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When You Wish Upon A Dark Star (Siobhan)

Anya Venari

Star Queen Tirathana VII
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

Kaeshana was a place of mysteries, even now after thousands of years of technological advance and several decades out outsider interference. The vast continent which comprised 99% of the planet’s land was strange enough, but even worse, the seas which covered the rest of the surface were largely unmapped. These endless waters were prone to violent storms and even today it was considered dangerous to venture out of sight of the coast. Most intrepid mariners who tried to circumnavigate the world did not return.

However, the galaxy was moving forward step by step, and orbital satellites had mapped every kilometre of the oceans and found some interesting things. One of those things was the reason that Siobhan Kerrigan and her apprentice Tempest had been summoned to meet Star Queen Tirathana VII that day.

Anya, as she’d been known before her coronation, disliked the pomp and grandeur except when necessary, and so when Siobhan and Tempest entered she wore only a small coronet and long elegant robes. She smiled.
“Come in, my friends. I trust all is well? I have something you might want to hear.”
[member="Anya Venari"]

Unlike her friend Anya Siobhan had developed a taste for pomp and grandeur. At least when she was the centre of attention as she had been during her time as Exarch, for she liked adulation and shiny things. Doubtless this was all part of her wife's diabolical plot to keep her from charging off to the front lines and going more dark side than she already was by seducing her with luxury. The sulfuric glint in the organic eye that seemed to be staring back at Siobhan in the mirror with increasing frequency was not that nice.

Nonetheless she found that Anya looked terribly cute with her small coronet and in her elegant robes. Siobhan walked with a slight limp as she entered and caught sight of the Queen. In spite of the physical handicap the former Exarch stood tall and proud, compelling herself to stand straight, though it seemed that much to her annoyance the limp would become permanent. The fight against the Lotek'k had been a hell of a battle, then came getting set on fire on Aurum while fighting hordes of Vong and space orks. Oh, and chucking asteroids, which had sort of drained her and knocked her unconscious, and crushing the bridge tower of a Sith Star Destroyer...

Siobhan really needed better hobbies. Perhaps Tegaea should find 'creative' ways to distract her.

Regardless as she approached Anya she curtseyed briefly, mainly to troll her, though she was quite certain Anya liked seeing her bend to her. Of course Siobhan bent less than was appropriate! For her part the brunette was dressed in an elegant black women's business suit complete with a skirt and stockings, feet tucked into comfortable flat shoes. In other words, she looked totally Chaos Goddessy.

Something I want to hear...will you attend book club again? Zelosian poetry is very...vivid. As was well-known, Siobhan took education and literacy very seriously. "Things are good, thank you, Majesty. Tegaea sends her greetings. She's been off on a business trip but should be home tomorrow. What is it you want us to hear? I trust the...ruling and such is going well," she spoke, giving her apprentice and loveable minion Tempest, who was learning all sorts of useful things from her - like 'accidentally' elecrocuting people who irked her! - a smile. Siobhan was speaking in Basic, though she was able to speak - heavily accented and not that grammatical - Eldarai.

Anya Venari

Star Queen Tirathana VII
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

“Ruling and such is going well, yes,” Anya said with an amused smile. She knew well from experience that Siobhan’s attitude to most bureaucracy was to try and bludgeon her way through it. However, even Siobhan was not able to do it fully!

“Unfortunately, what I have to tell you is something your company will want to hear, but it doesn’t involve any literary workshops as far as I can tell,” she said, as if reading Siobhan’s mind. The other woman had a pretty one track mind at times!

