Sauron Saxon
Witch King of Angamar
Once my newly acquired alchemy kit arrived, I went to my laboratory to bein experimenting. Thhe womp rat either wouldn't stay along live or it wouldn't be a womp rat much longer. Taking out a phile of a transparent green colored liquid, I poured it into the large cauldron before me. When it hit the metal, the liquid made a hissing sound, when I turned around, I pulled out a book my father had given to me. A large tome entitled A Begginers Guide to Mutating, from Animal to Monster Flicking to the W section I saw what we had called on my homeplanet, Swap Rats. More commonly known to the galaxy at large as Womp Rats. Ah yes, there it was, a simple concotion that when a Womp Rat was submerged in it, the would grow not only larger but would sprout wings as well. Perfect.