Harland Gates

The Wheel
Mandalorian Space
There were undoubtedly worse places to look for work, certainly less hospitable, and far less socially acceptable. The Wheel wasn't the back-birth of the Galaxy, and it had quite a reputation for happy customers. This was one of the places in the Galaxy where the credit showed it's true power. From the game decks, to the arena fights; from the ship repair shops, to the engines themselves that turned this behemoth space station, everything rotated from the almighty credit. While there were other forces in the Galaxy that made it's nebula like shape spin in the vast ocean of stars, it wasn't much else besides credit fueled power that turned this tourist trap. It had been sometime since he had a paying customer barter for his services - and there wasn't much better place to look for one than this pin-wheel in space. Within the mainstay of the several docking ports on the southeast rim, and second level watering holes, the Wheel's highly praised gaming community scores were lit up on the holo-screens that rested just above the bar, enough to be seen by the seated patrons. A smaller cantina with an open floor-plan that was used to getting its fair share of spacers to come in and stay awhile. Perhaps kick back and relax after jetting around in the black. From the port-side window a section of the station was lit up as it faced the inside axis of the station. Slow ponderous movements gently gave the onlooker the sense of movement with the gravity systems kept them in perfect harmony with the rotation.
Situated in a booth, with both leather boots kicked up in a cross ankle formation, the spacer with the red jacket sat lounging. His drink of choice this time being Corellian ale wasn't even being truly nursed as it had only one ring impression on the napkin below it. His attention and focus lay on the transponder he was currently shuffling around between his digits. The device was in three pieces, and not by design. Some tragedy had befallen the tech that he had fished out of some dumpster on Nar Shaddaa last time he had visited that planet. It was in fairly decent shape, and if he could get the tech up and running again he could make some coin on it he wagered. Hal had never been an engineer or even a junker for that matter - but he had time to waste.
There were really only two reasons anyone stepped into this place - they either needed to wet their whistle in whatever alien manner that required, or they were looking for a way to get off this durasteel ring and get somewhere else. This was a place for contacts to meet, deals to be struck, and pilots to be hired to ferry people small and great across the galaxy. Until someone needed his services (of which he hoped would be soon) he sat here fumbling with the metallic object. Ever so often flicking the power switch off and on, praying that by some kind of ancient sorcery he'd get the thing to jolt on. That was a trick however, not even the force could accomplish - even if he had the sense to use it in the last five years.