“Come, sit. I hope your leg’s getting better, Siobhan. As you know, we’ve been having satellites mapping the great ocean for over a year now, and we’ve got the final reports back. It turns out it’s not entirely empty, with there being volcanic and earthquake raised islands out there. Some have had interesting forms of isolated life on them, others have been desolate. We have found one which is interesting though. It’s small, more than five kilometres square, but it’s formed very regularly, as if artificial. We’ve sent two groups to investigate, but one was not able to get close, the other vanished entirely. Most curious of all, our scanners reported weak thermal and electronic readings from there, like it had machines of some form. It could be pirates or smugglers, or something else entirely. I was hoping you might be able to take a look sometime?” Anya finished, offering a broad smile.
[member="Anya Venari"]

Siobhan pouted and looked a bit petulant at being denied the chance to spread literacy. As someone who had come from the gutter and grown up in abject poverty, denied everything except the most basic forms of education before Adril gripped her tight and raised her from perdition, she understood how important a good education was.

Hence why she was happy to pass on what she had learned to Tempest, though the girl could at times be rather unruly! Fortunately Siobhan had learned from the best, namely Adril and Tegaea, how to enforce discipline, for such was of the greatest importance in the field of learning.

Regardless, still with a limp Siobhan walked over and took a seat. "Oh, it's better, Anya. Still has plenty of...flexibility," she spoke, crossing her long, toned legs, one of them bionic but almost indistinguisable from the flesh one, after she sat down. "And, yes, I've been receiving reports about the progress of the satellites. Still waiting for them to bring forth treasures. So you found...something? Machines...what are the odds it's the Lost Kar'zun Legion, engines of doom waiting to burst forth when the stars are right. Well, I guess that is implausible, because surely they would not be waiting almost a millennia until they made their move while technology moved on and their weapons became hopelessly outdated," she spoke.

Clearly Siobhan had not heard about a certain 'Sith Emperor' who had thought it would be smart idea to build his army of doom for 1, 300 years before his dark empire returned to the known Galaxy to invade the Republic...all to further an omnicidal doomsday plot that involved eating everyone. It had...not worked.

"In the unlikely event that we find treasures...can we keep some of the loot? As contributions. But sure, we can go. I'm sure Tempest will love it." Would she? Ah, well, one of the benefits of being the master was that your minion had to follow you around and do as you told them. "What sort of investigators did you send before? And did you get any report from the last group before it disappeared?"

Anya Venari

Star Queen Tirathana VII
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

Since it seemed that in canon dark ages and virus epidemics were common, technology actually seemed more advanced in the days of the Old Republic…in some areas anyway. This writer has not heard of any lost Viking fleets coming to sack England again, but perhaps it was just not the moment to return from the shadows yet.

“I think…” Anya said carefully. “That it’s very unlikely.”

“If you find anything valuable, you will of course receive a cut of the profits. Depending on the danger you’ll get more or less. As for the team I sent? Neither were soldiers, civilian contractors, though unlike you they had no discernable military skills. We didn’t expect any opposition. The reports we got were good mainly. The island seemed desolate, but with caves which seemed to run far underneath it. Then the contact vanished, and we heard nothing more. Find out what happened and returned.”

In true RPG style they would receive 15,000xp and a randomly pointless item to sell at the latest store. This writer has been playing TOR too much….
[member="Anya Venari"]

This writer stresses that the Sith Emperor's Empire had been cut off from the rest of galactic civilisation for over a millennia, existing in an area of space nobody cared about. Dromund Kaas did not even have paved roads and had a jungle full of beasts. Yet somehow this fracticidal, theocratic tin pot dictatorship run by an omnicidal lunatic with Caligula complex was supposed to constitute a galactic level threat.

"I see. Well, send me the reports and the mapping of the island and we'll take a transport and check it out. Take some shiny death dealers with us to be sure. The truth is assuredly out there." Tempest would get the chance to try out her shiny beskar'gam perhaps. Presumably Siobhan would also stop to put on a...less girly outfit. Hopefully she would not get complain about breaking a nail or her nail polish getting smeared.

In any case she arose from her seat. "Always a pleasure to see you again, Anya. We'll leave you to...ruling and all that. The festivities to honour the Goddess Ardarvia are upcoming soon, aren't they? Should be a...good experience. Tegaea and I will definitely be there. Tempest surely as well." Somehow Siobhan, despite leaning more towards the Chaotic side of the alignment metre, had an affinity for the Eldorai Goddess of Law and Order.

