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Where Every Adventure Starts [Omega Pyre]

Qae Shena

Super Shaper Puppy!
Fondor, Some Time Around The Invasion

Insert place of booze here, because every single person in Omega Pyre knew that every good tapcafe was the start of everything that happened. Tavern wenches and all that. And speaking of wenches, Allaina Mare just walked in the door and nobody cared. She wasn't exactly all that important or anything, so it was just yet another person in the already packed booze establishment.

She took her seat and ordered herself a drink, then looked around and realised she knew nobody around here. That sucked. And, sure, she'd met a couple of people so far and that was great, but it was about time for a team-building exercise called 'find some random people and talk to them, then drag them all out on a ship and do something incredibly stupid'. That was how promotions were earned around here, right? Right?!

Drink in hand, Allaina went up to the nearest person who looked vaguely interesting, who just happened to be...
@[member="Allaina Mare"]

Who was it?

Well, probably the last person anyone would actually want to talk to: Sarge.

The man's skull painted helmet and powered armor made sure everyone around knew he was OmegaPyre and that he wasn't here to have a good time with a fast woman. Looking up at Allaina for the moment he finds himself visor to face with a curiously... attractive woman.

Why the hell did he always have to work with attractive women; they were so distracting. Or cold. So cold.

Why did he like getting the cold shoulder anyway?

Regardless, he merely grunts a greeting.

Qae Shena

Super Shaper Puppy!
@[member="Sarge Potteiger"]

Huh. This guy at least looked vaguely interesting, kitted out for murderous rampage fun times. So, basically, Omega standard. Allaina wasn't about to argue with that. She was no ground-pounder, getting her boots dirty in the mud. She liked it clean and fast and highly technologically efficient.

"Hi," she said, nodding her head in greeting. Being the new kid still, kinda, she was allowed some silly questions. "You been doing this long?"
@[member="Allaina Mare"]

"You been doing this long?"

Sarge had to fight to keep from laughing outright. No, no he hadn't been doing this long; he'd merely been the hitman for the same man for the past four hundred years, influencing galactic politics during a time of darkness and turmoil and becoming exceptionally skilled at what he did in the process.

Nope, not long at all.

"Could say that.", he says with every hint of smug amusement. "What about you; don't think I've actually seen you around before."

Sitting at the base cantina usually meant he got to meet everyone; but he had no clue who Allaina was. Well, his helmet tagged a name to her, but he'd play at conversation for a bit.

He was a bit bored.

And a touch lonely.

Qae Shena

Super Shaper Puppy!
@[member="Sarge Potteiger"]

His reaction was a little bit strange and made her slightly curious, but that was normal nature anyway. Strange people tended to be like that, right? Allaina couldn't help it. Something to do around here was necessary. Sitting on her ass on a ship all day just didn't work every wonder and being on duty meant no booze. The occasional booze was needed.

Time for an introduction. "Yeah, I'm the new kid on the block. Allaina Mare. I fly stuff and blow everything else up." It was as good an answer as any, truth told. Best description of her job. "I'm not exactly good with my feet on the ground. I prefer being up in space where I can sit down and press buttons all day. Allaina Mare." That was when she held her hand out to shake, which for once in her life was not wearing a glove.
@[member="Allaina Mare"]

His gaze went from hand to face, face to hand, and then there was a click as he released the firing lever on his pistol so that it wasn't prepped to shoot. From the moment she'd started towards him he'd had the weapon pointed at her, and now that she wasn't here to verbally abuse him he figured he could, ya know, not be pointing a gun at her.

Flicking the safety on, he sets the sidearm atop the table and takes a firm hold on her hand to give it a shake before leaving go. Unlike her, he was always wearing gloves for everything and they weren't coming off; not yet.

"Sarge. I kill people and fly gunships; I also terminate high value targets with as little collateral damage as possible. My job description includes being a pain in the ass to my superiors. Nice to meet ya."
Tegaea strode into the cantina. CEOs normally didn't wander around such places, but she preferred them to the hoity-toity places the rich and powerful frequented. And so, she took a seat at the bar and ordered a drink.
She saw that next to her @[member="Allaina Mare"] and @Sarge Pottieger were chatting. "Evening," she said to them, and sipped her liquor.
Siobhan sauntered into the bar shortly thereafter. She had never been one for fancy restaurants, sudden ascension to corporate "respectability" be damned. Far as she was concerned, the seedier a bar the better.

With a sidearm at her side and the lightsare on her belt - Siobhan, being a trouble magnet, tended to expect and relish trouble -, she walked through and noticed @[member="Tegaea Alcori"], @[member="Allaina Mare"] and Sarge.

Winking at one of the barmaids, she ordered bottle of whiskey, she sat down next to them."What a happy coincidence. Looks like the bar's a little magnet," she said with a smile at Tegaea, taking a swig from her drink when it came.

Qae Shena

Super Shaper Puppy!
@[member="Sarge Potteiger"] @[member="Tegaea Alcori"] @[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

"Sarge, huh? That your name or your rank?" Allaina had to ask. It was a strange name. She hadn't encountered it before, but then again she hadn't encountered much out here, so whatever.

Then, suddenly, everyone.

