Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private What's the deal with...?

Generally, Tertius usually knew what to expect when he wanted to get what he wanted. Be it through long and arduous discussions with politicians, discussing terms and contracts with businessfolk or even sometimes the occasional dealings with thieves and smugglers that think they could outwit the company he ran, but now he was a bit nervous, a bit annoyed even. Considering the purchase he attempted to make, there wouldn't or shouldn't have been too many issues and the Marquis expected some proper clean and cut dry deal completed in a matter of seconds...but NOOO...for some reason this company practically demanded the Chairman of the board of the Nargath and Zanareth Umbrella Corporation to come down to Coruscant, where the Starcraft Shipyards headquarters was located.

As mentioned, Tertius had dealt with a great deal of people, but this...this was a first. It was the first time he actually felt somewhat annoyed and maybe even somewhat nervous, considering this wasn't a discussion on his own terrain, but on the terrain of another. He had to admit it was unconventional, but nevertheless a smart move, since generally you'd have the advantage on your home turf.

With no clue what to expect, the Head of House Nargath passed through the main entrance of Starcraft Shipyard's headquarters, trying to find the reception or anything of the sorts in order to actually get his way to the one running this business. Eventually finding the reception, the Marquis calmly walked up to it and inquired whether or not the company owner was available for a meeting...someone by the name of Braze Braze was the person he was supposed to meet...though he had no clue what to expect.



TAGS: Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath

The lobby was a spacious and modern area, with polished marble floors and minimalist decor. The receptionist's desk was sleek and white, illuminated by subtle underlighting that gave the area a sophisticated glow. Behind the desk, a large digital screen displayed the company's logo and various announcements.

Everett, a tall man with glasses, long black hair, and a dark suit accented by a black and white tiger-striped satin tie, was speaking with the receptionist. As he conversed with her, he noticed a blonde man entering the lobby.

"Good afternoon," Everett said, stepping forward with a welcoming smile. "You must be our guest. I'm Everett. It's a pleasure to meet you."

He extended his hand for a firm handshake. "I've been expecting you. If you'll follow me, I'll take you to the conference room. Braze is waiting for you."

With a courteous nod, Everett led the blonde man down a corridor lined with framed artwork and modern light fixtures. The hallway was quiet, the only sound being the soft click of their shoes on the polished floor. As they walked, Everett made light conversation, ensuring the guest felt comfortable and welcomed.

After a short walk, they arrived at a set of double doors. Everett pushed one open, revealing a spacious and well-appointed conference room. The room was designed for comfort and functionality, with a large wooden table at its center, surrounded by high-backed chairs. The walls were adorned with tasteful art, and a large window offered a view of the city skyline.

The table was covered with little covered trays, each filled with warm, freshly prepared food, laid out like a sumptuous meal. At the head of the table sat a young Echani, just 14 years old, dressed in elegant black and white silk robes. This was Braze, the owner and founder of Starcraft Shipyards. His presence commanded the room, despite his youth, with an air of confidence and authority.

"Please, make yourself comfortable,"
Everett said, gesturing for the guest to enter and take a seat. "Can I get you anything to drink? Coffee, tea, water?"

Everett stepped out for a moment, returning shortly with a pitcher of the requested drink, which he placed in front of the guest. He then took a seat near the head of the table, ready to facilitate the meeting.

Braze looked up from his place at the head of the table, his silver eyes sharp and attentive. "Welcome," he said with a nod. "I hope you're hungry. Let's get started, shall we?"

Finally being attended to, Tertius found himself being escorted through the corporate headquarters of the company he was trying to enlist for the same of a purchase, still finding it rather unnecessary to be having a face to face for the mere purchase of a few machines. Not knowing the reasoning of the one demanding this sort of meeting, the Marquis felt slightly annoyed, perhaps even more so when eventually he found himself sitting in a rather luxurious conference room, with what looked to be a preteen boy, hardly old enough to have managed to have their voice change.

As soon as he had been granted leave to be seated, the Marquis of House Nargath turned to the man who had been guiding him and who had introduced himself as Everett, his thin lips curling up ever so slightly when he was given a choice for a preferred beverage. Considering these were working hours, the N&Z chairman let out a soft sigh. "Coffee, blue milk, no sweeteners."