She gestured to Tempest. "Come on, dear. Our Queen needs us to uncover mysteries and probably slay things."


Storm of the Force
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
This writer notes in return that it seems like the Sith was fairly ineffective in the long run as they seemed to have a lot of trouble keeping up the pressure. Unfortunately the Sith Emperor must have died at some point and not achieved his goal to eat all the galaxy.

“I’m sure you will. I’ll have the High Priestess prepare her confessional.” Probably with instruments to ensure that sins were not only confessed but punished too. Sins could not be allowed to go unaddressed.

It was a good time for Tempest to try out her new armour. It was very heavy and took a lot of getting used to, but it gave her exceptional confidence. It was, after all, like wearing a tank’s armour.
As she stepped out to find Tegaea she hung her new lightsabre at her side and a pair of blasters too.

“It’s better than the Kardok hide shields the Amazons used on Dahomey,” she said, running a gloved hand over her black plated armour.

By the time the Makeb addon starts the Sith were losing the war. Clearly their military juggernaut was overrated, despite the Jedi generals being useless as ever.

"Please. For I have erred in my ways and wish to make a full confession to become better. I wish to embrace the true faith with heart and soul," Siobhan spoke solemnly. Repentance could only be genuine if there was punishment, for it was through this that one would be purified. Those who were cleansed would be born anew as obedient followers of the Goddess.

Regardless of they went to gather armour and weapons. For, yes, Siobhan did indeed still wear proper armour. As in armour that actually covered your body and protected it against pesky details such as getting stabbed or shot at. Contrary to what certain video games taught young people these days, wearing 'form-fitting' armour that left one's mid-riff bare was the height of idiocy.

"I liked those shields...and the leather outfits," she ran a hand across Tempest's heavily armoured shoulder before giving the black skinned girl a quick kiss. Presumably she was not wearing a helmet yet, since they had not ventured off on their noble quest yet. Like Tempest Siobhan was clad in her beskar'gam, hers being red plated. It was obviously very heavy, even for her, but she had more experience than Tempest and in any case without the aid of the Force she was a less mobile and agile woman than she had been when she was younger, so she appreciated the fact that she was as protected as a tank. Moreover, it came with a flamethrower and a retractable vibroblade. Her lightsabre hung at her side, likewise she was taking the good old boltgun.

"You've come a long way. The armour looks good on you. Well, my girls get the best. Come on, dear. Transport's waiting. I'd say nothing could possibly go wrong...but we know that's exactly when things go wrong!" With these words encouraging words they were soon off out of the palace and into their transport, soon setting their metaphorical sails towards the island of destiny.


Storm of the Force
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

It probably didn’t help that the Sith had an even worse policy with occupied worlds than the Third Reich, turning potential allies into oppressed enemies.

Tempest returned the kiss and they headed for the shuttle bay. “I know you like the leather outfits. They were actually used for serious purposes you know,” Tempest said a little defensively. She felt a little uncomfortable that her proud ancestors’ outfit had been converted into something rather more racy. Though to be fair, it didn’t take MUCH to make those outfits more racy than they already were.

Rather than going by boat they would be taking the three hour transit in style aboard a comfortable executive shuttle.

As the endless seas slipped by below Tempest stretched out, wishing she’d waited to put her armour on until later. Finally she found that laying on her back without the jetpack afforded her the most comfort…even if she felt like a turtle on its shell.

So off they went, traversing the seemingly endless ocean that covered most of Kaeshana. Not so long ago Firemane had embarked upon a deep sea mining project with the help of a certain Judah Dashiell, all-around fun guy and nerdy mermaid admirer. Even so much of the vast oceans were still untamed and the Eldorai preferred to keep it that way, seeing them as the preserve of the Goddess Tyth. Once more storms were raging, hopefully not an ominous harbinger of things to come, perhaps a sign that the Goddesses wished ill upon their venture and sought to drive them to turn away.

