Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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When Two Dark Things Meet

Valtiel Sin

[member="Kezeroth the Hateful"]

Planet: Some Random Planet, With Some Random Name, With Random Civvies, Care To Be Random?

The undead being known as Valtiel was watching from a roof as it rained heavily on his giant helmet. It looked rusted, and his garments looks way too old, with sewn parts keeping it together. At seven feet tall, Valtiel was hard to miss, and hit harder. As a Sith Undead, he had abilities in the force that were limited, but not incapable of causing real damage. The sword, SInner's Reward, was a monster of a blade, way to big for agility, but of Sith alchemic nature. The blade came to a whooping five feet long, and about two to three feet wide. The edge never dulled, and sabers couldn't pass through it. It could conduct lighting attacks, and with it's shear power, probably could slice through a man no problem. the oldest Sin, stood with a leg hiked upon the edge of the roof, watching people of all race pas by. His mind filled with rage, and anger. Pure cruelty, and torturer was his vices. Belonging to Sin blood line as the first, and now under the servitude of the head of the Sin family, Valtiel was probably the second strongest of the Vahla family tree, with his great great great grandson coming first. His helmet striked terror into many who were not used to those of the dark side. He grinned with a sinister thought coming forth. "How wonderful it must be, to be prey for the darkside." He said softly with a rugged voice, coming from vocal cords of decayed matter.
A Great darkness was here, Oh Yes! Walking a mist the crowds with a Thump the 8'5ft Gen'Dai growled as he was given many stares. Each step slightly shook the ground with his 450+lbs of weight. His Flesh was mutated with Darkside Corruption and Armor plates fused to his body were falling off in some places. Holding his Sith Sword Faithful Blade a Blade made for the most brutal of darkside users. It was rewarded to him by Darth Praelior her self. Apon his chest he bore a Folded cloak the was sashed around his chest, Lower on his belt rattled his two Lightsabers. A Curved Lightsaber of standard design and his LightClub, Dark GreatSaber . His Sulfuric gaze fell apon each person he passed, Reactions on their faces were among the common. Holding his SithBlade it acted as a Nexus with his Darkside Connection Broadcasting it around the area.

The Brute could Feel those near him by his Sensory Acuity alone. He could hear the whispers about him behind his back, Quickly turning around the Gen'Dai cocked his blade back and swung it at those behind him decapitating them in an instant. A testament to the sharpness that His blade held. The Voices in his Head drove him to the this place it lacked a natural darkside presence and thus he was here. As the crowds scurried around Kezeroth chuckled and examined everyones faces, feeding the Gen'Dais actions and connection to the Darkside. Looking to a specific citizen who did not react to his evil but stood looking at a Figure on the Roof. Following his gaze Kezeroth smirked at the figure and appearance that was [member="Valtiel Sin"]. It seemed he was not the ugliest one here.

Valtiel Sin

Feeling as though he was being challenged, Valtiel slung the massive sword upon his shoulder, cocking his head some, making the appearance look somewhat awkward to others. His body flexed, as his decayed muscles rippled around his body. Unlike the beast before him, Sin was agile, but not the fastest thing in the world compared to some of the living Sin members. The height was about maybe thirty feet high. No big deal to the undead. He could lift quite a bit of weight due to his undead brain not holding back his pwoer, and he could use every bit of that strength. Dropping off the building, Valtiel smashed the blade into the wall of the building to slow his decent. The blade made a loud screeching sound as the crowd ran screaming in terror.

Landing on the ground, Valtiel unhinged the blade from the wall, and pointed the blade at the beast before him like it was a stick. "You kill without any true feeling, but merely because you can." He reached out to the darkside, pooling it deep inside his chest, and the rest of his upper body. "You are a disgrace to the darkside, and this should be destroyed." His voice echoed out with such a harsh rough tone, it seemed impossible that he could still talk, but he could none the less.
[member="Kezeroth the Hateful"]
His new opponent had arrived it seemed, the Darkside always guided him to his fights. Watching the figure slide down the wall with a Giant Blade Kezeroth could help but chuckle. The Mans Helmet was ridiculous and now he claimed that Kezeroth did wrong by killing those behind him? This man knew nothing of Darkness nothing of the Darksides true intent. Tilting his head to the side the Gen'Dai answered back with a simple snarl, he needed no words.

As the Crowd ran Kezeroth extended his open hand and unleashed a Blast of Force Lightning, each Hit Arcing and chaining further till it was headed toward his Opponent directly. Screams filled the air as the bright flash of Purple hit each of those he targeted were used for his dark desires to harm the Giant big headed man before him.

