Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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When a Castle needs Walls. (C.O.R.)

Gyn, The City by the Sea
Day 1, 0600 Hours​
Solan stood with his arms crossed behind him, eyes focusing on the sector that would soon come to house one of few planet side garrisons, ready to fit the need of the planet's populace. Its a big move, one that would not be so easy for if it had not been the years of preparing the planet itself financially but along with its two sisters, this city would soon find a home that was defended and prepared. After all, he knew that in time the next force to show up and claim this territory would likely do so with force... and if the Confederacy was not yet established then it meant one thing.​
They would be bent to the external's will.​
So it was time to make sure that did not happen. Few influential voices remained in his courts, most if not all came from Kesh itself and he knew that things would only proceed to become more introverted in terms of policy if he did nothing. So he hoped this show of preparation would not only catch the eye of those external powers, but also of prospective members of Kesh's society and outside it. He knew the surrounding planets would be the first he would need to get biting but not only them, he needed his own people behind him. Keshiri, Human, and even the immigrated sith and other species left over from the Rose's occupation.​
Even old members of the Rose itself were on his radar. But not as more as those nearby. Members of the Union and the Alliance were to his north and east, as well as the First Order to the West. Such things worried Solan more and more as time finally gave him a chance to claim a home for the Confederacy and it was only a matter of time before that home would be lost again.​
So that was where the weapons and defenses came in. Once their home was secured in the territorial sense, it would need defenses. With the deals with Reclaimer though, as well as his previous deals with Rendili and those products from Wren, he knew it was a matter of constructing the planet's walls. After all the first step to any castle, after you create the Hall and its economics, is the defense of those assets. First on the list, was Gyn. It was time to create the military sector Solan had deemed, the Tarkin Sector.​
The first project, the city's air defenses.​
Day 11, 1934 Hours​
Luckily for Solan there were numerous companies that sold such weaponry ranging from blaster turrets to full on land based anti space weaponry. He would have to take the larger projects separately though, like the Ion Cannon he had planned as well as the shielding for the city. But the air defense towers were another story.​
The current plan had called for a air defense turret every three miles around the city but even that was stretching Solan's planning in terms of monetary ability. He still had the rest of the planet to prepare from planetary shielding, the other two cities, and domestic projects so he had to make due with ten defense turrets placed in equal distances around the city which would cause a decent coverage without blowing him in the side as far as the cost went.​
The specific model though was another consideration. First Czerka's came to mind but their effectiveness was limited to low air fighters and swoop bikes, atleast that was the old ones. Luckily they had a far more improved model that would allow for the use of weaponry that could hit faster targets even at high altitude. Furthermore, Solan invested in the addition of two smaller ground targeting turbolasers which would flank each of the air defense towers. This netted a bit more than he had hoped it would but simply meant that there would be more defense for what was essentially the capital of the COR and that was his intention in the end.​
This came next to connecting the network both in terms of power and logistical capabilities. Thus forcing into Solan to move his hand over the city's own power distribution network. It would require a separate generator that could be protected without causing harm to any nearby civilians while remaining inside the city limits. He smiled as his hand sketched out a location south of the docks yet still inside what would become the defensive network for the turrets and the shielding of the city itself.​
It was this small find that made him smile to himself while he watched over the construction of the first air defense tower. What more that was left would be utter child's play to figure out.​
Next came the City's shielding.​
Day 23, 1602 Hours​
Not as hard to figure out, yet still a tremendous project.​
Where the generator would be build would be placed a array of dishes throughout the city, each kept away from civilian housing to minimize casualties in case of a attack. It was a logical idea yet one that was easier said than done as it did require one of the arrays to be placed near a market district which after a bit of a problem with the current occupants was handled. It had taken the assurance that they would not be targeted as well as the location of a larger garrison being placed in that sector to help protect them but that was a simple matter when it came to the number of soldiers that he would divert to the city in the end.​
Yet one thing bothered him and that was testing of the arrays. That was something he had little surety in and it would take a while before he had the skies clear enough to sanction a test like that.​
So he waited, watching the skies above slowly thin out as ships were held in orbit or diverted to secondary landing zones away from the city and those inside were asked to hold. It was like holding his people hostage and he hated that as it was but it would be to keep them safe once the test was started. None the less he didn't expect it to take more than a few dozen minutes to ensure the generators were supplying the stations correctly and there were no weakpoints that could overload the system. But in the end the result would be the same.​
Thus he waited and for nearly an hour after their preparation had started it was time to begin.​
His hand moved to the switch and for a moment his hand hovered over the key. With a quick press of a single button, that key would turn and the test would start, he nearly had to move but for some reason he hesitated. If it failed he would have to force his people to wait again and once was enough. All it took was one press of a button to determine if his people were safe or if something was wrong and he swallowed before pushing down on the keypad and the button itself.​
With that though the blue glow erupted and stretched over the sky, like pillars of water that flowed towards the sky they stretched out and connected. Slowly but surely creating a dome around the city and causing Solan to smile inwards from where he stood on top of the Confederacy's capital building. It was a new day for Gyn and for the planet, one where it's citizens were safe.​
But who would man those walls.​
Day 48, 1200​
