Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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While On Geonosis.....

Nara flicked a few switches and set the landing gear ready as The Rylothian Star landed gently on the surface of Geonosis. The light freighter gave a loud creak before resting properly on the ground. Nara gave the control panel a gentle pat.
"Good job, girl. You got us here in one piece. Who could ask for more?" she asked.
Nara jumped from her chair, shook her rakghoul off her leg, then started heading to the loading ramp. With a strong kick, the ramp lowered almost all the way to the ground, only a few centimeters above the ground.
"Close enough," Nara said with a shrug.
She unnecessarily jumped and landed with a thump on the rough rocks. She quickly swept her gaze over the landscape to check that no one had seen her land. Nara had calculated that she had about five hours before purist began. She doubted the people on Relovian would be happy to find some of their rifles and pistols were missing.
Nara searched the skies for any signs of other air-crafts. There had been a meeting planned to recruit some new crew members on her ship. It was sometimes hard to do everything herself with a rakghoul continually clinging on her leg. Nara had sent out coordinates of the meeting position to all who seemed interested. It was just a matter of time till they came.

[member="Cryax Bane"]
[member="Joran Del-Finn"]
[member="Commander Xillian"]
Welp, it seemed like he was getting closer to the place, but Cryax checked his datapad again for the coordinates, just to make sure. A friend of a friend had tipped him off to a temp job on helping a "free trader" get their cargo safely through space. Whatever it was they were transporting, it was going to be his job to make sure that he could keep pirates and opportunists from getting their hands on it. He had never actually done anything like this and had lied and embellished to land the gig, but he knew he could do it. He was one of the best defensive slicers this side of the Outer Rim. His adrenaline rose when he saw the freighter in the distance.

The lanky Chiss tenatively approached the pilot, a spunky-looking redhead with some kind of thing attached to her leg like a Sand leech. He had never seen one of those before and the creature made his skin crawl. This was gonna be some trip indeed. He looked down as his datapad for her name. He sure hoped that thing wasn't coming, too.

While his eyes nervously darted back and forth, from Nara to the Rakghoul, he held out his hand and introduced himself. " The name's Cryax. I'm your Ship's slicer for this trip. And trust me, you won't be disappointed with my services." He smiled shyly, bragging obviously didn't come naturally to him. "And I'm guessing that you're Nara?"

Nara whipped around, the rakghoul flying off with a small yelp. She quickly eyed the Chiss up and down. He didn't seem to have much fighting in him. But as a slicer, she guessed he wouldn't fight as much. But she would have to teach him some basics. On her travels, you needed to know how to defend yourself.

"Yep! That's me." Nara took the hand and gave it a hearty shake. "As to whether you disappoint me or not, that's all up to your performance. But I do hope I won't be."

Nara didn't take failure lightly, especially when it has to do with such a delicate job. The Relovian guns would make a killing on the black market. And as she would be the only on to have them, the profit can be even higher.

"While we are waiting for the others, would you mind if I asked a few questions?" Nara needed to make sure Cryax wasn't a spy.

[member="Cryax Bane"]
On board the ship, Temore had been resting after what felt like something pulling him apart. He had felt a strange sudden jolt and his being pulling away from itself, strange vibrations and sounds, then another jolt and he was flung all over the place. Yes, Temore's first jump to lightspeed had not been a very pleasant experience. He thought that maybe he could better understand it if he had been in the command area of the vessel. Unfortunately he had decided to slip into the cargo hold of the ship as it seemed quite interesting with the junk and other random objects left lying all around. He had not been able to explore the area for long before the jump and during the jump he had been to busy trying to pull himself together and figure out what was going on. Only after a small rest after the jump had he truly begun exploring. He had discovered that the place had a higher than usual bacteria concentration, which proved to be quite the feasting ground after the jump. While the junk and whatnot was interesting at first, they proved to just be boring objects that he could not figure how to use or how to work with.

He had satisfied his hunger and his curiosity in this room; now he knew that if he was hungry this area was the place to return to. He left the room, wandering around the ship. Out here there was much more interesting stuff to find, while the overall quantity was less, the quality was much better. He even found a droid! He remembered the first time he had figured a way of controlling droids. He hoped to once again do so and try and get better at it, maybe even eventually move its arms while walking. Heh, but that was certainly not going to happen any time soon. His body still needed to learn how to send electrical pulses with more efficiency. As he moved quickly around the ship, he noticed no one was aboard. He wondered why that was and if the captain was nearby. He returned to the droid and slowly, meticulously attached himself into the droid. He started sending pulses to have the droid take a few steps and then stopped. He started walking around the ship, taking his time to get used to the body of the droid.

