Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Where the Wild Things Are

The rebellion of Kaeshana and its aftermath was a rolling presence in Joza’s life, from the general cleanup to the care of those who fought alongside Alliance and Tygaran forces. She found no glory in war, only gritty necessity, and right now she was struggling with that very fact. Those who died under her command were fighting as paid mercenaries for a cause they were likely impartial to, whereas the First Order had rallied troops fighting for a cause they believed in. At the end of the day the Alliance and their allies pulled off of the war torn planet, both sides settling in an uneasy silence to lick their wounds. The gears of war were turning once again, and the Zeltron couldn’t help but wonder if the galaxy would be ablaze with violent clashes akin to the ones between the One Sith and the Republic. Both had receded into the shadows, but not before causing mayhem to many words. She’d been just a little girl when Zeltros was razed by the Sith, inspiring a long standing distaste for those of their ilk.

But Joza was not the only one affected—she’d met with Locke while they were both in recovery and the two had a nice heart to heart about guilt and post-battle depression. There were others, of course, one of them being a certain jovial pyromancer--[member="Elpsis Elaris"]. The girl had made contact with Joza shortly after the battle with a suggestion of spending some time together. Initially the Zeltron wondered if she had time to step away from her life for a few days, but in the end decided that taking a break would be both necessary and worth it. Time with Elpsis was rare outside of the battlefield, and it would probably do them both some good to try and relax. One empath to another, Joza knew how difficult fielding the emotions surrounding war could be.

Back in Lianna space, Joza typed out a quick message to Elpsis on her datapad.

Hey Elpy, is everything going alright? If you’re still on Tygara, I’m closer by now near Lianna. Maybe we can meet up? Let me know what works best for you!
[member="Joza Perl"]

In fairy tales, everything is simple. Good and evil - both sides are always clearly defined and easily identifiable since the side of evil dresses in black and tends to be physically degraded - clash. Good tends to triumph and everyone lives happily ever after. Or they do not triumph, but they will assuredly do so before the trilogy is over. Little thought is given to the aftermath, or the toll warfare can take upon both civilians and combatants.

Alas, things were not so easy in reality. The Battle for Kaeshana was over, though not the larger conflict between the Galactic Alliance and the First Order. Nor had the Tygaran Alliance forgotten. Many had perished in the terrible battle, the survivors bore the scars. One of them was Elpsis. After returning to Tygara, the firemane had gone on a leave of absence from Firemane's paramilitary forces. She hadn't experienced a crisis of faith. Her hatred for the Sith and the imperialists was unabated, and probably stronger after the atrocities they'd committed on the Eldorai's homeworld.

But she step away and get time to find herself. Time to take her mind off storming trenches and climbing over the bodies of dead comrades. Corellia, Castamere, Atrisia and Kaeshana...all the wars weighed heavily than she'd like to admit it. So here she was, helping in one of the many refugee camps that had sprung up on Tygara to provide shelter for Eldorai who'd fled Kaeshana. These living quarters were only provisional, until they could be relocated elsewhere.

Joza's message reached her in a quiet moment, after she'd helped erect a building that would serve as a makeshift school. That was good, honest labour. Being a space wizard who could do the heavy lifting with her mind was useful. Tomorrow, the school would open. So she was seated on a bench, wearing a rather sweaty tank top and faded jeans, drinking water right from the bottle, when her datapad beeped.

This one wanted to write that she read the message...but just realised that Elpsis would probably be unable to do that due to requiring the Force to see. So it was either an audio message or futuristic tech can convert text to speech. Either way, she got it. Her face lit up a bit and she smiled slightly. Hi, Jozie! I'm ok. Just, y'know, dealing. How ya doingt? I'm still on Tygara. Would be happy to see you. Weekend? At a refugee camp. Can send coordinates. The audio message would travel across space and time till it reached Joza.
The message reached Joza shortly, and it was with pleasant surprise that Elpsis' voice brought a smile to her face. She sounded as bright as usual, though there was a bit of honest fatigue to her tone. Couldn't blame her, given all that had happened recently. Strength took effort and energy, and there was no shame in giving yourself a rest to recharge every so often. Working yourself to the bone, though an easy mindset to fall into, was self-destructive and helped no one in the end.

At least in her experiences.

