Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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When One Has Nothing Left

[member="Kay Larr"]

So much had come to pass, the times they were ever changing and threatening to leave all who did not follow it behind. Governments rose and fell, leaving people stranded and with nothing but broken hope. Rulers were dramatized and dethroned, crying about lost crowns and loyalties. Romeo knew all this, had experienced all this, and yet while he retreated behind the lines of known galaxy to lick his wounds and ponder life, the Vahla had left behind so much. He left little to imagination these days, coveted nothing, and found a inner peace from the sanctum of isolation. There was, however, knots that needed to be tightened, friends who needed his ears, and more importantly his sword. The people had all but forgotten Romeo's face, and that was okay. Most of his days warring against pointless battles were over. Territory meant very little to him anymore, slaying Sith was nothing but a old hobby now, and ruling planets were behind him. He could even careless what Vahl, his ancient god ancestor, had to say.

Romeo was back in the galaxy for his friends, and the tea shop before him was where he was needed most, and he knew why. Kay, his only real friend who did not see Romeo has a force master, or a ruler, or anything else in between. Kay saw Romeo has just another soul in the void trying to make his way. It was refreshing, but he had left her. Kidnapped and the Force only knew what else had happened...Romeo could only feel in the Force what was left. Broken, and beaten....lost. A feeling all too familiar to himself. Dressed in a simple black robe garment, the Vahla had removed anything that labeled him a darkside wielder of the Force, or warrior. Today, Romeo was just a man looking to chat with a friend.

Opening the doors to the shop, the rogue smiled as he spoke: "Well hello there."


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
A lot had gone on for Kay since Romeo had left. When did she see him last? Was it Bespin? Her memories were kind of fuzzy at times. She had gotten help in getting rid of some of her most traumatizing memories that helped to give her PTSD. Of course she knew that horrible things happened to her, but what the exact things were, she could no longer recall.

Kay was drinking tea of course, when [member="Romeo Sin"] stepped into her shop. The surprise on her face was well evident, and she very nearly dropped her cup. Almost. Instead she set it down on the counter and walked over to him, cautiously, just in case he was another hallucination of hers.

"Hello...It's been a while. How did you find me?"
There was the emotions, and surprise. The Force told him, filled him with these things, and he did not back away from them. Welcoming them, in fact, to better understand what it was he was here to do. There were things...missing, Romeo couldn't quite put his finger on it, but something was not all here. Memories perhaps, Romeo could understand that, but regardless, he was still unsure. His red eyes watched her every movement, even though they were in a tea shop, all over her movements were somewhat reminiscent of prey sniffing out bait. Gently, Romeo smiled and opened his arms for an embrace but waited for her to accept it or not before making any other motion.

"Indeed, it has been sometime. I could....feel you, through the Force, I always have...every moment. I am just now...acting upon it."

He felt a tinge of pain there at the end of his sentence, it felt cowardice, and almost like admitting to betrayal of some kind. Romeo had broken promises and endangered their friendship, in fact he was certain it was still in much danger of becoming another memory. Romeo would do all he could to make sure that would not be the case.

[member="Kay Larr"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay continued her approach, watching him and the way that shadows moved along with every movement that he made. She learned to pay attention to such details for they helped her to determine reality from her imagination.

[member="Romeo Sin"] seemed to be real. However only one more thing would prove it. Kay stepped into his hug and wrapped her arms around him, resting her cheek against his shoulder so that she could feel the warmth coming through.

"I wish that you had come sooner...But all the same, I'm glad to see you. Have you...been alright?" She broke the hug and took a halfstep back so that she could look into hus eyes. "Would you like some tea? Or some baked goodies? Or both? It's on the house."
There it was, Romeo could see it in her eyes. She wasnt sure if he was even real, and who could blame her. Regardless, she embraced him, and he made sure to express how much he missed her as his arms wrapped around her tightly. Yes, the Force wanted him here and it was the right timing. He had learned to let the Force lead him, rather than try to control it, it was a peaceful philosophy.

Even then, as she broke away, she spoke what he already knew, he should had been here sooner. Even if the Force told him it was now he was meant to be here, it didn't stop his emotions from feeling differently. She offered a beverage and a snack, and once more it felt like old times.