Giving her hand a hearty shake and peeling his red eyes away from the Rakghoul, Cryax cleared his throat and willed himself to relax damnit. Was there such a thing as a personality implant? Cause if so, he sure needed one. He forced himself to look Nara dead in the eyes and smiled, his voice still edged with some nervousness. "Hey, there's no use in being the best if you don't get a chance to prove it right?"

He hoped he'd be able to live up to his bravado. And to keep eye contact long enough to answer her questions.

"Sure, fire away with whatever you'd like to ask."

[member="Nara"] [member="Temore"]
Geonosis' storied history lent it a distasteful air. It wasn't a place you went to if you were a reputable individual with choices, nor a place you went to at all if you knew what was best for you. Still, it was that very storied history, the derelict droid production plants in fact, that had drawn Scyluc to the planet in question. An old rumor, of CIS Super Science far outstripping modern technology, persisted around this world. Some claimed that in the droid factories wait advancements and innovations that would never see the light of day. For someone with Scyluc's background and voracious curiosity, it was only fitting that he book a trip to Geonosis to investigate himself.

As such, he found himself leagues under the earth, in the dark of a cold foundry, ambling his way carefully over forgotten walkways and past various dormant droids that had worked in the plant but had been left to decay when the foundry was abandoned. Deep in the control room, not that far now by Scyluc's metric, the Givin expected to find a datacore which might jumpstart his research into robotics and cybernetics. The probability was low that it would be unique information, but even some trade secrets he wasn't aware of might impart a major boon.

Scyluc stopped halfway down one of the organic-looking hallways the Geonosians were so fond of, taking a moment to count the support struts, measure their thickness, and run a few calculations. By his measure... The control room should have been here, based on his observation of blueprints of the usual CIS structure design, all the math pointed to this being the spot...

Scyluc sat down, head in a hand as he leaned on the other in the damp darkness of subterranean Geonosis, struggling to double-check his calculations and pathfinding. He WAS right, he knew he was, but the damn CIS had gone and been wrong, putting the control space somewhere else. At times like these, it was hard for him to deny the oft-cited inefficiency of other races. The CIS were Droid-builders though, there was no way they'd put their Control center lower or higher, this was the perfect place and they would have known as much.

Scyluc looked up, running his torch across the walls. He had to be missing something, some detail. He wasn't wrong and he knew it. Math, numbers, calculus, never lied. It was here.

Standing, the Givin began to carefully scan for some nook, some crevice, something that didn't belong even, if he took a moment to pretend he was in an adventure movie. That was when, after he suspended his disbelief and thought of the potential of a hidden compartment of some sort, he found it: Something that didn't belong, a large knob of resin that shouldn't be there, and with a few awkward attempts he discovered it to be a false cover to a keypad.

Producing a small crowbar, Scyluc popped the cover of the keypad and produced a small interface terminal which cut into the keypads wiring fairly easily. After a few moments of fiddling with the settings and tuning, Scyluc popped the encryption and with a deep groan, the wall opposite slid away. Pocketing his gear, he proceeded into the room, the control room that he KNEW was here. Inside there was a series of terminals and screens, as well as a holotank. Moving to a nearby terminal, Scyluc booted the computer from an Auxillerary power source he had brought for just this instance. The computer was surprisingly lowly secured, revealing that useful information would have to come from notes and comments rather than just design schematics.

Scyluc was absorbed for almost an hour in his looting, scouring through old info, logs, and notes. Of particular interest, was the preliminary notes on a digital blackbox that was being designed, although all it contained was comments on potential avenues to approach the challenge, nothing pertaining to the technology in question. With a muffled grunt of annoyance, Scyluc ripped the notes he found of use, such as details on anti-gravity devices and a few metallurgy notes that he could always codify and refer back to from his own projects.

Some would consider this trip fruitless, but Scyluc was of a different mind; he had gained a few ill-known tricks that usually were only really present in specialist manufacturers wares, things that took years and generations to get right. Regardless, it came time to leave all too soon, as a small notice popped on his hud; his ride off of the planet would be arriving soon, and if he was to leave Geonosis alive, he'd need to hurry. Collecting his equipment, Scyluc hustled back the way he came, leaving the derelict facility to its ghosts once more.