The crack of lightning and the roar of thunder was heard as a torrential downpour came down upon them like a flood, but fortunately our two heroines were safely travelling in their comfortable shuttle in style. Siobhan paid the torrent no mind as she stretched. She had more experience when it came to wearing heavy armour for a long periods of time than Tempest and so being encased in what amounted to an armoured shell felt less claustophobic, as much as lying on it made her feel like a turtle and the armour felt heavy on her shoulders.

She busied herself with skimming through magazines - very interesting ones about the religious rites of the priestesses of the Goddess Ardarvia! - and - would wonders never cease? - was actually reading what amounted to a book. About Ariane the Great's crusade against the Kar'zun. The irony was that due to a dig undertaken with Phylis Siobhan actually knew a bit more than the author!

"So how are your training exercises going, Tempest? How did you go with the training droids? Are you feeling more comfortable with the lightsabre? Took me a while to get the hang of it. the Force coming easier to you now?" she asked when she looked up, having scribbled in some notes with a pen in her usual poor handwriting - written in Eldarai since she figured that would help her get better at it.


Storm of the Force
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

Tempest looked a little shifty. It was clear that she'd hoped this question couldn't come up.
"Oh yes, it's all going fine!" she said quickly. A little too quickly. The truth was that using a lightsabre required quite a bit of unlearning when it came to weapon skills, and old habits could be hard to break. As for the Force, Tempest was still leery of using it much, especially when she didn't have to.
She changed the subject. "Good book?" she asked. From her turtled position she couldn't even see the title, so it was an attention shifting gambit more than anything.

"Yes, with nice pictures. You can borrow it when I'm done!" Siobhan said and put the book aside, clearly noting that Tempest was trying to shift attention away from herself. Admittedly the brunette was very self-absorbed and enjoyed being the centre of attention, but she was trying to take her role as Tempest's teacher seriously, as much as she could at least!

Doubts about whether she was fit to be a teacher still crept into her mind. Oftentimes she thought of her Jedi training with Adril, something she had not done in a long time. If Adril could see her now would she be proud of her? Deep down Siobhan was aware that in a number of ways she had fallen short of what her master and lover had tried to teach her...

"You'll learn though. Truly, the hardest part is the first step of finding the Force. After that it's much easier. It is tempting to draw on the Force with anger and use it as your tool. While I don't think the Dark Side is a malevolent spirit, using the Force in that way is against all we stand for...and must be avoided for your own sake as much as anyone. You will know when the time comes. If you follow what is right and just you can't go wrong. Alright, well, these are my rules I use for myself. No killing in cold blood, no theft except from the enemy, charity and compassion to those in need and above all...keep with your friends. It's not the most elegant philosophy...but it works."

Of course, whether Adril had measured up to these standards was another question, but not something Siobhan would be thinking about. She brushed those thoughts and the voice from the past aside. "I had trouble adapting to it as well. Everyone has. Requires a high degree of unlearning what you've learned before, trusting the Force instead of wielding a lightsabre like you would a vibroblade. Truly the hardest part is the first step of finding the Force. You'll get there though. Got some ideas for training regimen when we get back," she said softly, knowing that some of what she had said echoed what Adril had told her almost fifteen years ago during the flight to Geonosis, their first mission together.

"You got...issues with using the Force. I don't want to pry about what happened to you. You're right not to fully depend on it. Many forcers make the mistake of becoming so dependent on it they're screwed when they find themselves deprived of it - because they never expect that to happen to them! Or become so obsessed with the power it gives them they're ruled by it. But equally you have to trust yourself that you can control it. You know I don't think the Dark Side is some malevolent spirit out to possess the unwary, but it's real as a state of mind and fear's a path to it, making control essential. So practice it, believe in yourself, be ready to use the Force when needed. Besides, you're an Amazon."

Oh, and outside is was still raining in droves, there was lightning and they were getting closer to the island of destiny, but it was such a sweet moment!


Storm of the Force
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

“I am an Amazon…well, I am descended from them anyway. I didn’t really run around in little leather outfits with a spear but spiritually I guess I’m following in their footsteps.”