"I'm alright. Alan was a fussy sleeper last night, so...y'know, dark circles and all that. Nothing a little concealer can't take care of." She laughed, light and bubbly for a moment before realizing that the rings under her eyes wouldn't make a lick of difference to the blind woman. "Send your coordinates on over and I'd love to drop by and help out. A refugee camp certainly is a romantic place for a date!"

After sending the message, Joza sat back and brushed her hair out of her face. It was thick and often unruly in her younger years, and had a tendency to rebel against the many pins and gallons of hair gel she used when trying to tie it back properly. She'd make it was properly restrained, at least, for work among the refugees. At first passing it sounded like another burden, but the thought gradually sank in to be one of comfort. Away from the boiling conflicts and soldiers, she'd be able to get her minds off of the galactic aggression and do something solidly good-hearted. Moments like those became rarer the deeper into the underworld she went, guilt eating away at one end of her while morally ambiguous actions worked at the other end.

Shortly, she would set course for Tygara.

[member="Elpsis Elaris"]
[member="Joza Perl"]

It was an undeniable fact that redheads were a superior species. Golden or raven hair, no matter how glorious, could not possibly compete with the radiant perfection and fierce power of an infallible firemane. The downside was that the magnificient mane of scarlet tended to be as unruly as the woman whose head it crowned.

It was no surprise that Siobhan Kerrigan spent ages doing her hair. Elpsis was considerably less fussy or girly and eschewed extreme amounts of hair gel and pins. Usually her hair was worn long and wild, except in situations where it would get in the way, such as combat. Now that this writer spent two entire paragraphs writing about red hair, we shall move on.

I know some romantic spots. I'll tell the Eldorai to give you clearance to land. And maybe we can, uh, go camping, if you want. There was a slight note of hesitation in her voice when she suggested that possibility. In any case, she sent the audio message and then turned off the datapad.

After fumbling a bit because she had trouble finding the off-switch. The rest of Elpsis' day would be spent helping furnish the makeshift school so that teachers and pupils would be able to actually have lessons without sitting on the floor. It was not much, but it was something at least. It helped keep the dark thoughts that threatened to claw their way into her mind at bay. Subsequently, she spent some time in the hospital. By the time her work was done, night had fallen upon the camp.

As moonlight fell from the sky, she said her prayers to the Great White Wolf, performing the rites needed to ward off evil spirits and the toxic influence of the Black Wolf, then went to bed in her bunk - alone, in case anyone was wondering. By the time Jozie arrived at the camp's coordinates, it would probably be morning.
Camping. There was a hesitant note in Elpsis’ voice when she mentioned the activity. While Joza had lived through many an outdoorsy mission and slept on many a hard ground, it was done out of necessity rather than preference. Growing up in the sprawling city that was the capital of Zeltros, she was at home among the crowded streets choked with smoke and noise. Outside was nice—there were many scenic, picturesque places to be seen and she could certainly appreciate a nice walk through the woods. Only once night fell, she favored returning to a place with electricity and a warm bed encompassed by four solid walls, a durasteel floor and a roof. Nature got creepy and…quiet at night, in the dark. And then there were the sounds that would startle you awake as a twig snapped or a pile of leaves rustled. Was it just the wind, or a vicious piece of wildlife coming to kill you?

Oh, but there was a tinge of hope in Elpsis’ voice that made her heart melt. She couldn’t turn her down, not after all that had happened on Kaeshana. Besides, this “camping” might be more fun when in the company of someone she liked as opposed to an assigned team mate from the Jedi. Or Ivan. He just wasn’t fun at all.

Camping sounds lovely! I should be there by morning. I’ll let you know as soon as I land.

She’d spent the rest of the night skimming through schematics on her datapad, drawing up prototypes and making notes. Heartbeat was expanding beyond what she’d ever projected when she started the little dance studio, and Joza could barely keep up with her own rapid-fire product designs. Most of them never made it to production of course, but her enthusiasm for her business had yet to dull.


They’d made it into Tygara space just a few hours past day break, and Ivan prepared to bring the ship to port after receiving proper clearance to land. Joza was busy getting ready for her stay, packing a small bag with necessities—changes of clothes, concealer, eyeliner, mascara, extra pins…standard camping fare, obviously. In truth, she was a little nervous about the venture, but she was happy just to get the chance to see Elpsis off of the battlefield. Hey, I’m here. Should be landing shortly. You awake yet? She sent Elpsis a quick ping via datapad while she went about fixing her unruly hair.