Turning his attention back to the rather young looking fellow who was dressed as if he truly did run the company, Tertius tilted his head a bit to the right, a sharp, somewhat calculated smile appearing on his own face as he tried to asses the young man sitting on the other end of the table. "Very well, let us indeed begin."

Reaching within his overcoat, the Marquis placed a datapad on the table, accompanied by what looked like a piece of transparisteel surrounded by a duraplast frame, a tablet of sorts. tapping on the datapad's screen a few times, the Marquis turned his attention towards the tablet he also held, seemingly nodding approvingly. "First and foremost, I may be correct in assuming that this meeting is the result of my company's expression of interest in the purchase of the Crafty Collector Crab : Deep-Space Mining and Salvage Vessel in a small sample quantity, correct? If this is indeed the case, I will explain the purpose of this potential purchase and any further businesses. As you may or may not know, the N&Z Umbrella Corporation has a wide variety of fields of expertise and services and one of those is the business of the mining and refiningof minerals. Under the auspices of the N&Z subsidiary; the United Seswanna Mining Works, currently we have a handful of mining sites within the Seswanna sector...but there are plans for further expansion of the mining operations and as such the USMW wishes to procure a handful of these Crafty Collector Crabs in order to more effienctly collect minerals within the Seswanna system, thus potentially lowering the overall costs of the localized mining and refining operations, which would free up liquidity for any potential expansions."

taking in a deep breath, the Marquis paused for a moment, his facial expression clearly showing that he hoped the boy or the man called Everett would affirm that they could follow up to this point. "Should I pause or can we continue?"

Braze Braze


Braze watched and listened intently as the man spoke, taking careful note of his words before the man began to rattle off various details. When the blonde man finished speaking, Braze offered a warm smile and introduced himself.

"Well then... I'm Braze," he said, his tone friendly and welcoming. "You're welcome to sit by me if you like, and if you feel comfortable doing so. I had a nice lunch catered for us to enjoy." He gestured across the table's spread, showcasing the luxurious dishes beneath clear glass covers.

"So, you're in the business of mining and refining raw materials. That's very interesting. If you want to keep talking about that, you're free to do so," Braze continued as he moved to open a few of the covered dishes, selecting a variety of items.

The table was adorned with a sumptuous spread, each dish crafted to delight the senses. At the center, a large platter featured thinly sliced, delicate fish, arranged artfully over a bed of shaved ice, with vibrant green leaves and bright yellow flowers as garnish. Nearby, a bamboo steamer revealed soft, fluffy buns filled with tender, marinated pork, glistening with a hint of glaze.

A platter of crispy, golden-brown dumplings sat beside a small dish of tangy dipping sauce, their savory filling hinting at a blend of crab and cream cheese. Another section of the table showcased steaming bowls of rich, flavorful broth with springy noodles, topped with slices of succulent pork, marinated egg, and a scattering of green onions and nori.

Perfectly fried cutlets of juicy chicken rested on a bed of finely shredded cabbage, accompanied by a small dish of thick, savory sauce for dipping. Nearby, a plate held perfectly seared, juicy slices of beef, garnished with finely chopped green onions and a sprinkling of sesame seeds.

A variety of crispy, tempura-fried vegetables and shrimp stood tall, accompanied by a small bowl of dipping sauce with a tangy, slightly sweet flavor. Small, intricately arranged rolls of vinegared rice, wrapped in thin layers of seafood and vegetables, were placed on a wooden board, each piece a burst of color and flavor.

For a touch of sweetness, round, golden balls coated in sesame seeds and filled with smooth red bean paste were nestled on a tray. Another dish offered savory, bite-sized puffs filled with tender octopus, topped with a drizzle of savory sauce and a sprinkle of bonito flakes.

Hand-rolled cones of seaweed filled with vinegared rice, fresh seafood, and crisp vegetables provided a delightful combination of textures and flavors. In a lacquered box, neatly arranged layers of vinegared rice, thinly sliced omelet, and marinated vegetables created a visually stunning and flavorful experience.

Nearby, grilled skewers featured a variety of meats and vegetables, each bite tender and perfectly seasoned. For a refreshing finish, a platter of fresh fruits, including juicy slices of melon, plump strawberries, and perfectly ripe citrus segments, offered a sweet and tangy conclusion to the feast.

