Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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When paths cross (Marcello)

Satine had accepted the contract the infiltration of a small outpost to take hold of a prototype. She waited now for the one who would be her team mate to accomplish the job. The small space port that she waited in seemed deserted, the sounds of heavy boot steps made a large thudding sound on the duracrete. There were changes in the galaxy and yet none of it truly affected her, or her clans.

She would need a few more things to complete her kit for the task ahead. She only hoped that she could find what she wanted. She pulled her hood up the only light cast upon her nose and lips, her hair stuck out slightly, and her eyes were not seen. She began to walk slowly taking in details as she moved. What kind of world was this, and what could it offer to her?

The small weapons shop that she entered had very few customers, the store keeper looked up and nodded. He must be use to people coming in hiding their identity since he did not move. This realization made her laugh she thought she had found some back water place to wait when in truth everyone must be coming through her, she had to remind herself to take a look again at the coordinates and the name. She began to study the cases before her, well stocked. Prices were high. craftmenship had yet to be determined. She wanted to see the set of stars laid out glistening on the black cloth.

[member="Marcello Matteo"]
Marcello found that the best information came from the least-reputable sources. Dressed very casually in baggy pants, an oversized shirt, and a grungy overcoat, the Rogue Jedi Master moved with no specific purpose along the streets. While Marcello was a fairly large individual, he was certainly not the only one in the galaxy. Scars from his recent encounter on Teta still adorned much of his body including parts of his face. He looked very much like a seasoned bounty hunter or mercenary. Marcello had even taken to sporting a blaster pistol...though he wasn't the greatest shot.

Approaching a small weapons shop that he'd used on a previous trip or two, Marcello stepped inside and offered the shopkeeper only a brief glance. They knew each other, but it was in their collective best interests not to flaunt the fact. Noting the presence of another individual, Marcello wasted time looking at some potential attachments for his weapons. What he really wanted...was secured in the back. He would hold off asking in the presence of an...unknown quantity.

[member="Satine D'ulin"]
[member="Marcello Matteo"]

Satine glanced over a stranger, but then everyone was a stranger to her. She noted how he dressed he was meant not to draw attention funny how they all seemed to want to do that fade into the background. He had the look of someone who had definitely seen better days, it was not only from the visible scars it was also the look in his eyes. War it did that to people. She tried not to look to long it would surely draw attention, she quickly looked back to the shuriken before her.

She looked at the shop keeper, "Do you have zenji needles?" She wanted to keep looking though the shuriken surely had her attention. The shopkeeper drew her attention to another case. She looked again briefly at Marcello, then to the storekeeper. "Don't let me keep you from your other customers" She said quietly indicating she wanted time to look. She was shy about making purchases in front of strangers. She often waited for stores to be empty before the purchase, this way no one knew what she had.

This other present he may very well be the same way, but she would have no idea of that she would have to watch, learn, and be patient. She looked at Marcello, "Don't mind me I tend to take a long time" She nodded glanced at the store keeper than down at the case.
Marcello arched a curious eyebrow as the woman spoke to the storekeeper and him as well. She seemed...nervous? No, not necessarily nervous but perhaps cautious, too cautious by his estimation. Her words to him did not bring forth a smile, smirk, frown, or any other sort of facial expression. Instead, he simply dropped his hands from the item he had been studying. In two quick movements of his left and right hands respectively, the Rogue Master locked the door to the shop and reached into the brain of the shopkeeper, triggering a natural reaction that caused a premature flood of Melatonin into the brain. The shopkeeper collapsed in a heap completely unconscious near immediately.

During the rapid succession of actions, Marcello's glacier-blue eyes never left the curious woman. A simple question rumbled forth from the depths of Marcello's stomach. "Who are you?"

