Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Where Eagles Dare

C A T O ~ N E I M O I D I A


The Bridge Cities of Cato Neimoidia were unlike anything Valin had ever experienced or read of. Before him one lay sprawled above a valley of bubbling acidic water, suspended between two giant masses of land that thrived with wild energy where the lower planet clearly did not. There was another he could see, far to the west, which hung much lower than the precipice he stood upon and had been anchored beneath the land itself, a precarious position indeed, and where the horizon could be witnessed to the east he viewed countless more of varying heights and magnitudes.

He didn't know if the one ahead of him had any specific name. Knowing the Neimoidian people they most certainly did; greedy little buggers, the lot of them, with an eye for all things shiny and befit of wealth. There was no way they weren't flaunting what they had, especially from the sight of the various palaces which ran along the Bridge itself. Whatever it was called, he had no clue. And instead of wasting time thinking about it, he put one foot in front of the other and put his trust in the engineering capabilities of those that had constructed the suspended cityscape.

To say that it was strange to be back in Silver Territory was an understatement. Valin hadn't looked back to this sector of space since fleeing Kashyyyk all those years ago, and he had never looked in to whether or not they had placed him on any sort of bounty board. That wasn't really their way, or so they preached, but he never did find out what happened to dissenters who ran away from the Corps. Especially someone who was already under so much scrutiny for the way he 'misused' the Force. Was he on some sort of watchlist? Would they try to hunt him down now he was back?

He looked over his shoulder skeptically, before shrugging away such thoughts; The boy was a relative nobody, he doubted they even remembered his name. It stood to reason then that he could enjoy himself. The third world he'd ever stepped foot on... What a strange thought that was. He'd spent so much time cooped up, under Jedi or Sith supervision, that he'd never really gotten a taste of freedom.

Well, he might have been back within his oppressor's reach but that didn't mean he wouldn't capitalize on the luxury he'd been handed. He wondered if the account his parents had set up for him, all those years ago, still held the funds they'd reserved for his training... If so, then Valin wanted to experience everything Cato Neimoidia had to offer.

And he meant everything.

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