-Enough..- He thought as he let his sulfuric gaze set on [member="Valtiel Sin"]

Valtiel Sin

With sharp movements for something dead, the blade he carried became a shield as he positioned it between him, and the Lighting. It would hit the blade, crackled about it, and nothing more. The blade pretty much just sucked it in, and that was the end of that. Valtiel chuckled. He dashed forward with decent speed, and jumped up, coming down with the blade over head, hoping to chop the beast down in half. "Pathetic." He said in such calm tone despite the actions he had taken, it was unnatural, [member="Kezeroth the Hateful"]
Kezeroth frowned as he noticed the blade the Man held absorbed the lightning, Figured that would happen. His opponent moved fast for his appearance but not fast enough, Kezeroth could see the movements of clear. His species Sensory Acuity was set at a Incredible level due to the Nervous system spread all over his body, In the form of millions of Nerve clusters this resulted in a natural Reflex time and excellent perception. Examining the Attack Kezeroth did not pick up any signs of a specific style and assumed it was one his opponent made up or created himself. Timing was everything in this instance.

Taking a step to the Side and Pivoting to the right, he dragged his own Sword by his Side positioning it behind his target and aimed it ready to swing at [member="Valtiel Sin"] hips in an attempt to get a quick decapitation.

" You move slow!" he barked as he positioned himself.

Valtiel Sin

@Kezeroth the Hareful

He didnt move as slow as him though, as he realized his blade would not meet the beast, but instead that the own thing's blade would try to cut him in half, or at least remove his head. Valtiel had to twist just in time to position his own blade between him, and Kezeroth's. Bracing himself, and using his raw power to block, the blades clung together in a lock that caused Valtiel to be pushed back a few feet, but not knocking him off balance. Studying the thing more, he realized what the thing was, a Gen'dai, a mass of nerve endings, and muscle. Lighting would certainly work well here as lighting burned flesh and digging in deep to the nerves that would cause much discomfort, and pain. With his free hand, he conjured his own lighting that he had been storing in his upper body, sending a straight line of Lighting at the Gen'dai. With this Valtiel replied back, "And you are ignorant!"
The Force of the attack forced his Opponent Forward slightly and Kezeroth would not let up. Taking up a Two-handed Grip Kezeroth Dashed Forward to attack, Noticing the movements of [member="Valtiel Sin"]'s hand and watching the stream of lightning come Kezeroth Moved his Blade in front of the current absorbing the Lightning around the blade. Giving the Energized blade a Swing early swing causing the Lightning to Fly off the blade in a arc back at its owner, Kezeroths Off hand extended forward casting a strong Force Push at [member="Valtiel Sin"]

The Gen'Dais Aura was one of Bloodlust and as the battle progressed the Gen'Dai started snarling and growling as he got more and more into the bloodshed. He was slowly easing into the conflict a negative for his opponents. He was not Angry or wild but rather controlled or drawing out as if he was testing before he preformed. Kezeroth view combat as enjoyable and hated buzz kills, specifically when they talk a good fight.

" You Maggot!" He shouted in response.

Valtiel Sin

"You dont know the true meaning of maggot till you've been killed!" He yelled back as he dashed to the left dogging the lighting, and leaping at the beast in a spinning motion with his blade extended out in both hands. This only resulted in Vatliel to be pushed back from a force attack, but he slammed his blade into the ground to stop himself, and come back at Kezeroth. This time he wielded another blade in his off hand, a red lightsaber. That was the weird thing about Valtiel's style, one large ass blade, and the puny lightsaber. With Sinner's Reward he he came down at Kezeroth, and even if it didnt it, he would use the momentum to flip over the large blade to come quite quickly with the lightsaber. "Filth!" He roared as he felt a surge of force energy come through him, and he would send the lighting through the SInner's Reward, and flip again, this time coming at him with the large sword that was being electrified.
[member="Kezeroth the Hateful"]
The Fight was wearing on Kezeroth, though his Stamina and Endurance was very high. It personally bothered him that no one had been cut or striked successfully yet.

-Its time for Change..- He thought as he watched his Opponent dodge the Lightning arc.

With the Force push Effective Kezeroth examined [member="Valtiel Sin"] blade closely, It was very Interesting to the Gen'Dais mind but a little too large for his taste.Taking a Underhand grip Kezeroth Blocked, holding the Sword pointing down. As the man charged he stood his ground and raised His Sith sword above him to Block, Canceling out the Lightning effects. Lightning Surging to both Blades being absorbed by both in the process. As [member="Valtiel Sin"] flipped over with Lightsaber in hand Kezeroth grinned, Ripping his sword down while locked Kezeroth roared as he slammed his blade in ground lightning crackled. Looking up he then let out a Loud roar lifted up slightly summoning the Force to Repulse around him. With his Sith sword acting as a Nexus his Force Repulse would have a outward Electric Element mixed in.

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