Dusaro honestly found it strange that saluting was not so common for Jedi. It was a common military custom and courtesy that they just didn't do. Though perhaps that kind of thinking showed his militaristic Mercenary upbringing. It was a small attention to detail that showed knowledge and appreciation for such things, in his mind. "Welcome indeed! Though for better or worse, i get the feeling that i am going to be getting rather familiar with it."
Dus let out an amused little chuckle at the exhange between the two, taking that they knew each other to some degree or another. Dusaro noticed Calderon glance at him and return his focus to Celeste. It seemed he found this situation abnormal, or not what he expected. Something along those lines but to be fair, it was not quite normal. It was also not quite a normal situation, so it made everyone off kilter just a bit and not deal with the situation quite how they normally would. Dusaro was no exception to that either, though he was relaxed as always he wasn't quite as talkative as he would otherwise be, his mind was bit to busy turning over the information he had and how to present it.
"One way to put it, from Cultists to Hutts and warlords. A mixed bag to be sure." Dusaro got a good look at the place while they went through, both the people inside and the construction. Another habit from his past, always know the area around you and the people in it. Though he was not exactly overt while doing it, the astute observer would notice. The big group doing PT got a reminiscent grin from Dus, it had been some time since he had seen that and even longer since he had done group PT like that. He wouldn't say he missed it by any means, but it did bring up some fond memories.
Dusaro had remained a bit more on the silent side, but after Valkren asked what they wanted him to lead and what the Silver Jedi were doing on Kintan, Dusaro took the lead. He could tell from before that the Chief Healer had a hard time fully grasping the situation so Dusaro stepped up to bat.
"If i may, i can explain." The golden skinned Jedi Knight spoke out, looking to Celeste who did not seem to mind. With a short nod he turned back to Valkren Calderon, Dusaro's former relaxed attitude seeming to disappear as though it was never there.
"Kintan has a past filled with both cultists and Hutt influence, leading to everything from bloody wars and their own slavery. In more recent times, the Hutt influence fade after a group called the Army of Light made their appearance, leading to more freedom then they have had in some time. That freedom did not last, but it did seem that many of them got a taste of having control of their own lives and found that they were willing to lay down their lives to secure it for themselves, with their own power this time." He pulled out the datachit from earlier and his Datapad. After it had loaded up the information it displayed a small version of the holographic image of the planet, showing roughly the current situation on the planet. "The rebellion started brewing around two, to three years ago as Hutt influence began to wane and a group of cultists, the Cult of M'dweshuu which violently worships the nearby supernova. From the information we were sent, there had been small skirmishes between the three groups for some time but nothing major, until recently. Three months ago, the Cult launched a full on assault on a small city with the intention to purge it. The response from the Rebels and populace was... Beyond anyone's expectations. Not only did the Rebels respond to the assault in full force, they pushed the cultist out and sprung up with more troops and warriors than the Cultist had expected. Perhaps it was a bluff on the Rebels part, more strength then they really had, but if it was, it worked. It got a majority of the populace to band behind them and start a full on Civil War."
The Holoimage did a little time lapse as Dusaro explained, showing how the Kintan Rebels had started out from mostly several cities within the same general area and linked themselves together, before fiercely expanding along a centralized line of advance while maintaining cohesion. It was the plan and execution of a skilled and experienced military leader. "Don't have a name yet, but they are being lead by a former Mercenary turned Rebel, at least as far as their military forces go. Now, it had been going well but where they ran into trouble was the Hutts. They did not fully appreciate how deep their crime networks and syndicates run, even with their weakened presence on the planet. Because of that, the war stalled out as they effectively have two fronts. One with the Hutts who are doing small harassment and skirmishes inside their denser population centers, then the main front with the Cultists. The front with the Cultists is holding, but they cant turn their efforts to deal with one without being vulnerable to the other. This is where we come in." Dusaro said with a short break as he rolled his shoulders and let the details so far sink in a moment before continuing. "They asked us to aid them in breaking the stalemate against the Cultists and to send any specialist we may have to assist with uprooting the cultists. The Hutts are not my area of operation, the Cultists are. They request a force capable of breaking the stalemate quickly." The terrain they would be dealing with was a mix of mountains, some plains, forests and desert. The area that held the enemies main force was in a forested region that sat just in front of a large open plain that further north turned into a desert, the Wannshok Desert.
"But you see, higher decided that this job was to easy, they can't have us getting lazy after all." Dusaro said shifting gears just slightly as he spoke in a more relaxed tone. "So to make this more then a blue milk run, they gave us a month to get a corp sized group organized, supplied and logistically prepped. Or, maybe they just hate us. Could be that too." He said with a solem little nod. Realizing that Celeste might not quite be able to get his remarks were meant as a decidedly 'military' style of humor, he made a slight nod to her. "No offence meant Master Celeste, just take that as a form of humor from when i was a Merc." He said as way of explanation before turning back to look at Valkren. "What are your thoughts on it, Colonel?" He asked, gauging how well Valkren had responded to his little 'joke' while he was at it.
[member="Valkren Calderon"] [member="Celeste Rigel"]