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Public When Feeling Hollow, Pray [Denon, Seven Corners District]


Seven Corners District, Volgho Hollows
Sargon's Chosen sat upon a throne of metal crates, stacked in succession, their cybernetic leg crossed over the other with the flesh and blood of its hand gripping the long shaft of the appointed tool of faith. The other hand was closed in a fist under the mask as the dead eyes looked over the assembly of True Believers and Fledglings alike, many faces freshly red from scarification and others freshly pale from the fear of Commitment.

"The shipment from Devoran was intercepted by Shadowrunners and mercenaries, it never made it to its destination Prophet of Sargon..." A more distinguished true believer addressed Sargon's Chosen. There was a moment of silence as the Primeval Prophet lay statuesque upon its poor man's throne. Then, in slow uncanny motion, the almost inhuman figure stood, and raised the staff upon the head of a True Believer the cult had come to know as The Tongue, or Little Hal (short for Halrormalenth). As if possessed, words fell from him as the staff ignited over him.

"Then you shall take what is owed us from the false-promisers, let all Fledglings of the Suicide Slums prove their faith and earn their souls, by tearing down the towers of wealth which put them in their poverty. Let it be known that we are Sargon's Few."

>> * --xING! COMM\ \\
<\Darkwire. Urgent news from the Cultist:
<\Sakedo Tower is at threat from the rapid deployment of the religious extremist group, Sargon's Few
<\Indoctrinated impoverished civilians think they are smuggling weapons to a group of buyers
<\They are actually carrying micronized high-intensity thermal detonators rigged to explode on specific floors and via the command of Cultist supervisors observing remotely
<\It is also likely Cultist Gangs may start a firefight with Corporate Security concurrently or in the other corners of the district to distract them from their primary objective
<\Not much more can be said at this time, however, stopping this attack may prove to be...

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Mischief? Where? Not me. ;)
Location: the shared Denon apartment of Rhéala Aleyv, lieutenant of Luminous Sun, and Zo'i Prihm
"I thought you were going to teach me how to be a Zeltron," Zo'i pouted. She slumped onto the table in front of her, letting out an exasperated sigh. Her arms carelessly brushed aside the datapads that had previously dominated her tenuous attention. Dramatic? Yeah. So what? Zo'i excelled at drama. She also excelled at exaggeration. Combine the two together? She would express her boredom and displeasure with dramatic exaggeration.

"I am," her would-be, should-be tutor Rhé responded coolly. The woman was unfazed by Zo'i's display. Rhéala didn't quite ignore Zo'i as much as she seemed mildly amused by the girl. The long, sultry woman lounged on a plush couch, her feet up, reading off of a datapad of her own.

"Alriiight. Soooo.... Why am I studying all these languages? None of them are even Zeltronese, or whatever." Zo'i had hoped that learning about her people, about what she was missing, was way more exciting than reading and practicing and studying like she was back in school. The few Zeltron she had met had seemed so carefree and fun-loving. Studying was anything but fun.

To her credit, Rhé seemed to consider Zo'i's question quite seriously before answering. That was one of the things that impressed Zo'i most about her newfound guardian and mentor. Rhé took Zo'i seriously, even through all the jokes. And yet the human woman did so with a good sense of humor. Discounting Zo'i's antics as childish would be so easy for some adults, but Rhé saw them for what they were: self-expression. "How many Zeltrons have you met?"

The question caught Zo'i off guard and she straightened in her seat a little before answering. "Uhhm. Three, I think? Why?"

Rhéala nodded. "What was a trait that all three shared?"

Ugh. Rhé was answering questions with questions. Boring. Get to the point. "They were all pink. Duh."

Her mentor shook her head lightly, chiding Zo'i. But no anger or reproach crossed the woman's face. "Communication. Zeltron are always excellent communicators. Persuasive, eloquent, deceptive, witty. All of these require an acute understanding of language. And for as many species there are, there are just as many languages. So," Rhé trailed off and gestured to the pads lying scattered about the table in front of Zo'i.

Ok, fine. She got it. But still. Rhé hadn't started her out easy. Apparently Rhéala's beginner's course consisted of Huttese, Rodese, and Durese. "Like you learned all of these in day," Zo'i muttered under her breath.

"No yeddé," Rhé said, no longer looking at Zo'i but instead back to focusing on her pad. "Tn nooba krcha. Ya rekkimi ari kannt-shi. Not in a day: Huttese. I spent years: Rodian. I learned with much practice: Durese."

That gave Zo'i pause. Rhé spoke the foreign words with such confidence, they must have been right. Before she could think up a witty retort, Rhé's pad chimed which provided another welcome distraction for Zo'i. "Is that Lumi?" Zo'i asked impulsively. They hadn't really met all too many other people on Denon yet. And seeing how Luminous Sun, or Lumi as Zo'i had begun referring to the woman as, was Rhé's boss, the Direx Board member was the obvious choice for a message alert.

Skimming the message, Rhé didn't respond right away. Zo'i could see the woman's eyes scroll over whatever was on the screen a few times before setting the pad down, screen blank. "Get ready. We have work."

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Location: Baker's Row
Tag: Zo'i Prihm Zo'i Prihm

Cassus has come to realize that he is far too comfortable on Denon, despite being an escaped convict on this planet, he still walked through as if he owned it. That was in large part due to the Bounty Hunters Guild protecting him from his crimes on Geonosis from other Hunters in the Guild. There was always the possibility of independent Bounty Hunters coming down on him, but then his association with Darkwire protected him from that half of the equation. Regardless, it wasn't like there were actual laws here on Denon, every citizen was a possible convict of CorpSec if they felt the need to arrest them, so Cassus was in no more danger than the homeless person in the gutter from persecution. Everyone was equal on Denon... equally vulnerable to suffer under the Corpos.

While the boy Bounty Hunter was strolling through a string of markets for contacts, he received an unusual message from Darkwire on the CryptNet. The reward wasn't specified, but this was a quickly evolving situation that would definitely hit the corpos profit margins if left unattended. He figured they would pay top dollar to make sure this is taken care of and prevented, money his mother could desperately use.

The Bounty Hunter tipped the shopkeep before climbing on his speeder and racing towards the towers...

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