Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Wheeling and Dealing on the Edge of Sanity

Jathin sat quietly in the back of a mid priced speeder as it zoomed across one of Nar Shadda's skyways. The constant flashes of neon and other speeders whizzing by provided a strange shifting vision of the world beyond the vehicle. It'd been a few short months since the former Mandalorian had left his cushy place within the Suns to seek further ventures. Their market was drying up and Jathin had saw his window for the future. He wasn't one to be left behind the curb.

The driver was one of the small crew the Ravens had provided him with as a trial run of sorts, Jathin had understood, and wasn't worried in the least. Said driver, a Twilek, kept glancing back at him from the rear view mirror in the closed top vehicle with slightly nervous eyes. They were going to collect on someone that the rest of the crew had been worried enough to want to bring about four guys, Jathin insisted on two. Only two. Always two. He gave it at most two weeks before they placed him at a level comparable to where he'd been before.

Jathin had been at this game since before he shaved.

A heavy calibered slugthrower pistol sat snuggly in a shoulder holster on his left side, while a smaller revolver was tucked in his waistband.

A grin spread across his face as they sped onward.

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