"I's my fault for not....doing what I know I could have....I was selfish, and cowardice. I'm....sorry. I've been alright..I've been meditating." Romeo had nod said he was sorry in a very long time, it was both awkward, and humbling to remember, he was just a being in the world full of billions more who could care less what he could conjure with his space magic.

Still, being called out just made him more determined to make up for it. Romeo smiled brightly at his old friend [member="Kay Larr"].

"Tea and a little baked snack sounds nice."


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
"I'm the coward in this story, Romeo. I've only got myself to blame."

Kay hooked her arm in his and led him through the store to one of the tables next to the fireplace. She let him go then and picked up the iron poker, stoking the fire fir a nice warm glow. "I'm glad that you're okay. It's better than the alternative."

She then wandered off to make his tea. With water already boiled, she didn't need to wait. Instead she just prepared the Sapir leaves into the cup and then poured the water. Afterwards she brought out some biscuits and placed them on a small plate. For a second or two she considered getting him to try out her Darkside cookies, but then stopped herself.

After putting the items on a tray, including her own cup of tea, she carried it all over to their table and set it down before seating herself. "I take it that you didn't settle down and have yourself a family?"
Talk of cowards just made the Vahla wince inside, he had just been reminiscing about how that was what the galaxy was full of right now. Romeo was lead through her humble abode of a store, it smelled of many kinds of teas and herbs, all of it soothing. It reminded Romeo of a time long since past. The fire reminded him of what he could do, what he had done, the souls burned by his touch, such as [member="Kay Larr"]. But there was nothing that could be done about it now.

A nice cup and some snacks were placed before him as she took her own seat. Romeo found himself positioning his cup with the handle pointing to his right, and moving the plate so it was of equal distance between them as far as each's reach was concerned. He blinked for a moment, thinking about what she had said, what could be worse than this? The better question was about his long distance family. His children whom he had abandoned and kept secret from his hectic lifestyle. Romeo had thought it was for the better of them.

"I've never told you or most others, but I had a wife, and I have two little ones. A girl, Erika, and....a son, but I was not there for his birth. Erika is learning the ways of the Jedi, a much calmer and rich filled life than I could ever provide for her. What of you? Did you not have a family, surely they are around here?"


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay's brows lifted slightly as [member="Romeo Sin"] divulged that he indeed had a family for himself. She was pleased for that, as he deserved it. Two children, much like she had. And although he mentioned what his daughter was doing, he failed to mention that of his son. Even his son's name was absent.

She sipped her tea as he turned the question back to her, as was expected. Yet still, Kay took a moment before she answered as she had to figure out the best way to do it. "Yes I had a family. I'm divorced now though, my choice. We both lead such seperate lives and lived on different parts of the Galaxy. War got between us and although we still have our Force bond and still care about eachother, I just had to let him go...I couldn't hold him back from his duties or be a burden because of my problems." Others wre probably expecting it to happen anyways.

"We have two children; a set of twins. Our son Caedyn is training to be a Jedi like his Dad. While our daughter Loreena is more of a shipper and smuggler. They all live their own lives in various parts of the Galaxy. I don't really see them much." Maybe if either of them settled down and had kids of their own she would. But until then...

"What about your son? What does he do?"
[member="Kay Larr"] explained in minor details on her own life, and what had happened with Romeo more than capable of putting two and two together. With how things had ended, who could blame one or the other? Such was life, and saddening as it may have been, Romeo had learned to push on.

"Yes well, the matter in hand is...I have no idea. I'm not even quite sure what he even looks like. I left before he was born. As mentioned before, and repeated by yourself, we live too intense lives to have such...blessings."

Romeo's eyes drifted behind Kay, pondering a small bit on that last part. Was it true? Could they never be with their families again after such things? The Vahla shook his head, and smiled at Kay as his eyes reached hers again.

"It's not worth dwelling on the past of such things, specially if one does not wish to bring back such memories. Besides, I wanted this to be a much more positive and uplifting visit."

He shivered slightly, glancing at the fire that was slowly, but surely dying. With a slight movement of his hand, a small flame gently glided form his palm to the fire to help keep the temperature up. Afterwards he sipped on his tea once more, enjoying the savory and relaxing flavors.

"Why a tea shop?"


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
"Well, my life isn't so intense anymore." In fact it was more or less like a retirement. She left politics and hoped that it wouldn't find her again. Sadly it tried, with people trying to use her to start a civil war on this planet. But those efforts were thwarted by her son, whom came for a visit and then demanded to help her out of it.