[member="Satine D'ulin"]
[member="Marcello Matteo"]

She had been trying to be nonchalant to not draw attention to herself but something in her manner had given her away. Not knowing what to expect only see him begin to move from the corner of her eye she used her left hand to hold her balance while she side straddled and cleared the counter while smashing the glass and grabbing a handful of whatever was below to use as a weapon to defend herself. She immediately flattened herself against the wall hands at her side her right hand fingers curled around the shuriken.

In a voice that she worked hard at controlling to not seem taken off guard as much as she was, "I am Satine D'ulin, who the frell are you?" It was obvious that he was a force user no one else could move that quickly. She could feel her heart pounding her in chest her gaze stayed on him. She was no match for a force user and almost anything she could do she felt sure he could block she could only rely on her wits, what remained of the ones he had not scared out of her by his sudden movement.
Marcello had made more than his fair share of enemies amongst the criminal population in relatively short order. It was the price of doing business with the scum of the galaxy, they did not take kindly to betrayal. However, they were an irreplaceable source of information, so they remained very much necessary. "Someone smart enough not to disclose their name to a complete stranger, [member="Satine D'ulin"]."

Despite the woman's posture, Marcello had not reached for any of his weapons. He did, however, continue to advance upon her slowly, like a predator stalking its prey. "That being said...your name is not really who you are. What do you do and why are you being so cagey, Satine. In the market for something less-than-legal?" Marcello did not bother to answer her question because it seemed...a touch obvious. He was clearly a force user. What particular flavor...well...he'd leave that to her imagination for a bit longer.
She tried not to giggle it was what she did when she felt a bit of fear but it was there and soon a broad smile caressed her lips, "Oh you are so right my name means nothing it is merely a name, but what I am that might mean something so you will have to figure that out I'll not give that to you so easily"

"Less than legal, no I only need what I need" Why should she tell him what she needed, as force user if he was a Jedi it would mean he could arrest her, if he was a Sith he might just employ her but what if he were in-between that was the variable the unknown. She would have to guess at that but not yet have him keep talking asking questions.

She did not tell him that she could use almost anything she had been taught, even she herself was a weapon. "You however seem to want something that is not quite offered in the open, your gaze did not fall to the counter when you entered it went to the owners face, and then to the case." She squeezed the shuriken a little too hard it was biting into her hand, she slowly loosened her grip if she would need to throw it she would need to be able let it go and not have it stick to her hand.

[member="Marcello Matteo"]
Marcello exhaled heavily. Shrugging his shoulders he turned from the woman, proceeding towards the back. "Perceptive." No further words were offered before Marcello disappeared into a back room. Mere moments later, he emerged holding a locked silver briefcase. The combination was known to five people. Four of those people, unfortunately had perished.

As he entered the main room once more, his glacier-blue eyes found his new acquaintance once more. With a roguish grin, he gave the woman a mock two-finger salute before pointing both fingers at the door to release the lock. In another moment, the Rogue Master disappeared into the throngs of people traversing the sides of the street.

[member="Satine D'ulin"]
[member="Marcello Matteo"]

Satine held tight to the shuriken waiting for a move that never came he withdrew disappearing behind a door that she could only guess a few could open, only moments went by before he emerged carrying a case, unlocking the door, offering her a hand gesture and then disappearing.

Satine slid down the wall and sat on the floor breathing, she was not ready to take on any force user she needed additional skills to be able to do so. She did not wait for the shopkeeper to wake up, too many questions could be asked. She instead located a pair of zenji needles, and the set of shuriken. She ran her credit chit through his register and paid for them. She was not a thief, other things yes but not a thief. She stepped out looking around looking for the glacier blue eyes that had bore into her for a few moments questioning her presence. There was no sign.

