Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Where the Path Begins - Aureus Arc


Location: Zeltros
Equipment: Outfit, Heels
Accessories: Bracelet, Echo Stone
Weapons: Lossa's Lightsaber, Turmoil - Lightsaber

There had been a message waiting for her after the costume party.

Something she was hesitant to act on given the sender. Loren, her father had sent her a message that made her pause on opening it. It wasn't often her father sent her messages directly. Often letting her mother take the duty to ensure it was read. She loved her father dearly, as any child did. But their relationship was... peculiar.

She didn't hold any ill will towards him, but they hadn't been nearly as close as she had been with his mother Sanna.

The thought making her grin given that was her common blood with Briana. A fact she had stopped refuting after the two had become closer than mere cousins. The title of the message had her hand hovering over the command to open. She hadn't dealt with her grandmother's passing well, and had likely been the beginning of her rebellious phase that had further created a chasm between herself and her father.

Nanna Sanna.

The contents of the message were cut and dry. He'd requested her to return home to receive some items Nanna had left in his care until Loren and Zetlana had deemed it time for her to be given the items. The items weren't included in the message, but wonder did little to give her any idea as to what could have been left to her. Nanna had always seemed to flutter between austere sentinel and doting grandmother.

The woman had been a near constant presence while Lossa had undergone treatments as a child. The effects of Ion radiation lingering well into the beginning of her school age. Nanna having helped her with what assignments she'd been able to do between waiting for the next round of treatments, and bearing the weight of those side effects.

Sanna had been present for the highs and lows. Even helping the young girl carry out her less eventful shenanigans, allowing herself to be an alibi.

Her parents dealing with their own issues, and leaving Lossa in the care of Sanna all the while.

She hadn't expected to feel such resentment, or a disconnect with her parents. But Sanna had given her the stepping stones to try and mend that relationship early on. Even being the bridge to what their connections remained to be this very day. Perhaps why she relented to her father's request, and plotted the trip after sending back a quick but concise message in return. Her emotions had been running high already, and her hands flitted across the panels. Leaning to the side as she prepared to holler at Skid.

The words flung into the silence behind her. Eyes lingering on his spot beside the navigation panel as she frowned and shook her head.

Picking up cargo to run to Zeltros to keep her mind at least mildly busy had proven a fruitless effort. The time spent in the flight chair leaving her with plenty to ponder as the stars stretched and left her waiting to return to real space. Arms curled around herself as she wished for her companion back. She didn't want to deal with Nanna's stuff. Didn't want to be alone on the quiet ship. But guilt riddled her as she felt the lingering words of her father in her mind.

People can't be there for you all the time so quit crying. Be happy you got time at all.

He'd been stressed out. Tired. And had stopped in at Sanna's request to see Lossa before a grueling round of treatments that would leave the girl far more worn than usual. She'd made a comment about him never being around, and he had snapped. Sanna had quickly rounded on her son. But no apology or plain sign of regret had removed the words that burned themself into her memory.

Sanna had tried her best to assure her granddaughter that he hadn't meant to be so cruel. That much like herself, he was holding vigil over her mother. But the grace Sanna had shown warred with what she had been given.

And the bridge between father and daughter had remained a shaky one ever since.

The day to day routine as she traveled did little to remove the memory from her thoughts. Did little to remove the lingering cold she felt no matter how many blankets she stole from the passenger compartments. The food she prepared old recipes from mother and grandmother as bland as a ration pack no matter how much effort she put into them. The final leg of her journey home making her itchy and irritable as the time began to run down.

She didn't want to deal with this.

Didn't want to come home.

Didn't want-

The ship dropped from Hyperspace as the comm opened up, making her run through the actions on autopilot to send her registration and clearances. The details checked and double checked before clearance along with a landing zone was designated for her. Her mind on autopilot until she snapped loose of the overwhelming thoughts at the sight of her mother and father waiting in the lobby of the dockyard.

The bag over her shoulder suddenly heavier than the cloths she had packed as they stared at one another.

"Uh. H-Hey mom. Dad." Her croaked greeting prompting them to come closer.



Location: Zeltros
Equipment: Outfit, Heels
Accessories: Bracelet, Echo Stone
Weapons: Lossa's Lightsaber, Turmoil - Lightsaber

Her father's jaw had settled into a tight smile. Her mother's softer features wearing a smile that Lossa only usually glimpsed from something reflective.

The knot that formed a tight ball between her shoulders didn't allow her to freely give that smile back. Mind awash with trying to figure out what they might have been holding onto for so long or why it hadn't been mentioned before. Her mother the first to reach her with open arms and a concerned tilt of her head.

"Are you alright? Trouble on your way?" Zetlana took Lossa's only free hand and searched her daughter over briefly before pausing and glancing back at her husband.

"No. I didn't have any-what? Is. Is there a cut on my face?" The knot tightening, making her shoulders hunch together under the sudden scrutiny.

Loren's eyes squinting a bit, hand rising and touching the top of her head before moving to his chest.

"Did you get taller? You,"

"Hon, she's wearing heels." Loren cut her mother off. Humor filtering between them as Zetlana paused, eyes searching his face before moving to Lossa's feet. The slight click of her tongue in realization coming before she spoke again with a shake of her head.

"When did you start wearing heels? You always wore those boots," Lossa drew her lips back across her teeth at her mother's observation, eyes still wide at the touch of her hair. Chewing on her lip to ease the embarrassment that had bloomed. "But you have kept your hair nice. Is there anything else you've changed, huh?"

The feeling of silliness was plain in her mother, but didn't settle the irritation Lossa was struggling to deal with.

Her father peeled his rose colored eyes from wife and daughter to watch a parting ship rather than stare. Lossa's eyes shut tight at the commentary. Breath pushed out in a defeated sigh as her mother squeezed her hand and glanced between the two seeming to wait in playful banter than the awkward sensation that hung in the air.

Making to speak again until Lossa pulled her hand free.

"Can we. Can we get out of public. Before talking I mean. Please?" Hands never settling long enough to pull the wrinkle free from her shirt while Zetlana looked back to Loren. Her father offering a hand to her mother. Taken freely as Zetlana turned to extend a hand to Lossa only to find her daughter frowning at the display. Hand drawn back slowly as she posed her question with a look.

"Lead the way." She hadn't meant her words to be as sharp as they were, flinching at the plain hurt on her mother's face. A small cut to her already frayed nerves as Loren turned on his heel with a scowl poised to his daughter.

"Lossa." The voice behind her name carrying that deep tone. The one used to inspire cooperation and carried itself clearly across the bustling space port lobby. Had she been a few years younger, or experiences lighter, it might have still had the same effect. A spur of anger struck at the knot between her shoulders. The frown shifting into a mirrored scowl as her shoulders pulled back.

Their stares locked until Zetlana clicked her tongue and brought them both down. A look to Lossa before giving Loren's hand a squeeze as she stared up at her husband.

"She is tired, and hungry probably. I was being rude darling. Come on. Let's get home." Zetlana put the matter to rest as Loren took a slow breath and watched his wife. Not looking back to Lossa as he sighed and led the way outside.

Her shoulders never relaxing as she let her heels announce her steps behind them.


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