She listened to Siobhan’s words. It was the most frank and honest way she’d heard her describe this. It made Tempest feel a little bad for trying to get out of the training. Still, she wasn’t ready to tell her story yet. That required more influence points!

She managed to sit upright and looked at Siobhan. “I’m not trying to get out of doing it,” she said, despite her internal guilt on the subject. “I just…I don’t trust myself yet to use it. I need to control myself better before I can do it.”

Unfortunately Siobhan had a low charisma score. Presumably scars and the whole getting physical corruption thing should make it drop further. Wait, did warning against the dark side maker her lose dark side points? Woman really could not make up her mind.

"It's ok. When I first came to the Force it was sort of scary to me. Had a lot of doubts. But equally it was empowering, made me feel strong. There's nothing wrong with caution, you're right on that. Driving yourself to gain power for power's sake is a terrible thing, especially for forcers because of the havoc they can - and often do - cause. But don't let it turn into fear and hold you back," she replied, tone soft.

The revelation that she was sensitive to the Force and her success at wielding it had given Siobhan a sense of strength and self-worth she had not possessed before. Hence there was a gap in her understanding about why someone would be reluctant to use it, but she was trying to be understanding, as much as it confused her why someone would want to be normal if they could have the Force.

Depending upon one's point of view, Siobhan was either being a hypocrite or trying to get Tempest to trust herself using the Force without falling to the depths she had. Or maybe she could not keep her alignment straight. Was she being True Neutral or Chaotic Neutral now?

She patted the younger woman on her armour-clad shoulder. "You'll get the necessary control, dear. I believe in you."

At this very moment a voice came through over the intercom and broke the sweet moment up. It might come as a surprise for the gentle reader, but this quest was about unearthing ancient mysteries, gain 15,000 xp and acquire some useless loot they could sell to the nearest merchant!

"Lady Kerrigan, Lady Tempest, we are approaching the island and inbound. Hold on tight and be prepared, there's a storm raging." As if the very loud roar of thunder was not enough indication for that, but perhaps their pilot liked to have a Captain Obvious moment.


Storm of the Force
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

The touching moment was interrupted by the storm. Tempest smiled at Siobhan, not replying, but considering her words carefully. It was a lot for her to consider. It seemed like the Force was a minefield of things that should or should not be done, things which were definitely good, and things which were definitely bad. It had all been much simpler when she’d been just another girl.

The ride in was very bumpy, but finally they came in close enough for Siobhan, Tempest and an astromech droid to land on the slippery rocks.
“Call when you need evac!” the pilot called and took off into the storm.

The rain was sheeting down, but Tempest and Siobhan had their helmets on, and the visors even had mini heat jets to clear rain and fog from them. The going was slippery, but they managed to get into the ley of an overhanging rock.

“A9, scan for technology, what are we looking for?”
The droid’s translated electronic warbling flashed across their HUDs. ‘Directly beneath. Scans report cave ahead.’

"Old machinery, life forms. Intel says satellites picked up unusual thermal and electronic readings. From what I've seen in the past the Eldorai are very thorough at keeping their...secrets buried away safely, we might be stumbling at another one of those they wanted to disappear," Siobhan said. She could not know that she would be both right and wrong - and that for a change the elves would not be at fault, that it would be a secret even their matriarchs would be unaware of.

"Keep your eyes open and senses alert. One team never made it back, we might not be the only ones taking a peek. Dark Eldorai raiders, ancient guardians. I'll go ahead, stay close and cover." Having received the report from the astromech as its electronic warbling flashed across her HUD and was translated into something she could actually understand she made her way towards the cave. The bolter was in hand, loaded with a magazine of explosive bolts and ready to be unleashed when needed.

Outside the downpour continued, the merciless storm raging unabated.


Storm of the Force
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
Tempest drew her blasters and entered the cave. Her armour automatically switched to a low light mode so she could see almost as clear as daylight. At first they found nothing of interest. There were the nests of birds, the remains of kelp and seaweed and the occasional dead fish.

