wisdom lingers
The sun broke the horizon as Henna reached the peak of the spire. It cast an orange glow across the clouds below, transforming the open sky into a sea of wonder. The master paused between the two spires which marked the entrance of the temple, allowing her lungs to adjust to the elevated air. Weeping trees had taken root along the cliffs, surprising her. She had found herself returning to the temple of balance time and time again since her initial journey, though the last few years had been the longest stretch. Their presence brought the ghost of smile across her face. Even in the harshest of circumstances, life found a way.
The stone throughout the center of Akar Kesh remains smooth, protected by the frayed edges which had taken the brunt of the wind's beatings. Henna smoothed the back of her robes as she moved to sit on the frigid ground amongst the water's edge. The sun had risen, causing bogan to release his draining grip on the pool. It had begun to swell with the life of Ashla instead, creeping over the dried stains from the nights prior.
Amber eyes fell shut as she rested beside the water. Light flutes balanced the deep bass beneath, complimented by a piano. The sensation of the force around her was familiar- except for a single muffled presence.
"What brings you to the pools, young one?" Though she had broken the silence, Henna's eyes remained shut, her face serene.