[member="Elpsis Elaris"]
[member="Joza Perl"]

While Joza was trying to adjust to the idea of spending her nights outside in the untamed wilderness, Elpsis had not been idle. She'd arisen from her slumber as soon as the first rays of sunlight pierced her bunk's window.

She was not directly in the refugee camp at this point in time, but on a nearby beach. The camp had been set up near the sea side because this made it easier to ferry supplies. So there she was now. She sat in a meditative lotus position, her bare feet touched the white sand.

Cool air brushed across her skin and ruffled her still damp, wild mane of scarlet. No makeup adorned her face. She wore shorts and a tank top, leaving her arms and a good portion of her long legs bare. Sightless eyes looked to the cerulean sky while her hands moved in complex patterns. Streams of smoke escaped upward to the heavens as a fireplace was abruptly ignited. Flames crackled amidst the howl of the wind. A few animal bones lay around on the ground. Her pet Cylix, Leo, had planted himself a bit away and was happily munching on some meat.

"Great White Wolf, blessed mother and guardian, whose voice I hear in the winds, and who gave me the breath of life, hear me.
You, whose fur warms me and whose teeth protect me from evil.
You, from whose loving care I receive nourishment and who endows me with the great gift.
You, who raised me from great distress and made me see the divine feminine.
For I need your strength and wisdom.
Let me see the beauty of your creation and never think myself above it.
Make my hands respect the thing you have made and my ears sharp to hear your voice.
Help me seek pure thought and act with the intention of helping others.
Help me find compassion without empathy overwhelmning me.
Make my wise so that I may understand the lessons you have hidden in every leaf and rock.
Make me strong, not to be greater than my sisters, but to fight the evil wrought by the Black Wolf.
So when life fades, as the fading, my spirit may traverse the void and find peace in your eternal forest without shame."

Her voice rose in a powerful chant as she sang. The wind blew across the ground, kicking up sand and dust as it did so. She felt the Force flow through her entire being. "Above all, be a guardian to these innocents who have come from afar, seeking solace from war and tyranny," she finished. She inhaled deeply, filling her air lungs with air.

At this moment her comm beeped loudly. Picking the device up and finding the activation button, she smiled slightly when she heard Joza's mind. Hey you! "Yeah, I'm up. Unlike Sio I'm not comatose till noon. I'm at the sea. Was just praying. You got here ok?"
Once ready, Joza bid farewell to an indifferent Ivan. The pilot wouldn’t be staying, but would rather be heading back to Lianna. He’d pick Joza up late at the request, and the two would hopefully stay in decent communication. As grouchy as he was, Ivan was a reliable pilot and did his job well.

Standing at the mouth of her ship’s ramp, the Zeltron balanced the bag under her arm while sending a response to Elpsis. She had to smirk a little at the mention of sleeping in late. Given that her teenage years were spent at seedy Zeltros clubs—because more often or not, she worked the late shift—she was quite used to being dead to the world until the afternoon. Only in the past few years had she shifted to what would be considered a more normal sleep cycle, but that promptly went out the window once she had the baby. Sleep training was awful, but worth it.

“Yep, safe and sound. You want me to meet you at the sea?”

The mention of prayer had gone unnoticed by her until now. She wasn’t aware that Elpsis was religious, or even aware of what sort of religion or religions the Eldorai followed. Not surprisingly, she knew little about the elven race, though perhaps she could do with learning more about them. This trip seemed like the perfect opportunity to. It would help her get to know the other pyromancer better, as well. Religion was often something close to someone’s heart, after all.

[member="Elpsis Elaris"]
[member="Joza Perl"]

Ironically, a younger Elpsis had been the exact opposite of spiritual. Truth be told, this was a fairly recent development. A spiritual awakening, if you would. Her younger self had not fit in amongst the Jedi, and considered both their code and the idea that the omnipresent energy field called the Force possessed a will to be ridiculous.