Braze stood up and helped himself to what he fancied, carefully selecting items from the lavish spread.

"Perhaps you can enlighten me on how many you mean for a sample size?" Braze questioned gently, his curiosity piqued.

"My apologies," Quickly, Tertius realized that he had not even bothered to introduce himself, which would have been a rather large slight on his part, even though it was most likely that this young fellow knew well enough who he was talking to, it might have been that his assistant was the one who was more in the know in regards to who and what the young man was dealing with. "Such rudeness is not one of my habits. it is my pleasure to make your acquantaince, Sir Braze... I am Tertius Nargath, Chairman of the Nargath and Zanareth Umbrella Corporation."

Falling silent, the Marquis of House Nargath's eyes fell upon the veritable spread of foodstuffs and dishes, a whole regiment would be fed when they were given such a wealth in variety and quantity. Letting out a sigh, Tertius after having made his apologetic bow, sat down again, keeping himself content with the coffee he had decided on. Excesses such as this weren't something he partook in, at least not when he had already had his breakfast not too long ago. "I must decline this most graceous offer, but I am not hungry...I have had a hearty breakfast not too long ago, I will stick with a good cup of coffee if it is not an offense to your hospitality."

It was slightly annoying, but this kid had managed to make the first move better than Tertius had expected and his own slip up didn't help either, but it wasn't too much of a problem...yet. For now, he kept himself quiet after having rambled on too much earlier, simply content with watching the young man help himself to whatever foodstuffs he fancied, all the while awaiting some sort of retort coming from this Braze fellow...which eventually came...

"A sample size would mean...a handful," Tilting his head a bit to the side, the Marquis' lips curled ever so slightly into a sly smile. "While the USM does show interest in the ship you are offering, we do need to make sure of the quality and efficiency of the wares. Meaning that if my mining division is...content with the product, a larger contract may be offered from our end."

Braze Braze

Braze settled back, set his meal aside, and covered it. Taking a deliberate sip from his tea, he considered Tertius's words carefully before responding.

"I understand your desire to evaluate the capabilities of our ships, but please understand, I am not in a rush to make deals. Starcraft Shipyards has secured contracts with five prominent companies within our first year of business. My interest lies beyond mere capital; I care deeply about the integrity and goals of those I do business with.

I prioritize knowing my associates and ensuring they share my values. My company will not engage in war profiteering or ventures that lead to planetary destruction. These are lines I will not cross. It's crucial for me to align with partners who have ethical and sustainable practices.

If your request is purely for a few ships, I need a specific number. Vague requests for a handful of starships are impractical and somewhat troublesome. To me, the essence of a partnership and buissness deals is in the long-term vision and mutual growth. I want to understand your broader goals and how you envision our collaboration.

At Starcraft Shipyards, we pride ourselves on the quality and innovative design of our products. I have personally entrusted my life to the functionality and durability of our ships, and I am pleased with the results, which I've documented and can make available to you upon request. But beyond the products, it is the relationships and shared principles that matter most.

So, I ask for clarity not just on the number of ships you need, but on your intentions and long-term vision. I seek business associates and partners committed to responsible and forward-thinking ventures. Let's ensure we are aligned in both purpose and practice."

"Five," The marquis raised his hand, with his fingers stretched out. "One for each of the main mining sectors operated by the USM. If this ship can allow for more and efficient mining in asteroid belts or on uninhabited is both a profit and a societal boon, no matter what one may say."

Waving his hand in the air, the Marquis motioned that he found the young man's words rather harsh and somewhat...hypocrite, the Starcraft shipyards from what he had managed to gather on the company provided mostly parts for other companies. It was in essence a noble natured company, but as hypocritic as the Jedi and the sith.

"I will admit that the N&Z has no political affiliation, has no issue with providing armies with ships and weapons," Tertius let out a sigh, tapping on the table with one finger. "But we do not actively pursue war, we provide practically all our services in equal meassure to all who require and pay for it. Fairness and profit through fairness. We do not meddle with wars, with quarrels, we simply act as we should: a proper business with no ulterior motives or grand schemes besides the desire for progress, for the continued enrichment of the very people that support us, that work for us and who have their livelyhood depend on us."