Kay nodded as [member="Romeo Sin"] remarked that he wanted the visit to be uplifting. Perhaps he needed it as much as she did. For too long these past couple of years she had hardly found any joy.

She watched as he stoked the fire in his own way, smirking a little. Perhaps in a little while she'd just put on another log. That'd help.

"Why a tea shop? Well...tea is my addiction and crutch. It...comforts me. So I figured that I could try and make this work."
The stifling works of politics could kill a person who was not ready to handle it, and as far as Romeo could tell, [member="Kay Larr"] was amazing at her job. Granted, no one was perfect, and things happened. Obviously, but it was clear Kay wanted none of it anymore. This was some form of retirement, something Romeo didn't think he could have, not yet. She answered his question to why a tea shop, an honest, and yet completely simple answer. It was a passion.

"Appears to be working in my eyes. One should always continue one's passion, but we all know where passion leads."

His trademark roguish tone came out as he smirked gently at her, while not evil, Romeo wasn't a master of the darkside for no reason. Then he winked at her ass he leaned back, resting a leg on top another as he sighed.

"As before, I mentioned....the Force brought me here, and I can feel it, Kay, something still stirs deep within you....whatever it is, I wish to help with whatever you want, or need."


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Oh she knew what [member="Romeo Sin"] was saying in regard to passion. She caught the joke right away and chuckled a little to herself before picking up a biscuit and having a bite, only to wash it down with a sip of her tea.

To his next statement, Kay paused. What could she say? Did she even really know why the Force would bring him to her? "You're here...that should be enough, shouldn't it?" Having company wasn't so common for her these days. More often than not she was alone. She had lost faith and trust in herself, as well as hope. Too many wrong decisions, as well as being captured, tortured and stripped of everything she had, only to escape execution can do that to someone.
Romeo watched his old friend take a nibble at the snack, wondering what this was all for, why it directed him here. Then, maybe, she answered that question. Shouldn't it be enough that he is here? Maybe it was that simple, maybe it wasn't. He shook his head, trying to remove and doubt and further pointless questions from his mind.

"Maybe it is. It all depends on how long I stay. How long you wish for me to stay."

The Vahla replied with another smile this time his attention on her eyes. There was still the tiredness about them, almost soulless notion deep in the iris. It was a familiar look Romeo had seen a many times in the mirror.

"As far as I can tell...I have nothing better to do but be here, and I have all the time in the galaxy Kay."

[member="Kay Larr"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
"You can stay for as long as you'd like. Or until you are needed elsewhere. I don't really have a lot going at the moment. I just develop and sell teas and baked goods. Perhaps you could help me with more?"

Kay was glad to have her old friend back. Despite [member="Romeo Sin"] disappearing, he was still her friend. People had a habit of going away for a time and it was always nice when they came back with open arms.

She leaned back in her chair, casually looking about the place. "You could help with security as well. There's bound to be robbers at some point." There had been once before, but a couple of customers took care of it.
Romeo leaned forward, placing his hands on the table in a thoughtful manner. Indeed, it did seem pleasant enough to stay here, to endure a life of...humbleness once more. But there was a problem.

"While the offer is tempting, I have no place of residence here, and I don't think keeping a destroy in orbit would be welcomed by these people." He replied to her.

Once more his roguishly features appeared, sharp, and angular. A smirk crept up from the thinner parts of his lips.

" know me well enough that I don't think you'd want me living with you. While I would never mean you any harm, I am still a man of desire and mischievous nature." He winked at @Kar Larr as he flirted harmlessly. Romeo knew it would never go anywhere but it would be against his character to not try.

"Maybe I can invest...I do believe Eclipstica has recourses for new flavors and effects? Also...I believe robbing a mere tea shop is cowardly." He finished, taking the last sip of his tea. Personally, Romeo was a caf kinda guy.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay shrugged her shoulders a little. "I have a few rooms upstairs, one of which is mine. They aren't like the ones in the Palace, but the beds are comfortable at least. You're welcome to one, if you'd like."

To [member="Romeo Sin"] 's comment on the Destroyer, again she shrugged her shoulders a little. "These people pay too much attention on whether or not they'll be another civil war that I don't think they'd be bothered. Especially as the ship isn't hostile." But it sounded more or less as though he had changed his mind about staying. And that was fine. Not everyone could handle it being...quiet.

