Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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What's This Madness!?

Sup. Been a while. Real long while actually. I promised updates on my kids so I figure qhy not actually update it like I said? Unfortunately though, that's not a good thing. Identical twins are incredibly high risk pregnancies as my wife and I learned, and due to a complication where the placenta was shared between them but not equally, we lost Garrick. Wren is fine, still a high risk, but he's healthy and growing.

My dnd stream is still going and expanding. No longer is it just a single campaign, but now showing off all of the world with one shots and other characters. Variant Roles is the name of our stream teamn and it's filled with good people (one of which is also a chaos writer!)

I got a sweet job that can pay what I need to do well. Simple job of delivering oxygen to folks who need it.

And I feel like writing good ol' Ferus here for a bit. Just a sudden desire. I'll post a lfrp thread to offer some stuff, but if you've ever wanted to rp with me, now's the time!

So yeah. There's the post. Good to see you folks again.
[member="Darth Ferus"]

He returns!

[member="Darth Ferus"]

I believe I offered my condolences through Slack, but, I'll offer them again no. Seems only right. That said, glad to hear that Wren is doing well. Glad to see Ferus back, as well, I must admit. Always enjoyed your writing of him.
Sorry to hear the lost dude! Sucks but glad Wren is doing okay. Job sounds good! Glad DnD stuff working out. Also, good to hear ya back! Yuroic is back now too! Quite different now as well.

[member="Darth Ferus"]

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