There seemed to be nothing of interest…but then she caught a glint of metal, fresh metal.
A couple of rucksacks were set down in an alcove. Examination found they belonged to the lost Eldorai team.
“Must have set down their stuff before whatever happened occurred. A9, do you detect any passages?”

The droid rolled forward and scanned along the wall until it found a niche. It warbled excitedly as it extended its arm and pushed a release. Abruptly, an area of wall swung open, revealing a long tunnel down into the darkness below….

Hopefully the lost Eldorai had not been slaughtered by the members of the Lost Kar'zun Battalion who had escaped the Eldorai's genocide against them. When one thought about it perhaps one of the reasons Siobhan fit in so well amongst the Eldorai was that their society was just as morally bankrupt and reprehensible as she was. What with being a sexist, racist, theocratic absolute monarchy and all that. Totally Neutral Good materiel!

Doubtless Angelii were not light side. Fortunately they were incapable of going on a conquest spree, otherwise they would probably be even more oppressive than the Galactic Empire. What did these musings have to do with expedition our not particularly noble, at times semi-dark side 'heroine' and her apprentice, who would hopefully not be led into the abyss by what her master considered 'teaching', were undertaking? Nothing really.

Regardless before them a long and foreboding tunnel had opened up, bathed in darkness. Siobhan took up point as she walked through, warily, bolter ready. Her bionic eye glowed in the dark, but then the armour had switched to low light mode anyway, providing illumination.


Storm of the Force
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

If the philosophical musings and discussions were getting troublesome, at least they were soon interrupted by violent danger.
From the shadows as they entered a large cavern there came a sudden volley of blaster bolts erupting from the darkness!

Her Force reflexes not honed enough, Tempest took a blast right on the chest, but fortunately she was wearing her Beskar which easily defeated the attack at the price of knocking her down.
Getting to her feet, Tempest ordered the droid back into cover, and opened fire with her blasters. Through her helmet’s HUD she saw four bipedal droids and two quadrupeds, all of ancient and corroded design.
Weapons of the primeval past were clearly not as advanced as now, as the Beskar protected them handily, whilst Tempest cut down two of the bipeds with her blasters.
One of the two four legged droids was tougher though, and took several blaster bolts to the head and chest without collapsing, so Tempest rushed it, lightsabre held like a broadsword and hacked its head off before cutting down into its chest to finish it off.
She looked over to see how Siobhan was going….

Siobhan was already in motion as a hail of blaster bolts shot towards them from the darkness, lighting up the tunnel. A blaster bolt grazed her in the side, but she was wearing beskar'gam and moved with preternatural speed aided by the Force. The flat crack of the boltgun was heard as the powerful weapon barked out explosive bolts, flying forth towards the droids while Tempest opened fire with her blasters.

Devices of the primeval past could not hope to stand against what amounted to a semi-automatic grenade launcher and so two bipedals were blasted to chunks, the quadrupedal damaged though it continued firing an unrelenting volley of blaster bolts, being evidently made of tougher stuff. This did not avail it as power rippled through the bionic hand of Siobhan as she drew power from within herself and then unleashed it, focusing the blast of energy upon the machine. As if by an invisible hand that wrapped itself, the creak of metal being heard as the grip tightened and the machine began to crumple, the droid would be violently pulled into the air and spun through it then thrown through the tunnel to impact upon the wall and slam into it with kinetic force while the telekinetic fist made its metallic limbs and blasters crack under the pressure before the machine was crushed, crumbling to pieces amidst the crash.

The smell of burnt electronics and ozone filled the air, then all was silent. Siobhan quickly turned her gaze to Tempest, but her intervention was not needed. Charging in and hewing at enemies with the lightsabre might not be the most elegant solution - and when facing a greater force of opponents with better aim would not be the most advisable - but it had worked and the girl had thought on her feet. Acted instead of being dictated. Besides, in her younger days Siobhan had charged mechs and hacked at their legs! "That's the last of them. You alright?"

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