Letting out a sigh, the hand which had been tapping upon the table moved towards the Marquis' head and calmly combed his hair backwards. "The reason the USM has shown interest in your ships is because they may actively remove mining from habited worlds and would thus lessen the impact of our mining operations on the systems and sectors populace...should you ships function as required, we can expand our operations without enlarging our overall impact on people in any negative way."

Braze Braze


Braze leaned back, his expression thoughtful. He took another sip from his tea, then set the cup down gently.

"I appreciate your candor, Marquis. It's clear you understand the dual nature of our industry—profit and societal impact. Five ships, one for each of your main mining sectors, is a reasonable start. Efficient and environmentally responsible mining is indeed both a profit and societal boon.

However, I must clarify my position. Starcraft Shipyards, though we supply parts to various companies, adheres strictly to principles that avoid contributing to unnecessary conflict. Our goal is to support ventures that promote progress without causing harm. My previous comments were not meant to be harsh but to express our commitment to these principles.

Your assurance that N&Z does not pursue war and aims for fairness in business is encouraging. My concern, as I've stated, is the integrity and goals of our partners. I seek collaborations that prioritize ethical practices and long-term sustainability.

The potential of your interest in our ships to reduce the environmental impact of mining on inhabited worlds aligns well with our values. If our ships can indeed support such a transition, it would be a significant step forward. This alignment is essential for us to consider a meaningful partnership.

That said, what measures do you have in place to ensure N&Z will not pursue poor business practices for higher profits? It's crucial for us to understand how you intend to uphold these principles in the long run.

Additionally, I am curious about what you intend to offer for this deal. I do not wish to make agreements based solely on currency. I would rather foster future cooperation through meaningful incentives.

Lastly, on a lighter note, what is your favorite flavor of popcorn?"

Turning to Everett, Braze added, "Please ensure that such terms and conditions are included in the contract along with the bill of sale. Also, take notes on our discussion for future reference."

Braze's tone remained cordial and polite, but firm, emphasizing the importance of ethical considerations and future cooperation in their potential business partnership.

Tertius looked at the young fellow with a mixture of surprise and acknowledgement. He had to admit that this kid had the chops to grow big in the corporate world, where strategy and tactics were just as important as they were in war. After all, business and war had similar ways of conduct, similar ways of operation. There was the diplomatic side, the side where one would approach with caution and with a certain amount of integrity and good faith, where on the other hand, business could also be ruthless, covert and downright dirty...just like a war. The fact that this young man was keenly aware of these sides was on its own already remarkable, but the fact that he managed to put the Marquis on the back foot was quite admirable.

"It is noble to look for integrity in business," The head of House Nargath let out a soft, gentle chuckle in reponse to the explanation given by Braze. However, while he did agree that integrity was important, he could not vouch for the N&Z's integrity as a whole. Even though he was the first Nargath in two generations to hold absolute control over the company, the last time this had been the case, the company was not exactly blameless when it came to several aggregious happenings. "But I can only give you my word that I have distanced myself from the workings and machinations employed by my great-uncle. The N&Z seeks only to provide its products to its clients."

Again a soft sigh escaped the man's lips, but he simply smiled it off and nodded. "Perhaps a further evaluation to both sides may be the best option."

"On that lighter note... Salted whisky caramel, would be my favorite flavour."

Braze Braze

Braze leaned back, a thoughtful expression crossing his face as he listened to Tertius's response. The Marquis's acknowledgment of integrity and his willingness to distance himself from the less reputable practices of his great-uncle was encouraging.

"Are you aware of the ship's special feature concerning popcorn?" Braze asked simply, a hint of amusement in his eyes. "It's a small touch, but our clients find it quite enjoyable."

Shifting to a more serious tone, Braze continued, "If I may be so bold, I suggest considering the very plain facts: you are a resource-er who refines raw materials, and I am a manufacturer who uses raw materials." He trailed off gently, hinting at the potential for a mutually beneficial arrangement beyond mere currency.

"I...I don't think I was..." Tertius was somewhat taken aback by the young fellow's mention of a special popcorn function, wondering if the division chiefs from USM were aware of this feature when they pushed for the board of directors to look into the purchase of these titanic machines. For the Marquis, the only thing that counted was the use and the efficiency these ships promised to his operations...if by any chance they'd have ammenities that would give those working on it a better time during the long hours of their would best be considered as a boon. "I reckon that is the mark of this company's own set of ideosynchacies?"