Solan now focus on manpower, it was a farcry from what he had originally planned for the city but not something that was in a negative light. His original plan was not to make it so militarized but that was while he still had the Rose providing a shield without their intent of doing so. So instead he now looked on a new figure that would be far more expansive. The original numbers had placed a guard force of a few thousand to defend the four and a half million souls in the city though he fully expected a far higher number now with the Planet pushing its expansion even further and the new defenses. So instead that figure was pushed to a total sum of two hundred thousand soldiers and airmen, able to crew the corvettes, fighters, tanks, and man the streets in case of a crisis.​
Thus it was a matter then of finding the needed dormitories, halls, and storage facilities to house these soldiers. While the outline for the Tarkin District allowed for a great deal of housing, it was clear that there would need to be expansion on the already granted land to make room for the depots as well as the common buildings. This would leave for quite a bit more space to cover not only by the turrets, but also the shielding.​
So instead the district remained as large as possible and instead of keeping the army forces and naval together there was a new district added near the spaceports for the naval forces. This allowed for the extra space left in that direction to be used as well as keeping naval forces near their own fighters and corvettes while those of the ground forces could use the extra freed room to properly store their land based weaponry such as artillery and walkers.​
It was simple and certainly not a ground breaking idea, but the small thought brought about a much easier construction of what would soon be deemed the Pellaeon district.​
Construction of the Pellaeon Air Base​
Day 76, 0402 Hours​
Solan smiled as the construction of the Pellaeon Air Base, the renamed sector designated for the aerial forces of the Keshiri. It was grand in its own standing as a base in its own right as it formed a crescent shaped number of hangers that ranged in the several dozens, each accommodating a number of fighters each. Likely meant to fit four to six fighters each with some hangers holding bombers and shuttles, as well as dropships and heavy weapon ships. The point was it was a depot of their own in which to defend the very city that those who lived in the airbase would call home. It was almost intoxicating knowing that all this work was being done and he almost wanted something to happen to see the ships leave their hangers for battle.​
They would need defenses of their own and the ships that came with their placing though. That was where the AA turrets he still had laying around came into great use. These were smaller than the great towers that now ringed the city and were am imposing threat to say the least, simpler and meant for the quicker strike bombers that would try to take out the hanger before they launched. Of course this meant they were far less powerful but in that weakening of power there resided the quicker human instinct that would direct them. It was a threat none the less to protect the future occupants of the sector who would fly those ships kept safe by the air base's armor and defense.​
And what resided in those hangers now?​
First there were a squad of his all too treasured Apollo Class Interceptors, a short and small amount at that, but they made up greatly for that fact by their efficiency. Then he had the common weapons of his arsenal like his Umbra Class Dropships. This was a weapon of war he had created long ago and still held up against the otherwise modern technologies that it face today. He enjoyed watching them do battle and shuttle in his men when needed as was their job. Next on their list was the Narran Wyrm Bombers, a strong bomber for sure, though nothing short of useful. They had served well in the few times Solan had implemented their use, that much was for certain though the interest in them was due to their uses in atmospheric flight because of their shaping.​
Along with numerous gunships, the airbase continued to import more weapons of note from the arsenal available to the Confederacy. It was only a matter of how soon those weapons would be needed.​
Construction of the Icarus Carriers.​
Day 117, 0600 Hours​
The Icarus Command Carriers... a clever name but all for show. These sea based colossi were merely named such to seem far more impressive than they actually are and something that Solan far knew he would need to focus on improving in the future. At the current time they were nothing more than mobile air bases set in the lake that the city sat at the shore of. It was a large lake, mind you, nearly even the size of a Sea and thus giving Gyn the title it maintains. Yet there remained the simple fact of the carrier's being there as it was.​
There were only four of them, originally constructed for the atmospheric fighters of the planet's defense forces some decade or two ago, thus their purely sea basing. Yet there remained that fact of their usefulness which was why Solan had had them shipped here and loaded up with fighters that could fight in atmospheric and space conditions. It was a last minute idea of his, one he wasn't too sure about doing but he knew it would provide for a quick response force that while not protected by the city's shielding, would be just as effective a force as those within the Pellaeon Air base.​
It was a small measure, but one he hoped would help.​
Tarkin Sector Vehicle Depot​
Solan knew now was the time to focus on the vehicle depots of the Tarkin Sector now. It was something a bit more simple than the airbases due to its already determined placing. But it was a set up problem now. At the current moment, the Confederacy had on hand three types of land based weaponry, which included the following. The First was the Judge Class MBTs, weapons developed by Domino who had sold them to the Confederacy after Solan had struck a deal with her a long while back. While the supply was not limited it was a matter of choosing their need and placing within each depot as well as how readily they could be made of use.​
The next on the list was another product of Domino's, the Hammer Class Walker. Weapons that even Solan had to take a double check on due to their abilities. Of course they were not the most advanced or powerful walkers he had seen but they were still powerful in their own right, something that Solan would not want to stand up against if he were alone and he was sure there were others who thought so too. Their size made them usable in the streets of the city too if it came to that, as well as allowed for them to easily traverse the outer reaches of the city should it become a need. But like the tanks it was a matter of need rather than ability.​
Kesh had seen too much peace for Solan to be sure how they would operate in the planet's terrain which would be interesting none the less to see once these defenses were finished.​
Lastly, there was the ZL Repulsor Tanks. The newest weapon in the Arsenal of the Confederacy. The least notable though due to their limited experience in battle to Solan's knowledge. That did not keep them from being useless though as Solan smiled and drew a hand over the plans and numbers to move their supply to each depot. It was a careful calculation of need and necessity. One he would be curious to see when the time came.​

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