Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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When did we start allowing 40K stuff?


Before or after we apparently decided we want to either be sued or receive a Cease and Desist notice?

Not a single time have I submitted anything with a 40K picture that didn't immediately follow suit by a request to change the picture to something non-GW, in simpler words for more or less that same reason. Is that policy gone now, and may we use said pictures?

*remembers all those gunships she almost submitted*
I don't see the problem. It's Sci-Fi. People have used Halo, Dead Space, Borderlands, you-name-it-and-it's-likely-been-submitted-and-probably-accepted.

Unless 40k is the only one of these franchises that hand out cease and desist letters, I think it should be fine to use a reference picture for a technological submission.


[member="Lysle of the Hydian Way"]
The problem is that
a ) people haven't been denied for any of those before;
b ) GW is apparently anal like that.
[member="Mistress Kurah Rrusho"]

I used a 40k picture once, I think, and nobody had any trouble with it...

But I'm with you: I'd be subbing power armors left and right.
It was an incorrectly percieved rule for a time that such a thing wasnt allowed. This perception was removed some time ago and as Lysle said people have been using borderlands, halo, and warhammer pictures as references for quite some time.

Unless we do actually get one of those letters, its not an issue.
Mistress Kurah Rrusho said:
Before or after we apparently decided we want to either be sued or receive a Cease and Desist notice?

Not a single time have I submitted anything with a 40K picture that didn't immediately follow suit by a request to change the picture to something non-GW, in simpler words for more or less that same reason. Is that policy gone now, and may we use said pictures?

*remembers all those gunships she almost submitted*

I accidently reported Tefka to Tefka for using a 40k image. He asked wtf, and was informed that -soandso- had said so. Tefka then told -soandso- not to make up rules.

And thus 40k images were liberated for use by the general public.
On the topic of power armors: They're hard to get through and require a lot of work so please keep that in mind. The reason the whole 40k thing was perceived as a "non useable" image was because of Power Armors getting denied. They require a few dev threads and a laundry list of work. The most recent has been an armor set that has been worked on for quite some time by having different submissions building up to what it is now.

Keeping that in mind, keep having fun. :)
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
To be fair, I once used an image of Dark Samus from Metroid Prime 2, since the picture had the T-bar and the armor in question was to have originally been built off of a T-bared beskar suit, but it was denied for the picbase. >_>
Mistress Kurah Rrusho said:
Before or after we apparently decided we want to either be sued or receive a Cease and Desist notice?

Not a single time have I submitted anything with a 40K picture that didn't immediately follow suit by a request to change the picture to something non-GW, in simpler words for more or less that same reason. Is that policy gone now, and may we use said pictures?

*remembers all those gunships she almost submitted*
Probably because it is completely false and a total misconception that 40k sues anyone who uses images of their IP - especially as Tefka has pointed out in an announcement to state that it was not a rule to not use their images. Their website also states that anyone can use their property so long as no money is being made, and I recall them releasing some sort of press material stating that they had no intentions to pursue legal action against fans who used their art for non-commercial things.


Yeah, I was gonna say, they make way to much money and publicity off of fan-made content to punish it. In fact, fan interpretation is pretty much the majority of their market (has his own chapter and codex of "vanilla" Space Marines and heraldry).

Most places would follow the same principle, especially in franchises that are not currently or any longer producing new content, so long as it is credited. Legal action would be hard to take in such circumstances anyways, and cost far too much to be practical.
Nobody can deny an image, there is an actual board rule which states this. If someone has denied you the use of an image that was not their own intellectual property then you can report them to the rest of the staff or @Mention Tefka to resolve the issue.

Again, no images are "not allowed" to be posted, just cite your images and you're good.
Darth Sinna said:
Nobody can deny an image, there is an actual board rule which states this. If someone has denied you the use of an image that was not their own intellectual property then you can report them to the rest of the staff or @Mention Tefka to resolve the issue.

Again, no images are "not allowed" to be posted, just cite your images and you're good.
We did a long, long time ago at the birth of the factory. It's evolved since then quite a bit.

Aside from some sub I've completely missed, I'd be willing to bet it was denied quite some time ago.

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