ATTIRE: Jedi Robes, Blue Lightsaber
TAGS: Cerys Dyn
It was not a good day when Joro was feeling bored. Not good for anyone. He paced the halls of the temple, trying to keep moving so he wouldn't do something incredibly stupid. Though, he could have been in the kitchen cooking something delicious for everyone to enjoy, but he wasn't really in the mood to make everyone happy. If anything, he was feeling antagonistic and like he wanted to punch something, or someone. There were plenty of people he could have sparred with, but he didn't really feel like getting yelled at for bloodying up a fellow padawan because he didn't hold back like he should have.
There was a rumor he had heard about a beast living in a cave in one of the distant villages, though. Maybe that would give him something to do? Rumor has it that it was a rogue netherbeast that had managed to escape the hunting parties that had been sent out to kill them, including the one he'd been in himself. If there was one of those still out there then they definitely needed to hunt down and take care of it, but he didn't want to go bothering the masters and knights about it because they'd forbid him from going off and doing it himself. Probably for good reason.
That was why he had quashed the rumor and kept it to himself. So maybe that was what he should do rather than pacing the halls.
If he was going to do that, though, he did need to take someone with him or else it would be too risky to do so. The other padawans had largely been, well, obnoxious to say the least. The colorful one was angry at the noble prick, which wasn't unwarranted, really. The other one, the Togruta, had said some things which upset Knight Sal-Soren. That was kind of funny, actually, but at the same time he'd never have done what she did. Still, maybe she could use some involvement if she was going to be a part of their temple, and this was a good way to get involved with the Jedi affairs on Naboo.
So he went searching for her, and when he found her, he walked up to her, grabbed her arm and gave her a tug to usher her to follow him.
"Come with me. We've a problem to handle."