Damon Riggs
Inquisitor's Revenge
En ROute to Indupar
w. [member="Teyla Ee'everwest"]
Riggs looked at the thick gauze which wrapped his hand to protect the fresh cut from the elements of his ship. A shot of Bacta had been applied to the site of the cut, but it was still going to take the better part of their trip to Indupar before it would be healed. The pain was intense because of the location of the cut, but it still failed to mask the hurt of losing his children and the uncertainty of where he stood with Teyla. She had still not come out of the cockpit despite the fact she likely had the ship on autopilot after the jump to hyperspace.Damon had to excuse himself from Arekk. There was nothing talking to him was going to do to help get Teyla where she needed to be by the time they got to Indupar. Oh, Riggs knew that what he was about to do might piss her off entirely, but it still had to be done. There was nothing else he could do. Since the children were taken she had not come to him. Any attempt at touch was by his initiation and it was barely recognizable as anything loving a couple produce.
She was keeping it out. Even if it was for his own sanity he had to know if she blamed him for all of this. Teyla had said nothing one way or the other, and that bothered him.
He sighed as he knocked on the door of the cockpit. It was his ship so there was nothing she could do to bar him from coming. The knock was simply a warning. His fingers entered the master code for the lock and the familiar woosh and hiss of the door opening and closing sounded as Damon passed through the entry.
Two years ago, Riggs would have been in the lounge drinking himself though the pain, but Teyla had helped realize the bottom of the nearest bottle was not the best way to deal with the pain of his past. She had done so much to help him become a better man and to deal with his demons that now he knew it was his turn. What kind of lover would he be if he did not support her in the ways she had supported him? Riggs had to carry her pain because she had spent a long time carrying his even after they had decided their partnership meant more than business.
The sound of his feet went silent when Riggs came along the back of the pilot's seat where Teyla seemed to be oblivious to his entry, or just ignoring him. She could move, shudder, or shrug it off, but Riggs started to massage the base of Teyla's neck with his healthy hand. A short sigh passed from his lips as he tried to decide what to say... maybe nothing was best, but they had said a whole lot of nothing for the past few days.
"Talk to me... please?"