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Whats your Midicholorian Count?

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Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
So the name says what this thread is about, take your most played chars, figure out their count (AKA make it up) And give me the reasoning why and what the counter balances are to make them more balanced and less Overpowered. Let me get the ball Rolling, so without further adieu...

  • Solan Charr: 1/2 Vahla, 1/4 Miraluka, 1/4 Kiffar. Age 20. Eyes Pale Blue. Midicholrian Count: 21000
Reasoning and detriments: Solan Charr was created in both a way to give me a actually carbon copy of myself but as a force user, as such i did hold a little bit of... lets call it pride to give him a high count, the highest of my chars. Past that reasoning he was the child of two force users and his entire heritage is force using species' thus allowing for such to be possible. Heres the difference though, he is the most... weakened character at base point. The first of his weakening features is a over hyper metabolism that keeps his weight production low, while in its own not a weakness if ever left without food it will cause him to physically become weaker than others, thus his need to eat more than others. While this is not a direct connection to the force his next one is.

Taken from my bio "Strong Connection to the Force: ... Due to Solan's connection to the force he is plagued nightly by visions that have cause insomnia and hallucinations that cause him to go into panic shocks should they happen during his waking moments. This causes both a distantness to him and the fact that he seems disconnected from the world at times. It also allows for him to become reckless in the moments of those panic shocks where he witnesses an even and loses himself in the shock, possibly attacking those nearby friend or foe." This along with violent outbursts and a bipolar like attitude leaves Solan on the bridge of insanity... (Note the Insomnia and slight bipolar personality were also taken from me and adapted into force related problems, i am actually like that.)

  • Alexandra Lianne Feanor(Cinthra): 1/2 Eldorai 1/2 Echani. Age 22. Eyes Silver. Midicholrian Count: 18500
Reasoning and Detriments: Another high count character, her count was decided only recently. This is because of the work ive put into her but also because of the story she has had. With the inclusion of Hel becoming her own entity, there is now two minds in her but that is not why she holds that high of a count. Infact because of that count is how i reason Alex's ability to actually create another personality (A living one) as well as be able to talk to the force and ask for its help. This is also not without its fall backs.

First, Alexandra is highly susceptible to her emotions taking hold on her very being, which is how she came to even be in the situation of Hel being created. With the creation of hel it has created a very strong but also fragile bond through the force in which at any moment Hel is separated from Alexandra her power goes down a hundred times over, as shown by her recent struggle to beat simple Acolytes as well as her being knocked out effortlessly by [member="Boolon Murr"]. Furthermore she has a bipolar feel to her that changes in battle as well and her eidetic memory, while owing its inclusion to the force, is fragile should Hel take over her mind or be split, leaving her without it.

  • Yusan Fenn: Echani, Age 25, Eyes Silver. Midicholrian Count: 11000
Reasoning: My Second lowest force user, his power that of a normal avg Jedi Knight is not strong in his own. And i made him to be such. Taking to strategy his talents in the force are more akin to telekinetics and alteration of his body, past that very few other powers are availiable to him for a high degree of skill. He makes up for this in one way. Loyalty. He has an undying loyalty to his family, friends, and home. This leaves him unable to betray the Republic even after leaving it and forced him to return as Memorial, a member of the republic military that never removes his mask. Most recently he has fallen to the darkside in pure anger and rage at the sith upon learning that the Sith had Carliah Dakrone, a love of his.

  • Ellain Hadrin: Hybrid species (Too lazy to look at it) Age 17, Eyes blue, Midicholrian Count: 14370
Reasoning: My newest char and a hybrid like Solan Ellain has a higher than average Midicholrian count that bubbles down to a unique feature that i have given to her. She has an almost impossible time using the force. So while she is strong in it it is also a detriment in the fact she cant actually use it at the moment and must resort on her natural abilities as well as those with a rifle to actually fight, leaving her defenseless against force users in most fights. She has also recently lost a arm and leg at the hands of [member="Darth Praelior"], further hindering her ability to use the force.


You know, all of those numbers are over the limit to where they would have been considered born from the force? I mean, skywalker had 20,000 and even one of the most powerful Jedi obi-wan barely had 8,000. So all of your characters having over 10,000 (15,000 is considered born of the force) you either have the top pick of powerful force users, or you do not know about the information I just listed above.

And to answer your question, Nick has 11,000 simply because he was experimented on from the ages of 5-18. So he had years of Sith poison and alchemy pumped into him, and he is considered a force powerhouse (Stood almost toe to toe with Ashin as a Jedi Master) rarely does a person have over 6,000. A good seven people during the time of the republic when the skywalker legacy was alive, were above 8,000. And that was rare. So you having not just one, but all of your characters over 10,000 is a little overpowered.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Nickolas Imura"]

If you mean Anakin, his was 27000.... and obi wans was near 13000 if not over. If he was 8000 he was only one thousand over the needed amount for training. (Most Jedi Knights and masters were around 10000+)
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