Satine keeping her head up, but aware of everything and everyone around her as she walked headed for her hotel, she needed a cold shower, fresh clothes, and a drink. A couple of hours later she emerged from her hotel, and started her way towards a cantina. She wore nothing fancy, it was not a date it was work, recon, a time to watch. She wore a simple outfit, pants made of a material that moved and breathed as she walked, a soft copper colored shirt, and a black leather jacket. Zenji needles tucked nicely into her hair just in case, shuriken under each wrist within her jackets sleeves, and if necessary knife up her sleeve. The darkness of the cantina was not unexpected as her eyes adjusted she looked for a table.
Having returned to his relatively seedy hotel room, Marcello groaned slightly about the particular cover he was presently working. He longed for his duties to take him to a more...upscale location so he could enjoy some level of comfort. However, he was no stranger to meager conditions, and he managed perfectly fine.

Once all of his belongings had been secured, Marcello made a brief, encrypted phone call back towards the interior. After his business was concluded, the Rogue Master went about cleaning up from the day. By the time he left his hotel, the night sky had blanketed the area for hours. The temperatures had cooled considerably, and he left his overcoat behind. Dressed in a black long-sleeved shirt and comfortable khaki cargo pants, Marcello made his way down the street. A weapons belt was cinched loosely around his waist, containing his blaster pistol. For the time being, his lightsaber was secured elsewhere with R9.

Stepping into a local cantina, the large Rogue was immediately assaulted with the mixed smells of alcohol, various sentient body odor, and death stick vapor. Running a large hand through his long hair, Marcello made his way to the bar. Ordinarily, he would insist on a private table somewhere in a corner with a clear view of the exits. However, that was pretty much like putting a beacon over his head that said 'you should pay attention to this guy'. After ordering a glass of Whyren's Reserve, Marcello allowed his glacier-blue gaze to scan the area. HIs senses, however, were already working diligently to keep him abreast of anything that might be...about to happen.

It was not long before his gaze briefly caught sight of [member="Satine D'ulin"]. He averted his gaze elsewhere rather quickly to keep it from lingering on any one individual. Once the bartender arrived with his drink, Marcello told the man to bring Satine another glass of whatever she happened to be having or a Corellian Whiskey if she'd yet to order.
She had tried not to notice him come in but their earlier encounter was still fresh on her mind she sunk down a little lower in her chair perhaps he would not see her. She felt like a student again hiding from the teacher and praying please don't call on me. It was too late, the evidence that he had in fact seen her arrived in a drink.

Custom was if she accepted the drink it gave him the go ahead to come to her table, if she refused then he would know to leave her alone. She contemplated the glass it would be very easy to send it away all she had to do was shake her head. She looked over at him again he was not looking her way. Did he think she would turn it down, or was there something more. OH. he was interferring with her plans for the night, she looked at the drink.

Slowly she reached for it, a commitment to a conversation was being given, "tell [member="Marcello Matteo"] thank you" She watched as her message was delivered. Oh Satine she thought to herself what are you doing, this man is trouble. Men were known for trouble on Emberlene the history of men was not one to instill confidence. She set the drink down on the table and waited to see if he would do the acceptable social norm and come over.
Marcello glanced briefly at the bartender as he delivered the message. A brief, almost inaudible laugh escaped the Rogue Master's lips as he took a long sip of his own drink. Marcello, of course, was not here looking for companionship or a friend. Ever since departing Yinchorr, he'd been all business. Sure...he managed to speak to the love of his life off and on, but it only seemed to make the separation worse. Forcing thoughts of [member="Kiskla Grayson"]'s touch from his mind, Marcello turned to a group of three Duros beside him. "You boys looking to make some money?"

One of them immediately intoned. "Piss off."

"Alright. Just saying...putting one girl in a hospital for ten thousand credits split between you three seems like good, easy money."

Silence lingered for but a moment. "Why not just do it yourself then?"

Marcello shrugged his shoulders. "I'm a lover not a fighter. You boys clearly aren't interested in money though, so I'll be on my way." Quickly, Marcello drained the contents of his glass before leaving credit chips that amounted to one hundred to pay for his solitary drink. Standing, he nodded to the Duros and began walking away.