Having ideosynchracies wasn't bad, it showed a level of uniqueness and character you generally couldn't find among the much larger companies, even the N&Z was sort of lost in that regard, as it had in a sense not retained the ideosynchracies it had when it was still a local player on the market.

"It is part of our many operations, yes," Braze Braze was at this point the second...nay, the third person to mistake the fact that the N&Z had mining operations as the N&Z itself being a mining company. It wasn't entirely wrong, but it did somewhat diminished the variation in services and products the old company provided all across the galaxy, with training fields for military training, security services, transport services, shipbuilding and engineering, financial securities and more.

"If you are talking about obtaining either a license for the use of our exclusive materials or a contract for the base refined and raw materials that fall outside of our patented alloys and engineered materials," Tilting his head a bit to better take in the young man's facial expressions, tertius hoped he could have a better observation on how the boy would react. "Such things can indeed be discussed and agreed upon in due time...but as you have made clear must prove their integrity before any further negotiations will be made, and this does go both ways."



TAGS: Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath


Braze's jade green eyes narrowed slightly, betraying his irritation. "Well then, it appears we are at an impasse. You don't seem to value a trade based on mutual exchange of goods and services, and I'm not interested in monetary gain alone. Your approach is quite insulting. We have numerous parties willing to engage on terms that respect our values and integrity. If you're unable to meet us halfway, perhaps this discussion concludes here."

The Marquis noticed the shift in tone of voice and the shift in facial expressions coming from the young man, the hypocrisy was dripping from the child's words, to such a point that the N&Z Chairman simply started making some calculations in his head in regards of the real profit he'd gain from purchasing those vessels compared to simply figuring out a way to do it all by himself...though he'd reckon those that did want these vessels specifically would have to do without that popcorn feature in that case.

"I think in that case, this discussion does indeed end here," Tertius let out a sigh and stood up from his chair, nodding courteously towards Braze Braze , his face cold and stern, as he felt like what should have amounted to a simple, easy and respectful transaction of goods and credits with a chance of further contracts had become nothing but a vetting process where he'd have to be the one throwing the bones. "We are not at an impasse, sir. We have passed that point when you renege on the fact that your company too is subject to the standard procedure when it comes to purchasing products. The hypocrisy in which you demand to know the integrity of my company, but act as if having such reservations on both sides is insulting shows that this discussion will not lead to a fruitful relationship."

Making another gentle and graceous bow, keeping his eyes on the young man, the Marquis motioned towards the coffee. "My thanks for the delicious brew, and may those interested parties for your products enjoy them and the fruits of their operation as much as I had hoped to do. Now, I bid you good day, sir."

With those words, the Marquis turned around and walked towards the exit of the conference room, before turning around once again. "I reckon I should at least mention before I leave, that if you had simply treated me with the respect and dignity of a potential customer rather than the disrespect and distrust usually alotted to a beaten opponent in a diplomatic conversation...this would have most likely ended up completely different. DO take this advice at heart for your next endeavours Sir Braze."


The little white-haired youth observed the Marquis with a steady gaze, unfazed by the stern demeanor. His reply was measured and deliberate:

"I didn't expect you to think a trade of goods and services was out of the question. It seems you have no interest in proving the quality of your own products, let alone have any pride in them. One would think a company of your supposed caliber would have more pride in their products. Clearly, I was mistaken."

He paused briefly, allowing his words to settle before continuing.

"Everett, please send fifty mining vessels to the Seswanna Sector and begin operations. Ensure that one-tenth of the crew comes from Mustafar and twenty-five percent from the 'UR'. Call up Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau and tell her I'd like to set up a cordial meeting and invite her to a nice place for this evening. Also, send a message to Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell and state we have a wonderful new proposition that has opened up. Have our guest escorted off the premises and added to our blacklist. Please see to it that our contracts are updated to reflect the conditions I give you within the hour."

He then turned slightly to another assistant, "And have a dossier on the workings and machinations employed by the Marquis' great-uncle delivered to me by this evening."

With a final, calm look at the Marquis, he added, "Thank you for your time, and good day."


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