Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Which of the Classic Nine Alignments Is Your Character?

Chaotic Evil - Alor of Clan Dryggo
I assume everyone here knows about the nine alignments often associated with TTRPGs such as Dungeons and Dragons and Pathfinder. While Star Wars has always opted for a more traditional, Light Side = Good and Dark Side = Bad with very little gray in-between, I thought it would be fun to open up the question to everyone here: which of the nine are your characters?

If you don't know, the Nine Alignments are: Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Chaotic Good, Lawful Neutral, Neutral (or True Neutral, depending on the system you're using), Chaotic Neutral, Lawful Evil, Neutral Evil, and Chaotic Evil. If anyone wants or needs examples I can provide some characters that fit each archetype.

For me... Matthias Colcrip Matthias Colcrip is for sure True Neutral while Sig is Neutral Evil.
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Chaotic Evil - Alor of Clan Dryggo
I 100% agree on writing good aligned characters. I have no idea why. If I'm playing literally any RPG video game I have no problem having good aligned characters. But when it comes to TTRPGs (and now post-by-post RPGs I'm discovering on this site) I have always struggled to write characters that aren't either morally conflicted or just a brand of evil.
As a D&D player, nearly all my characters are true neutral, neutral good or lawful neutral, as I predominantly play as a cleric, paladin or warlock.

On Chaos I only have two characters, Revna and Veradun.

Revna started of true neutral but has gradually become neutral evil.

Veradun is still young but I'd classify him as lawful evil.
Chaotic Evil - Alor of Clan Dryggo
Here’s another good discussion question in the same vein as the post title:

Should FU characters be binary good or evil, with nuances to make them unique, OR can FU characters be as morally ambiguous as a NFU character?
Here’s another good discussion question in the same vein as the post title:

Should FU characters be binary good or evil, with nuances to make them unique, OR can FU characters be as morally ambiguous as a NFU character?
I love grey/morally ambiguous force users. I'm big on oneism - as in, a monad in a religious sense. While stapling the force down as one way or the other makes the overall narrative easier to digest (light vs dark, good vs evil, etc), I believe a force user that balances both light and dark can not only unlock abilities far beyond other binary users, but they have the most understanding of the force, and can probably enact its will more fluently.

That's just me though.

No surprise that a senator believes that law and order are good actually, but Alicio will always prioritize what he feels is right over the rules. Seems pretty Neutral Good to me.​

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
Factory Judge
Noah’s 100% chaotic good, he believes in doing the right thing but is also very willing to bend the rules to get it done.

I’d say his son is more neutral good.
Senator of Vaklin, 1st Siskeeni Advisor
I'd initially say Derek is true neutral, but in reality he's more Neutral Good.
I mean, diplomat=evil, politician=evil, senator=evil ... I'm kidding of course.
Derek believes choosing to do good is harder, and rarer, than the stagnancy of an apathetic neutralist.

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