One of the Duros looked from the money to Marcello before immediately reaching out for the large blonde man's arm.

Marcello, of course, didn't like random people touching him, so he quickly seized the Duros' hand. "I know how good I am. You three are up for the test. There will be more where the money came from if you can prove yourself." Releasing the Duros' hand, Marcello waited expectantly.

"Make it twelve thousand and you have a deal."

"Done. It's the woman over by the wall, sitting alone, that was just delivered a drink." Marcello inclined his head slightly in [member="Satine D'ulin"]'s direction.

The Duros' smiled before finishing off their own drinks and casually crossing the cantina towards Satine's seat. Once they'd arrived, they stood in a line and smirked at her. "You must have really pissed somebody off. Go ahead and get up...pretty thing."

In the meantime, Marcello had returned to his seat, icy-blue gaze focused intently on the show that was developing.
Satine had to laugh it was not what she expected him to do. She looked up at the three Duro males studying them taking in the details of what they carried, their weight, whether they favored a side, where were their eyes really looking. She smiled though as they made polite conversation to get her out of her seat.

She shrugged her shoulders, and then looked past them to where the blonde ([member="Marcello Matteo"]) was standing, this had to be a test he really wanted to know what she was. So his force skills didn’t give him that information so they did have limitations. The three large brutish looking duros, with simple weaponry standing before her counting on her smaller seemingly unarmed and supposedly weaker female former were ready to earn their credits. She looked at them through dark lashes.

In her mind she was moving through her motions what would it take, she did not want to kill, just maim. The leader he seemed to be the one with all the initiative, the negotiator. He was the example.

“So, how much did he offer you?” The large duro male in front of her smiled, “well now girlie that would be between him and us wouldn’t it” She continued to smile, “you might want to just go back and tell him you changed your minds, you know tell him men don’t beat on women, or something”

They each carried a blaster, they each had knives, and then there was their size. She’d have to take out the two on the side the easier targets, the followers and then move to the center. She reached her arms out over the table shaking them slightly, the shuriken slid into the palm of each hand.

“Now girlie the deal has been made stop wasting time and stand up” his last words were a bit stronger indicating his loss of patience, good she thought. If he gets emotional then he’s more off balance. She smiled still.

“Ok” she said, slowly she began standing, she needed some momentum to throw the shuriken it would have to be cross arms and she have to be accurate. They were already moving forward, change of tactics were needed she’d have to move sooner than she wanted. They wanted to beat her with their hands they had made no motion to pull weapons, how crude. She stood quickly, dropped the shuriken between her fingers, she brought up her arms and threw them outward almost even with her shoulders. She released the shuriken hoping she had brought them high enough to strike where she wanted. They hit each in the throat, the scream of surprise and sudden smell of blood drew attention from everyone in the bar. That was not good she wanted to aim for the face leave a scar a reminder.

The two on the sides dropped out immediately, they had no taste for this and if they did not get help they could bleed out and die. But now the one who had stood at the center he had taken advantage of her moving her gaze off him. He had reached around and grabbed her hair thinking this would bring her into control. Hell it was hair, it would grow back luckily he grabbed the lower half and not the part where the zenji needles crisscrossed. She reached back and pulled them free, trying to turn to see the attackers face. Oh hell, she aimed for the knees, hurt the knees they’d stop. She jammed a needle into his right knee. But it didn’t phase him, shassa she thought. He yelped in pain, but it had not stopped him. His left hand as already balling up to land the punch, he hit her face with such force she nearly lost consciousness. She blinked, her face still looked towards the floor and the next punch was aimed for her ribs. It only took a moment for it to land. She felt the slight give in her rib cage, it felt as though one had at the least fractured, precious air was pushed from her lungs. She yelled dropping the needle, placing both hands on his stomach she began trying to push to get him off balance as she tried to breath in, damn it hurt. She could hear his deep laughter and for that moment he let go, she backed up looked at him, ready to bring the tree down. She balanced her weight to her back left, and struck out with her right foot slamming the sole of her boot into his knee cap. His laughter stopped, the crunch and pop was heard everyone stopped to look, then went back to their business as the leader fell forward. His weight and size were not on his side now it had become her advantage.