However, she'd been on a long journey of self-discovery since then and was probably more spiritual than most Jedi. But the goddess she worshipped was not the same as the Eldorai's, though she'd discovered some overlap in their religious beliefs. Hers was the faith of the isolated amazon tribe her mentor and spiritual guide belonged to, though Elpsis still had a long road to walk before she could be initiated. Not the least because her aforementioned mentor was an exile.

But enough of the preamble, we shall move on with the plot. "Sure, sounds great!" she chirped happily. The redhead felt a bit giddy. Admittedly it did not take a lot to get Elpsis excited about something. Once Joza arrived, she'd find Elpsis on the beach...playing fetch with a big lion. Once she'd sensed the Zeltron's presence, the redhead would stop tossing her Cylix a bone, much to his annoyance, and run towards her. Her bare feet kicked up quite a bit of sand in the process. Whether she wanted it or not, Joza would get a big hug. Resistance was futile.
The trek towards the beach was rather pleasant, and as Joza entered the sandy shores she took care to remove her socks and shoes. It felt good to have the sand between her toes again, and the feeling brought a vaguely serene smile to her face. She’d spent so much of her life choked in cramped, bright environments that she often forgot how vast and beautiful a simple place like a beach could be. Most of the public ones on Zeltros were crowded, anyhow. This right here was nature.

The sand was still cool, given that the sun had not been up for long and she reveled in the sensation of her feet sinking slightly into it. Therapeutic almost, and it didn’t take long for her to spot a head of red hair alongside that of a large feline creature in the distance. The beach was barren save for the pair, and a grin split Joza’s face as she neared them. Elpsis seemed to sense her with ease, abandoning her game of fetch in preference for bounding towards the Zeltron. The sight almost made her pause—she just looked so damn cute, so damn happy and it reminded her of the raw cheerfulness she’d often see in her son. She made sure to thank the Force or whatever deities there were that Alan seemed to be a normal, healthy child. So far, at least—but now wasn’t the time for brooding over the future.

“Oof,” Still a bit tender from the battering she’d received on Kaeshana, Joza grunted as the hug was administered. After a moment of gathering her bearings, she wrapped her arms around Elpsis and squeezed the girl back gently, though tightly enough. “Hey, you!” A wide grin stretched across her face. “It’s good to see you again, out of the armor and away from the enemy this time.” The two had a knack for meeting on the battlefield, though it wasn’t coincidence given Elpsis’ ties to Tygaran forces and Joza’s penchant for helping them against Sith, invaders and whatnot.

Pulling away slightly, she paused to brush a stray wisp of hair from Elpsis’ face, tucking it behind her ear. “You doing alright, hun?” There was a touch of maternal concern there, something she’d found difficult to shake lately.

[member="Elpsis Elaris"]
[member="Joza Perl"]

The young firemane had been bloodied in battle. She'd probably waded through far too many rivers of blood than someone her age should. Violence had been her companion since that awful day when she'd been captured by her father and he'd tried to break her.

It was probably even worse when one considered that she was an empath. When she inflicted pain on someone, she felt it. Viscerally. The same applied when an ally suffered. Time had hardened her and forced her to cope, yet though her innocence was lost, she still retained an exuberance and upbeat attitude one associated with children. It was part genuine, part coping mechanism. She could despair in a bleak, cold galaxy, or try and look past the ugliness and see the beauty that lay beneath it. When all else failed, faith gave her hope, empowering her.

Joza returned the hug and Elpsis held on to her tightly. The two were about the same height and this time neither of them were encased in armour! The two had a knack for meeting on the battlefield, though they had not socialised a lot, but then they had the chance to rectify that now.

"Wanted me out of my armour, huh? You only had to ask," she reached out with her hand to cup the pink woman's cheek. Being a pyromancer, Elpsis' fingers were always a little warmer than was the norm. In the absence of physical sight, touch had become more important to her. It vexed her a bit that, strictly speaking, she had no clue what Joza's face looked like.

She could see her aura though. It was pretty, showing a legacy of pain and regrets, but also bravery and a compassionate, kind spirit. "Glad you could make it. You look good. I'm ok. Just needed some time off, y'know. Think it's done me some good. You?"

