Silent steps from the pawed demon sent shivers down the spine of the lone human, slowly it circled intently with a cold, calculating gaze that pierced through the very soul of it's soon-to-be prey. The beast had four thick muscular legs that slowly carried the frame of the oversized feline, the razor sharp claws retracted slowly as the hunter gazed into it's eyes. It's eyes... eyes of a demon trapped in the bowels of Chaos.
The hunter stood his ground gazing into the eyes of the monstrosity, it studied him for a moment slowing it's pace as if waiting for an opening. He would give it no quarter, he was tired of running, tired of living on the edge of breaking, he would surrender himself to the wild side. The animal side.
The beast planted it's feet into the ground and roared with an intensity to shake the foundation of every tree in the jungle, birds fled the treetops taking to the sky to escape the savage monster. The warrior remained stationary, he continued to stare into the heart of darkness before responding with a cry of his own. The human screamed a bloody roar that emerged forth from the strained vocals of the lone survivor. Time slowed to a crawl and within that moment the beast was upon him.
Several alarms and dash readings surfaced warning the pilot of the damage to the hull and worsening condition of the stabilizers. Kaigann set his gaze upon the approaching blue planet, he had to set it down and make repairs or else he would be grounded permanently or worse trapped in the vacuum of space. Flipping the stabilizers he opened the wings into X formation in order to see which was the problem child.
It had been nearly a year since the apprentice of Graxin Rade, Kaigann Fossk, had joined the mission of investigating the Primeval in the Unknown Regions under the leadership of Ekul Selah, the Dark Man. In that time he had been separated from the group, captured, freed by his own hand, and lost in the vacuum of space in attempting to escape the Primeval.
Wandering the Unknown Regions, Kaigann sought something to turn the tide against the One Sith in the newly developing war against the Republic and the newly rechristened 'Army of Light'. He had heard tales of Revan's exploits with the Rakatan structures such as the Star Forge and in turn followed the footsteps of the rogue Jedi Knight in exploring the vast unexplored territory.
He found signs of Rakatan rule on several planets, long lost structures dedicated to the God-Kings of the Infinite Empire but there were no signs of any secret weapon or long lost artifact that could bring about the victory they sorely needed. In truth, it was a fool's quest, a false savior that would never come. There was no longer any artifacts left by the Rakata, no superweapons to be uncovered, no trace of the long lost civlization other than the rotting monuments left behind after thousands of years.
Kaigann felt like a fool, he had spent an entire year away from his allies and in doing so had slowed not only his own growth but the strength of the Reformation. Every Jedi was a cog in the ever growing machine that fueled Ession's dream of destroying the Sith. They needed every saber, and his was long gone, lost in the expansive void.
The clean cut look the young Jedi sported was now gone, his face now covered by a short beard, his buzz cut grown into middle length slicked back hair. Kaigann continued on his current course towards the unknown world, his skills in piloting had increased significantly from the time he had left Ession, he was confident he would be able to land the vessel and begin the much needed repairs for the trip home. He had to trust in the Force, it would guide him home... so he hoped.
Silent steps from the pawed demon sent shivers down the spine of the lone human, slowly it circled intently with a cold, calculating gaze that pierced through the very soul of it's soon-to-be prey. The beast had four thick muscular legs that slowly carried the frame of the oversized feline, the razor sharp claws retracted slowly as the hunter gazed into it's eyes. It's eyes... eyes of a demon trapped in the bowels of Chaos.
The hunter stood his ground gazing into the eyes of the monstrosity, it studied him for a moment slowing it's pace as if waiting for an opening. He would give it no quarter, he was tired of running, tired of living on the edge of breaking, he would surrender himself to the wild side. The animal side.
The beast planted it's feet into the ground and roared with an intensity to shake the foundation of every tree in the jungle, birds fled the treetops taking to the sky to escape the savage monster. The warrior remained stationary, he continued to stare into the heart of darkness before responding with a cry of his own. The human screamed a bloody roar that emerged forth from the strained vocals of the lone survivor. Time slowed to a crawl and within that moment the beast was upon him.
5 years ago....
Kaigann could hear the whine of the engines of his salvaged X-Wing as he entered the lost system in the depths of the Unknown Regions. "She's not gonna make it." The harsh vibrations and newfound noise validating his statement, he wasn't going to make the return trip home in this ship. Truthfully, he had no idea where he was in the galaxy, without a working navicomputer he was bound to wander the stars aimlessly."Dammit!"
Several alarms and dash readings surfaced warning the pilot of the damage to the hull and worsening condition of the stabilizers. Kaigann set his gaze upon the approaching blue planet, he had to set it down and make repairs or else he would be grounded permanently or worse trapped in the vacuum of space. Flipping the stabilizers he opened the wings into X formation in order to see which was the problem child.
It had been nearly a year since the apprentice of Graxin Rade, Kaigann Fossk, had joined the mission of investigating the Primeval in the Unknown Regions under the leadership of Ekul Selah, the Dark Man. In that time he had been separated from the group, captured, freed by his own hand, and lost in the vacuum of space in attempting to escape the Primeval.
Wandering the Unknown Regions, Kaigann sought something to turn the tide against the One Sith in the newly developing war against the Republic and the newly rechristened 'Army of Light'. He had heard tales of Revan's exploits with the Rakatan structures such as the Star Forge and in turn followed the footsteps of the rogue Jedi Knight in exploring the vast unexplored territory.
He found signs of Rakatan rule on several planets, long lost structures dedicated to the God-Kings of the Infinite Empire but there were no signs of any secret weapon or long lost artifact that could bring about the victory they sorely needed. In truth, it was a fool's quest, a false savior that would never come. There was no longer any artifacts left by the Rakata, no superweapons to be uncovered, no trace of the long lost civlization other than the rotting monuments left behind after thousands of years.
Kaigann felt like a fool, he had spent an entire year away from his allies and in doing so had slowed not only his own growth but the strength of the Reformation. Every Jedi was a cog in the ever growing machine that fueled Ession's dream of destroying the Sith. They needed every saber, and his was long gone, lost in the expansive void.
The clean cut look the young Jedi sported was now gone, his face now covered by a short beard, his buzz cut grown into middle length slicked back hair. Kaigann continued on his current course towards the unknown world, his skills in piloting had increased significantly from the time he had left Ession, he was confident he would be able to land the vessel and begin the much needed repairs for the trip home. He had to trust in the Force, it would guide him home... so he hoped.