Satine stood there breathing heavy she grabbed the needle from the floor and with all her strength she plunged it into his shoulder. The look of surprise on his face she’d always remember, “Damn girlie” his words racked with pain. She leaned close to his face she could smell his breath rancid in need of a tic tac. When she spoke steel and conviction filled her words, “No one touches me without my permission” He shook his head and then fell to the floor. She took a breath, her ribs hurt her face hurt. But it was over. She looked to the blonde. So now he knew. Good for him. She looked at the bartender, “The blonde will pay for the damages” let his blood money be good for something she thought. “I could use some ice”

She sat down nursing her bruises briefly looking at the duro still laying there moaning, his blood now pooling on the floor. The bartender signaled for someone to go and move him, didn’t want him scaring any other customers away.

Well that was that, now they’d all start to try and take turns to get her, she’d have to move on. Mission lost. Reputation made. Dammit. She touched her face, ow. That was going to be one hell of a mark the bone might even be fractured. She hoped he was happy with himself. She hadn’t wanted to do this, they could have walked away, but no the lure of credits seem to be stronger than reason.
The blonde hadn't actually seen any of the fight. He'd heard the commotion of course, felt pain and fear ripple through the Force. More than that, he sensed the woman's apprehension her...lack of desire to do harm. That wasn't exactly something Marcello preferred to work with, but beggars could not be choosers. In the end of the day, he needed informants, fighters, and people with access to resources. The blonde Rogue already knew where stop would be. He just kind of doubted the conversation would necessarily...go in his favor. For the moment though, Marcello had discreetly used his encrypted datapad to dispatch a message into the local law enforcement system.

When the fight abated and [member="Satine D'ulin"] foolishly volunteered him to pay for her damages, Marcello turned his icy-blue gaze in her direction before fixing the bartender with a 'look'. The bartender responded as Marcello expected.

"Oh? How about you both get the hell out."

As if on cue, the door opened before anyone could move. Four armed individuals claiming to represent the local policing authority immediately called for the music to be turned off and nobody to move. Naturally, their eyes immediately went to the Duros on the floor before settling on a woman, Satine, that looked like she'd been through a bit of hell. "We received a tip about an unruly bar fight. Clearly we're late." Swiftly, the superior officer approached the bartender demanding answers. The end result? Marcello and Satine were both escorted from the cantina and taken to a holding facility to await processing in the morning.


Marcello had not spoken a word or raised any resistance since the officers had arrived at the cantina. Sitting in his holding cell which was next to Satine's, the Rogue Master closed his eyes and permitted himself to meditate. As part of the arrest, any weapons the two had been carrying were confiscated. Joke was on them, Marcello was not particularly good with his blaster anyways and his primary weapon was still secured in his room.
Satine got up and started for the door stepping over everything. She gave the blonde ([member="Marcello Matteo"]) a glare, she was not happy at this moment. And she was injured on top of that. Just as she stepped the local police, "clearly" she said in response to the remark about being late.

Well she had her ice pack, and that was about it. She sat there her back against the wall, looking through the bars to the man who was now becoming the bane of her existence. She had her emotions in check but now she was wondering how the frell was she going to explain all of this to the clan who counted on her. What did she have to say to him, what could she say to him. He was silent. Was it intentional she did not know, and she wasn't sure she cared at the moment. But she had one question.