Meanwhile, Leo approached them, dropping the bone at Elpsis' feet. He recognised the looks his mistress was giving the tall, pink woman. It meant she'd probably be very cross if he tried to eat the interloper. He growled and swivelled his strong neck, thick with a wild, glorious mane, then sniffed her. She did not smell of the woods or the savannah, but of the city. He probably wanted to go hunting somewhere and sink his teeth into an antelope's neck!
A wide grin stretched across Joza’s face. “Hey, your butt looked good in that armor. Sometimes you’ve got to leave some of it to the imagination.” She didn’t shy away as the other woman as she cupped her face, wholly comfortable with little intimate gestures. Of course, she wouldn’t like to be touched by someone she didn’t like or considered hostile—but Elpsis was friendly and kind, so she reveled in the touch.

“Time off is good. Slowing down and taking a rest is just as important as fighting.” Her tone was gentle, unperturbed and honest. For a moment she wondered how Elpsis could sense that she looked good given the apparently lack of vision, but decided not to prod her about it. At least not now, anyhow. Not during introductions. In place of that, she leaned forward and pecked the other redhead on the cheek softly. “I’m doing alright. Still dealing with the come-down from the fight, though.” She wasn’t going to lie, and there was no use lying to an empath anyhow. Maybe if she focused hard enough she might be able to falsify her emotions, but there was no point in that. She didn’t want to lie to Elpy, anyhow. “I spent some of the time after the battle with my son, Alan. He’s almost 18 months old!”

Her child was something Joza would always get excited over. She loved Alan more than anything, and seeing him could instantly brighten her day. But there was a constant pit of guilt in her stomach for having to leave him behind so often. “I’ll bring him to Tygara someday to meet you and the others.”

Though she’d noted the presence of the large feline while heading over, she hadn’t realized how close Leo had gotten! Joza blinked, suppressing the instinctive urge to jump as the beast. The Zeltron was not great with wildlife, and though she admired house pets from afar, they just weren’t to her. That’s not to say that she didn’t like them, of course. She just…didn’t know what to do with them.

“Oh,” There was a hint of an anxious edge in her voice as she glanced down at Leo. “Hello there?” She looked back up at Elpsis, her smile relaxing again. “You said you were praying before I got here? How did that go?” Another avenue in which Joza was unfamiliar was that of religion, organized or not.

[member="Elpsis Elaris"]
[member="Joza Perl"]

Elpsis pouted. "But we are gonna get naked in the woods, right?" she asked a bit eagerly, batting her eyelashes at Jozie. This was obviously just because certain religious rituals required her to worship the Great Spirit au natura!

She nodded understandingly when Joza spoke about the need to take a step back. Through her empathy, she could see that the Zeltron had not emerged without her soul being wounded, but she made no comment. The older woman was a fighter. Her lips formed a bright smile when Jozie talked about her son. "You should totally bring Alan along some time. Would love to see him. And he can meet Morri and Sio's grandkids!"

A girlish giggle escaped her throat when she watched Jozie get acquainted with her pet Cylix. "Don't be afraid of Leo. He's a sweetheart. He's not gonna eat you up," she said reassuringly, petting the big lion, who decided to be friendly by licking Jozie's hand. "He only eats people who piss me off," Elpsis added conversationally. This was totally reassuring.

She glanced back at Jozie with her vacant, milky-white eyes. "Went well, I think. She's difficult to read sometimes! But I know the Great Wolf loves me. She's kept me safe throughout. When I'm in doubt, afraid or upset, I turn to her and I feel better. Things just fall into place, you know. People say there can't be a higher power because there's no proof, because there's so much war, injustice and suffering, but I look at creation - at nature - at all the close calls I had, and I know there's something greater than us, " she said with the utmost conviction. "What about you, Jozie? Do you believe in a higher power?"
The mention of being naked, predictably, did not cause the woman to blush or stutter. She was a Zeltron, born and raised after all. While she now understood and respected that not all cultures shared the same values, nudity was no source of shame for her.

A bit of genuine laughter tickled her throat. “Provided I don’t end up covered in bugs and leaves and dirt.” Joza had to suppress a shiver at the thought. Ew. Though the thought of being naked with Elpsis was the opposite of ew.

“I’m sure he’d love that. He really gets along well with other kids, from what I’ve seen.” Thankfully, whatever he inherited from his father had not yet surfaced, though the thought did give rise to a barb of anxiety in her stomach. Perhaps she was about to elaborate, but the Cylix licking at her hand made her skin crawl. “Oh, ah…” She trailed, looking down and giving Leo the Most Awkward Smile of the Year. “Well, that’s…it’s nice to meet you Leo.” Shifting back up towards Elpsis, her smile evened out a bit more towards natural. “You two seem to have a good bond.” She’d often heard of others forming strong bonds with their bestial companions.