"I may open up another shop somewhere...I told my son that I'd be leaving this place. I'm just not sure of where to go. For the moment I have nowhere else." Nor the means to get there without public transport.

Kay laughed a little to herself as Romeo pretended to flirt. She was divorced, well into her 40's now with nothing to offer. Everyone could do a lot better. She hadn't been kissed or anything in years, yet at the moment she couldn't allow herself to desire it from anyone.

"If that's all that you believe you were sent here for, then sure. Though there was an attempted robbery here before. Some of my teas contain spice, a fact that I do not hide. you can imagine, some addicts think they can obtain my supply."
Romeo sat silent as he studied [member="Kay Larr"] while she spoke, every word analyzed and reanalyzed. It was funny, thinking of some random destroyer just hovering in orbit while he pretended to play citizen. He even amused the idea for a moment, but only for that moment. The rest of her words slithered into his ears, forcing his attention, but it was pleasant. When she had finished, Romeo was silent, mauling over these words, his face clearing expressing this.

"I've...a better idea than sitting, and fueling passionate tea making. No offense." He started.

His legs stretched as he stood up from his seat, an idea now burning brightly inside.

"Come with me." He stated, bluntly with equal fire burning in his eyes as he looked into hers.

"Come with me." Romeo said once more, a new determination crawling out of the flames within his eyes. "We will travel, not in a destroyer, or a yacht, but a simple freighter. Adventure awaits and welcomes the bold and lost. We will only take what we need, and let no one know, but those who need know where we fly away to." Something in Romeo's heart rose, a fluttering he hadn't felt in so long he could jump. His hands shook in excitement, and his voice was even a higher pitch than normal.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay smirked as [member="Romeo Sin"] seemed to not be satisfied with taking on her humble lifestyle. She didn't expect him to.

But then he got to his feet, his eyes locked with hers. Kay raised a brow as he asked her to go with him. Just as she was about to question him, he elaborated. There seemed to be an excitement about him, and it brought her back to her younger days when she used to go off on adventures all the time.

After a few seconds of silence, she got to her feet. "Where to? I don't know how to fly...and I used to have a freighter, one with some of my posessions, but it was jettisoned out of a Star Destroyer that I was held captive on...." Kay had had The Free Lady for over 20 years before it was taken from her, along with everything else.
He almost didn't expect her to agree to it, almost didn't expect her to stand with him, and question his plan. Romeo was more so expecting a straight, but sympathizing no from [member="Kay Larr"]. That would have been fine, but this was better. The fire still burned deeply in his eyes, however, and her questions simply laid out the answers.

"Firstly, I have a pilot droid, well...I have many, also do you think me incapable of flying myself?" He started, granted he hated flying. Something about it made him uneasy.

"Secondly....where to? The list of where not is much smaller." His smiled widened, even going far as to show teeth.

"Thirdly! You didn't just drug me did you? Its not so hard to take advantage me you scoundrel." Romeo winked at her as he finished.

It wouldn't be hard to get a ship, it wouldn't be hard to pick a destination, no the hard part would be containing his excitement. Romeo had not simply adventured for the sake of experience and fun in so many years it had become nearly unthinkable to do so.

He had no one to tell where he was going, unlike Kay, Romeo had no one anymore to talk to, or call family. A sacrifice he made for the better good, and a promise he had to keep. Patricia would kill him if he tried to step foot near Erika, and his son had a father. Sad thoughts over ran by the thrill of going blindly where ever hyperspace took them.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
"Well no, I don't think that you're incapable...I was just letting you know of my own limitations." Of course she had no idea whether or not [member="Romeo Sin"] knew how to fly, but he answered that question.

As for where to go, she shrugged her shoulders a little, tilting her head to the left side a little in thought. "Well let's stay out of Sith and CIS territory. I don't need run-ins with them. And far away from the Eternal Empire." The EE were the ones that took everything from her and destroyed any hope or desire to work in politics or become a leader once again. The EE destroyed a lot of things with her.

She laughed as Romeo joked about her drugging him, shaking her head. "Oh not today. If I'd of drugged you, then you'd of wanted to remain here and make tea, if only to attribute to a growing addiction." Thank the Force that she hadn't created some kind of a love potion of sorts. Nor had anyone asked her to. Though it was bound to happen sooner or later.

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