I think Jedi writers lost interest in the politics and drama. Not to mention that the GR at the time was basically the Jedi Order with a few NFU military and politicians. When most of the GR leaders come from the Jedi ranks, it's hard to separate the IC and OOC politics, and things decay from there. It's not that good GR (faction) leaders can't be found from the Jedi, but it takes a special kind of writer to balance the OOC needs of the faction with their IC writing responsibilities as Jedi.
It's a main reason why I've kind of drifted away from Chaos for the moment. I felt pretty involved in the GR a year ago, and after some drama I lost interest. It was hard to see the leaders struggle between IC and OOC responsibilities, and how to handle the different personalities, without sacrificing good story. I think Jedi stories suffered a lot while most of the Jedi masters were GR leadership. I don't think that's their fault, necessarily, it's just a consequence of the situation.
Hopefully the GR will regain its proper Jedi segment, without losing the balance between Forcers and NFUs. At the moment, the Silvers and GA seem to be the more active orders of Jedi.
*waves to all the old friends before stepping out again*