When the talk turned towards religion, Joza was surprised to find herself listening with a curious ear. Maybe it was in part due to Elpsis’ fascination, the way she spoke making it clear that this Great Wolf was someone or something important to her. But when the question came, she searched for an answer before realizing that she really couldn’t offer up much in that realm.

“I’m not sure,” She answered honestly. “I’ve thought about it in passing, but could never really come up with much.” A pause, and her face took on a thoughtful look as the gears inside of her head whirred. “I’ve never really been exposed to any ideas of a higher power. I know that some cultures worship the Force, some think that their Sun gave birth to all creation, and many more. Is there a story behind the Great Wolf?”

[member="Elpsis Elaris"]
[member="Joza Perl"]

"But leaves are nice on your skin! And I can think of fun things to do with vines," Elpsis declared chipperly. Come heaven or high water, she would teach Jozie to love the wonders of nature and the wilderness. Well, maybe.

She gave Leo a fond look. "Yeah, I love the big guy. Ran into him on Dahomey. A sorceress had a grudge against foreigners because of the abuse she'd suffered, so her magic was driving animals mad. I calmed him down. Been with me since then." Seeing that Joza was a wee bit uncomfortable about the Cylix licking her hand, Elpsis picked up a bone and tossed it. As if on cue, Leo ran after it, throwing up a lot of sand on the way.

If Elpsis' milky white eyes were not dead, they would have lit up at the prospect of educating the Zeltron about the divine feminine. "Come, sit down. I can tell you the story, if you like," she took Joza's hand and led her to her boulder so that they could sit down.

"It's not the Eldorai faith. There's some overlap, but I'm not that keen on their religion. Too much racist crap," her own faith, on the other hand, was just unrepentantly sexist.

"It's the faith of the Amazon tribe my mentor belongs to. The Great White Wolf is our mother. We're all her daughters. Once ages ago, there was a creator. No one knows her name, only that she created the galaxy out of the darkness of the void. She left the Black and White Wolves behind to watch over these worlds when it was her time to go beyond the stars. The wolves were supposed to be guardians to steward the younger races."

Her thumb stroked fond circles across Joza's pink hand. "But the Black Wolf was greedy and gave power to men since they're easier to manipulate and he believed they were the stronger sex, which is bollocks because they cannot bring life into this world. They don't have the strength to take the pain and agony of birth. The skies blackened, worlds were polluted, and the Force was twisted into a weapon of terror. That's why patriarchy just brings misery. But the White Wolf fought against him and passed on her knowledge to wise women. We can see her works wherever there's beauty and compassion in the world. It's easiest to connect with her in the wild, where nature is unspoilt by civilisation. You can still feel the spirits there."

She locked eyes with Joza. "She still performs miracles. I should've died when I fought that Sith guy, Raien Keth. But she protected me when he invaded my mind. I was frightened and broken, then there was a bright light - and I saw a redmaned angel and a dire wolf. She gave me the visions that brought me together with my mother. And when I lost my eyes on Omega, she made me see," she declared fervently. As primitive or superstitious as her faith probably was, it was something Elpsis clearly believed in.

"I pray at sun set and at nightfall. Sun represents the white, night the black, so I pray for our protection and for the goddess' return at dawn. The good, brave and faithful are shepherded by the white wolf's spirits and enter her kingdom. It's a vast and endless forest without pain or sorrow." A beat. "I pray for you and your kid, too."
Part of getting to know someone was learning what fascinated them, what subjects made them perk up with gleeful interest. While this particular religion wasn’t really much of a concern, it was important to Elpsis and that alone made Joza want to hear about it. When a person spoke passionately, you could absorb a lot about them. The fact that Elpsis was too damn adorable was certainly not working against her, either.

The scene was something out of a holoflick, or so she imagined. Early morning, vacant beach with serene waters lapping rhythmically against the shore. It wasn’t as bright or as flashy as a cinematic masterpiece, but it was open and natural and made Joza feel strangely out of place, though not in a bad way. It was just…nice.