"Why? she asked. Did she need to explain her question, her intuition told her that he would know. She hoped his response was something that would make her forget the ache in her face, and the sharp pain in her ribs. Yes it was cracked but she refused treatement not because she was that strong but because she did not trust them to do it right. She would have someone else look at it. She tried to take a breath that hurt too.
Without opening his eyes, Marcello replied to the woman. "You have a very active mind, [member="Satine D'ulin"]. You should give it and your body a rest. You are going to need your strength." Slowly, the Rogue Master opened his eyes and flashed the woman a roguish grin from between strands of long blonde hair. "You can start by not talking."

No doubt she would have expected him...not to give her the reaction she desired. Closing his eyes once more, Marcello slipped back into his tranquil meditation as he stretched forth with the power of the Force. Allowing it to drift over the curves of her body, he sensed for her ailments and injuries. Momentarily, she would begin to feel an invisible force knitting her exposed wounds and going to work on her ribs. Given the damage to her body, it would not be an immediate process.
She continued to look at him keeping the ice against her cheek, she was an emberlene they did not always take kindly to men ordering them about she narrowed her gaze at him. He had cost her credits today and that she would not sit by and be quiet about. The blonde finally had a name one she had heard in booking [member="Marcello Matteo"] but in truth that too could be a fake to hide him from whatever.

"My clan lost credits today because I was unable to stay and meet my contact, that I believe should at least get me the answer to the question why which will then get you your silence" She shifted her weight on the hard bench, jail was not meant for comfort it was meant for punishment. But truth be told this was not the first time she had found herself in the hospitality of the local law enforcers. Yep when they looked her up they would get the public record.

She could have laid down and slept but she would not she needed even here to be alert. What was this man up to, and goddess help her why had he been put in her path.
Marcello did not so much hear [member="Satine D'ulin"]'s comments as he felt the truth of her emotions while he meditated. Focused on his task, the large Rogue would offer the Mistryl Shadow Guard no further words. Their discussions had been exhausted for the day, brief though they had been. Before long, night would eventually turn to day.


Having remained in a meditative state throughout the entire evening, Marcello's eyelids slowly opened with the sound of guards approaching to unlock his cell. Tranquil, glacier-blue eyes gazed at the form of Satine in the cell next to his. If she took the time to notice or evaluate her body, she would see that she had been completely if nothing had happened. Whatever lingering pain she had from the night before...would be all but gone now.

Smiling at the guard, Marcello came to his feet. "Go ahead and cuff yourself to those bars. Let's just do this the easy way..."
She had simmered on heated anger while he sat there ever so quiet until she finally fell asleep, dreaming of how she would get even with him for this.

She could hear nothing there was no footsteps on the floor, no sounds yet from the street, no smells of vendors it was early. She went to stretch but then remembered her ribs but strange she felt strong, not like she had been beaten, there was no soreness, no sharp pains. Even her face had stopped throbbing, slowly she moved to sit up touching her face, there was no swelling.

Then the steps the guard was coming she sat on the edge of the bed staring at the door wanting out. As the guard came in a sudden strange look came over his face, and then [member="Marcello Matteo"] spoke, was he doing some force trick, or was he just teasing the guard this early in the morning. She looked at them and watched.
Marcello smiled thinly as the guard unwittingly complied with Marcello's strong suggestion. Once the man had cuffed himself to the bars, the Rogue Master finessed the keys off his belt with the Force. Once they'd floated into his hands, the blonde spacer gave the man a mock salute before letting himself out of the holding cell. Fortunately, [member="Satine D'ulin"] and himself were the only two that had been in holding through the evening.

Making his way to the woman's cell, Marcello wordlessly unlocked it and motioned for her to follow. "Follow me." The Rogue Master had every intention of walking out the front door...mostly because it was the only option available. He did not fancy trying to search for an alternative exit.

Before they could even take a step, the guard came to his senses and started yelling at the top of his lungs.

Exasperated, Marcello turned back to the woman. "Time to show me some of those brawling skills again. There's work in it for you if we get out of here alive." Turning back towards the doors leading into the main lobby, Marcello advanced swiftly. Speed was about to be the name of the game.

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