"Hi boss lady, Siobhan," Allaina said, nodding. "Fancy seeing you two here. Are you just joined at the hip, or what?"
Sarge mumbled a 'joined at the crotch' comment inside his helmet that no one would hear before snorting. "Neither and both, Allaina." A strange answer from a strange man. "Evenin' folks.", he mutters absently to the other two who thought fit to join them.

He was now outnumbered three to one.
@[member="Sarge Potteiger"], @[member="Tegaea Alcori"], @[member="Allaina Mare"]

It indeed looked like the small bar was receiving an unexpected influx of Omega personnel. Siobhan chuckled a bt at Allain's comment. "Evenining," she muttered to Sarge, not much more attention while looking at Allaina.

"Oh, we're old friends, we go way back. And we work very closely together," she said wtith a wink at Tegaea. "So, you settling in nicely, Allaina? Happy with that shiny bomber?"

Qae Shena

Super Shaper Puppy!
@[member="Sarge Potteiger"] @[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] @[member="Tegaea Alcori"]

What a cryptic answer. Well, she didn't expect that to be a thing, but there it was. Whatever; Allaina was sure he had his reasons for just being 'Sarge', and that was fine with her. His life, right?

Then she have Siobhan the grin as happy as a little kid with crayons and a blank wall. "Extremely well. I get paid to blow things up and I have the best possible tool for it short of a Star Destroyer and I expect one of those will be in my very greedy little hands soon, by the way things are escalating around here. It's great. I don't know why I didn't do this sooner. The pay's good, the people are great and really welcoming, and the booze is wonderful. Say. How'd you all end up here, anyway?"
"Awesome, nice to hear it!" Siobhan said happily when she heard how enthusiastic @[member="Allaina Mare"] was. " As for how I got here, I knew Tegaea from before and ditched the Jedi after they acted like morons one time too many. Some idiot Master had the brilliant idea of travelling to a pirate space station and negotiate with 'em to release hostages and wouldn't listen to reason. Silly hippies got ambushed, I killed pirates. Tegs and company showed up and we saved the day," she recounted.

"Then I got an offer I couldn't refuse, it was very motivating," she with a small grin directed at @[member="Tegaea Alcori"]. "Well, that and most of the Jedi doing sightseeing on Anaxes while I was actually figting with Republic troops kinda annoyed me. I'm good at fighting, I like what I do and we got real cool people here. When I think about it Omega's what I wanted to do all along, so here I am."

Jak Sandrow

"Nobody cares for the woods anymore."
Jak walked into the bar and made a beeline for the counter. "Good Corellian ale, please," he requested from the bartender. Turning, he saw Sarge somewhat outnumbered by the ladies. Then again, it would take a few more ladies to make the confrontation more even, in Sarge's case, he mused. As his ale was passed over the counter, he took the handle of the tankard and moved over to the group. "Afternoon, Sarge. Ladies. What's happening?"

Qae Shena

Super Shaper Puppy!
Allaina nodded her assent. She knew very well what that was like. She liked flying and all, but the Sith weren't exactly the best forum for that. "Gotta love idiot COs," she commented. "When your idiot CO can Force Choke you into submission, then you tend to want to get out of there. Then you come up with the perfect ship design and sell it to the highest bidder, who happens to want your skills, and you end up here. It's a sweet deal. I love Omega."

Stories and hilarious insinuations aside, though. "I'm just hoping I get to spend plenty of time blowing things up and being generally awesome about it. I prefer being in the front lines. Maybe on the bridge of a Star Destroyer. That'd be fun, too."

And then Jak showed up! "Hi," Allaina said to him as he arrived. Anti-climax, yo.
Sarge snorted, knowing all about being choked. "Choke is the favored tool of those without a sense of humor.", he comments blandly, nodding to Jak as he joined them. The guy was a total unknown to Sarge, other than the time he provided fire support for the man when he'd first joined up with them.

He didn't like not knowing people; ironic considering he didn't like people knowing him.

Jak Sandrow

"Nobody cares for the woods anymore."
Jak was a fair judge of character, and he knew when someone was uncomfortable around him. "Hello, Sarge. I'm Jak. Jak Sandrow. It looks like you're a bit outnumbered here," he said, looking at the ladies, and drinking a mouthful of ale.
"Amen to that," Siobhan said in response to Allaina's comment about idiot commanders. She had had her...own encounters with the Sith.

"Wouldn't worry about lack of opportunity. We get to create mayhem on a regular basis! Tatooine will freeze over ere you run out of targets. Personally I'm more of a fight on the ground and hack things with a sabre kinda girl, but whatever rocks your boat," she said to her with a wink.

She turned, noting that Jak had arrived. "Hi, Jak," she said warmly, giving him a brief nod before pouring herself another glass of whiskey and downing it.

Qae Shena

Super Shaper Puppy!
A chuckle from the red-headed pilot's lips. "Honestly, I don't doubt it. Between the two of us I think we have all kinds of enemies covered. It's just nice to be surrounded by professionals who know what they're doing and love their job as much as I do."

So, everyone getting drunk, everyone having a good time.

And then suddenly. "What say we all go on an adventure? I'll fly."

The thread is named such for a reason...

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