A little smirk almost tilted the corners of her lips at the indication of men being a lesser sex. While Joza was not overtly sexist, perhaps she was in subtle ways. Idly, she watched Leo some distance away as he wrestled with the bone in his jowls. A sympathetic look crossed her face when Elpsis spoke of when the White Wolf protected her in times of great danger and stress. Vaguely, she thought it would certainly be a nice thing to believe—that there was a higher power watching over you, protecting you in your time of need. At the mention of Elpsis praying for her and Alan, Joza looked mildly surprised, as if she weren’t expecting to hear that, but her expression quickly softened to something more amicable. Not that the blind woman would notice the visuals, but she’d probably feel the flickers of shifting emotion in her aura.

“Compassion is something sorely lacking in this galaxy.” Her words were soft, thoughtful as her mind drifted back to the story, how the White Wolf heralded beauty and compassion. “I’ve watched it fade from good people after getting ground down over and over.” A hand reached up to tuck a stray tendril of hair behind Elpsis’ ear before the back of her fingers trailed gently down the other woman’s face. “You’re a good person, Elpsis. Bright, empathetic and kindhearted. I don’t know much about her, but I think that your White Wolf would be proud.” For someone who had been through so much, Joza had to admire the way Elpsis shouldered her issues.

“If your Amazon tribe near here?” The inquiry was polite and innocent, assuming that Elpsis belonged to said tribe.

[member="Elpsis Elaris"]
[member="Joza Perl"]

Elpsis unconsciously leaned into the touch when Joza's fingers trailed down her face. Being physically blind, touch had become more important to her. "You think so? Thanks. I mean, I try. I guess many people think it's silly or childish, but when I'm in doubt or afraid, she's always there."

Perhaps that was, at its core, what faith was about. Alas, all too often it got twisted by politics. Even the Amazon tribe Elpsis was so enamoured with was not free of this. The firemane brought the Zeltron's fingers to her lips and kissed them softly.

"My tribe's not here, no. May be for the best. Tygara's so turbulent. I've...never actually visited them, to be honest. My mentor and one of her disciples are exiles. She broke one of their stupid rules and had a kid without asking. The matron's fallen under the spell of the Black Wolf."

Leo came running, stampeding towards them over the sand, with the bone in his howls. He dropped it right at Joza's feet and gave the Zeltron an expectant look. "I'm gonna join one day. Once we've made things right. It's a harsh life in the tribe, so I'll have to pass some trials, too, to prove I'm strong enough."

One them involved undergoing a complex alchemical process that would ensure she'd only be able to bear daughters. Elpsis was still not sure how she felt about that - or the fact that the tribe would expect her to have kids!

"Till then, I help [member="Laina Silvias"] look after her kid and rally her sisters. She's an amazing woman and I owe her so much. She brought me to the White Wolf and opened my ears to the spirits' call," there was a radiant smile on her face when she mentioned the dark-haired amazon.
“She had a child without asking?” A crimson brow lofted, but Joza was aware enough to understand that different cultures had different rules. It still didn’t stop the surprise and a bit of disgust from leaking through in her tone, though. Considering that she’d willingly carried the child of a Sith Lord, she didn’t have much room to talk. Of course, she’d never regret Alan. He was her child.

Her gaze shifted to the approaching cylix, more out of instinct than actual wariness. While she was confident that the beast would not eat her (or that Elpsis would prevent him from doing so in the event that he tried to sneak a bite) she still wasn’t entirely sure how to act around him. It took a few moments of staring between the bone and the cat for her to understand what he wanted.

“You seem very dedicated to the White Wolf and her teachings.” Bending for a moment, she retrieved the bone carefully, cautious of the proximity of her hand to Leo’s strong jaw. “Trials? Almost reminds me of the Jedi. Those are the only trials I've ever been though, but I'm sure that they're probably very different than those of your tribe.” A tight smirk curled her lips as she hefted the bone over her shoulder before tossing it out onto the gently sloping dunes of sand. Maybe in execution, but didn't all trials test things like courage and dedication?

“Living in exile must be difficult,” The comment was made with offhand honesty as her eyes began to glaze over in thought. “But if I had to choose between exile and my kid? Alan would win every time.” Joza had been unprepared for the sheer force of maternal love that came with bearing a child.

