to start of what he was most familiar with, rice withe a soy sources dressing, marinated meat and other additions, the shear smell being almost enought to satisfy his hunger.

"To be honest I do not know what type of master I am looking for, my only teach was my mother, and her methods were very, militaristic, due to a mercenary past, I have yet to learn from a proper force users, but I guess it would be someone with a very traditional view, though not too strict".

[member="Junko Ike"]
[member="Tanaski Yumi"]

Junko looked at him and gave a nod of her head. In understanding, there was traditional like many of the Ike's who served as jedi. A fair number and Sorel, Son-Jan, Zak. Jedi who were willing to be jedi and there were a number of jedi that she had seen who were fluid and willing to do whatever it meant that they would be popular with others. "Well we certainly have traditional jedi and a number of these new age ones that treat tradition more as a guideline. Willingly using the darkside and compromising themselves and others because it is the thing to do." She said it and the part of her that might regret it was there but she didn't bother with doubt to it.

Instead Junko took a bite of the food and remained neutral to it all, she was more then willing to teach traditionally compared to many of the others and she might take a small look at it before she was moving around. "There is a few things though you should be careful of. The jedi life isn't supposed to be easy or filled with praise. Many seek to make a name for themselves in the galaxy, this sin't what you want to do, many seem to think it is something you can stop doing when you get tired. This isn't true, once you are a jedi you are always a jedi. I might run and protect one of the academies but I still serve as a jedi where needed."

She said it indicating all of the temple around her. "I also work with people like the Voss-Ka who help out where needed, construction purposes opf temples and places that we can fix everything up. Regardless of whether I have wealth from my family that is used or I was a child from the poorest planet in the galaxy anyone within the jedi can become strong and highly placed. At least usually now it seems more and more you have to understand politics to get ahead and curry favor with others. Something that can be dangerous and show why many of us are in dangerous situations." Junko offered a look using one of the rolls to get some juice and she ate it.

"It might not always be as glamorous as this but well I do have no padawans at present and I have a duty to the jedi to teach the next generation." She said it and was sitting there with a look on her face before she motioned with one of her hands. Slightly at first but then with a small flourish that gave the majority of jedi something almost mystical with small wisps of force energy around her hand. Where she wanted to look opening a window to look out on the valley between the temple and city before she checked out other parts of it. Leaving the droids and the others here to bring in a few crates of different equipment.
Tana partook of small amount from his plate, knowing this conversation could take a while, an wanted to savoir the taste as much as he could. "What you said about using the code as a guide line kind of suits my play style, though I try to refrain from using the dark side, I know what trouble it can cause to a person, both my mother and sister suffer from it, and certain... event can cause them to act irrationally, that is not something I really want to deal with". He waited a second to let meditate on the words, "thought hat does not mean I will do what I think is necessary to get the right outcome though".

A small smile appeared across his face at the mention of making a name, "Haha, do not worry about that, my past... achievements have not been one about getting noticed". Tana was not sure I Sukai had revealed anything to the Silver Jedi about his occupation as an assassin, killing for money, experience and fun, it severed as his main source of training, and where he'd put the 'girl act' to extensive use, more then often taking things a bit to far. But that was in the past, being caught by a bounty hunter and almost rotting in a First Order jail cell seemed to act as a sobering experience.

"Is that an invitation, training the next generation of Padawans? I may seem a little cocky at time, but when need be I can be a dedicated pupil, I'm sure your training would be, not as intensive as my mothers, I would also see to it that your teachings get passed onto others, centuries.. I mean, decades from now". Tanas gaze wandered to the window where Ike had pointed, trying to hide the slight amount of cringe in his expression 'hope she does not find that suspicious'. The prospect of living for around 500 years or more was more or less second nature to Tana, he often forgot about normal human life spans.

[member="Junko Ike"]

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