[member="Elpsis Elaris"]
[member="Joza Perl"]

"She broke the rules, fell in love and had a kid without the matron's permission. I figure the old queen also thought Laina was a threat to her," Elpsis shrugged. The note of disgust in Joza's tone didn't escape her. "Look, it's their way. I don't agree with all their rules. Love should never be a crime. That's just sick. But they're not barbarians, kay? They're good people. And Laina'll set things right." There was a strong note of conviction her voice.

She seemed to realise how passionate she'd gotten, and flushed slightly. "Sorry for getting defensive. Laina, Aella and lil Morri just mean a lot to me. They're family - and I hope the tribe accepts me. The trials are about courage and dedication, yeah. Gotta show you got what it takes to be a strong warrior, huntress, and a mother. Everyone's gotta pull their load, so there's no coddling. One's about meeting your spirit guardian." Hallucinogenics played a role in that test.

A girlish giggle escaped her throat when Joza took the plunge, retrieved the bone from Leo's jowels and tossed it. Satisfied, the big feline dashed off across the beach to retrieve his toy. "I think he likes you, babe. We gotta take him hunting later. Maybe he'll collect a trophy just for you." She might have been trolling...or not.

Those sightless, milky-white eyes glanced towards Joza. A gentle breeze came their way, kissing Elpsis' pale skin and blowing her wild firemane around. "Did you ever think about having kids before you had Alan?"
“Mm.” Reaching for Elpsis’ hand, she brushed a thumb over the back of her hand before lacing their fingers together and squeezing softly. “Every culture has their own way.” She nodded in understanding, though it was still a foreign idea to her. “Growing up I always knew about the concept of monogamy, but once I left Zeltros and entered a relationship with a non-Zeltron…well, I guess I didn’t really know how to put it into practice.” A sad chuckle slipped past her lips, but that was in the past now. There were a lot of subtle differences between Zeltros and different parts of the galaxy when it came to things like that.

“Don’t apologize. They’re your family. Always gotta defend your family, blood or not.” A proud smile lifted her face. “You’re a strong woman, Elpsis. I’m sure you’ll do well.”

Joza’s gaze followed Leo as he dashed off. “A trophy?” She shuddered. “I’m good, thanks. Got enough trophies of war myself.” She was referring to scars, though it could be misinterpreted.

The mention of family turned to children, and Joza paused to gather her thoughts before answering. “Yes,” Her voice held a note of difficult honesty. “But I always pictured it being as far away. I grew up without my father in my life, so I promised myself that if I had kids, I’d make sure that their own father was a part of their lives.” She sucked her lower lip inwards, chewing on it for a few seconds before releasing it. “But Alan’s father is not someone I want involved in his life. It’s better this way.” When prompted with the question of her child’s paternity, she often shrugged. Being a Zeltron, it didn’t seem that far-fetched…but this was the first time she’d mentioned the father in front of someone else. Was it a slip up, or was she feeling guilty?

[member="Elpsis Elaris"]
[member="Joza Perl"]

Elpsis plain and simply did not understand monogamy. She'd always been fairly promiscuous and now she operated in an environment that encouraged rather than just tolerated her behaviour, so she saw no reason to alter it. She cared a lot about Tempest, but could not imagine tying herself to her exclusively. The redhead was quite proud of her little network of lovers and cherished each of them in her own way.

"Fathers are overrated. Mine was an abusive, vile monster." Her tone was laced with some bitterness and coated in venomous hatred. "Auntie Sio ripped the bastard's spine out. Then I beat the crap out of the son of a queen in hell. Piece of Sith chit. If I have kids, there won't be a manling in my life."

Abruptly, she got to her feet and whistled to Leo. "Playtime's over, big guy. Gotta get a move on. We'll find something nice for you to hunt. Maybe an antelope, huh? Come on, Jozie, there's woods nearby. It's not that far. Best get going before it gets dark. If you need anything from your ship, best get it now."

Perfect for camping, right? Regardless, she slung a large duffel bag over her shoulder. She would wait for the Zeltron, assuming she needed to retrieve any belongings from her vessel first. "Did he hurt you?" she would suddenly asked without prompting, whenever they got a move on. "Your kid's dad, I mean." Maybe Joza had not covered her tracks that well when she made her verbal slip.

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