It was over two hours before he reached the cargo bay his cheap speeder bike was waiting in, and with a little fiddling, Scyluc primed and activated the bike. Wheeling it around, he pulled his legs up and hugged the frame, zipping out and across the dunes and canyons of the arid planet. His helmet's display announced his destination fairly easily, and as the miles closed, he got a good view of the ship as he exited a particularly thick rock cluster.

It was a fairly simple ship from the outside, with an understated design compared to some of the larger ships of its class. It was, simply put, the right ship for the right job, nothing more, nothing less.

Pulling back on the throttle, Scyluc slowed to a hover and swung his leg off the bike. There were three figures milling about, a human, a Chiss, and a... Thing. The human to her credit seemed not to notice the... Thing, while the Chiss was edging away from it as Scyluc approached. The woman, who the Givin assumed was the captain, looked personable enough. The chiss seemed skittish and a little awkward, but his speech gave away his intellect.

"Greetings, I am Scyluc Vaidral," The Givin kept his distance, his eyes darting to the big-mouthed monkey-goblin beast as he introduced himself,"(Z–>)90º – (E–N²W)90ºt?"

Scyluc waited for the inevitable blank looks. He'd still been giving a chance to aliens, but ultimately he had discovered that almost all other races were very rude and refused to solve even the simplest of problems. With a bit of a breath, he added, "I am signing on to be your Technician and Navigator. You've probably heard of my people's ability in such pursuits."

[member="Cryax Bane"] [member="Nara"]
The equation was a dead giveway. His new temporary crewmate was obviously a Givin. The slender Chiss didn't know any Givin personally, but he did know that these guys were freaky good with math. It might be really interesting to have this fellow on board for a chance to pick its brain (or whatever it had up there) for some pointers on astrogation as well. Cryax had longed to study the field, and had learned all he could from the HoloNet, but he never had the means for that advanced of an education. Perhaps if he had grown up on Csilla like other Chiss...

His thoughts snapped back to the Givin, and he had to stop himself from asking Scyluc a milliion questions. Time to remember his manners. He should let ladies speak first even if they happened to be smugglers.

[member="Scyluc Vaidral"] [member="Temore"] [member="Nara"]
Nara was surprised that a Givin was interested in her little mission. She had heard of the great skills of his species, and she was fully aware of the advantages that would come with having one as a crew member. But Nara wasn't one to quickly trust someone, no matter how good a reputation they have.

"The name is Nara. I'm the captain of The Rylothian Star here." Nara noticed the weird looks at the rakghoul. "Don't worry about this guy. I picked him up on Taris. He's absolutely harmless. Just be careful of his teeth and claws."

Nara was monologuing slightly to analyze their characters. She wanted to make sure these were the right people to take with her. Cryax seemed like a smart Chiss, but how would he act in a crisis? A Givin is always useful to have, but she didn't know much of the species outside of their brilliant mind.

[member="Cryax Bane"] [member="Temore"] [member="Scyluc Vaidral"]
As his glowing eyes studied the group, the Chiss was relieved that the appearance of the Givin seemed to distract Nara. He was reluctant to play twenty questions with the smuggler and anxious to get to the computer. He'd rather show her what he could do than stand out here giving her an exposition and the social situation was, as usual, uncomfortable for the shy Chiss. Plus the breeze that blew on the planet's surface was causing grains of Geonosian sand to uncomfortably chafe his skin.

He leaned in and quirked an eyebrow at Nara. "Do you mind if I go have a look at your ship's computers? I'd like to find out what I'm dealing with before we take off. I'll also need a list of your passwords or voice commands, any other safeguards. If I'm going to keep this ship safe during our trip, I'll need complete control."

[member="Scyluc Vaidral"]
Nara realized that Cryzx didn't want to stay outside; and she didn't want him to be turned away instantly just because of her forgetful manners.

"Ok. But before you both go in, I have a few rules. I'm captain, and no one is higher than me. No one fiddles with my ship or stuff without my permission. If you do come, you are required to partake in cleaning a portion of the cargo hold." Nara would have listed off much more, but she didn't want to bore everyone and wanted to see their skills. She felt claws wrap around her leg. "Oh. And feel free to shoot this guy if you feel angry, annoyed, frustrated, or you just want some amusement." Nara gruffly grabbed the rakghoul from her leg and with a mighty toss, threw him up the ramp into the ship.

"Any questions? No? Good." She didn't even leave time for anyone to respond if they did have one. "Follow me, and don't touch anything,"

Nara turned on her heel and strode to The Rylothian Star, taking care not to trip over hovering loading ramp. She made a wide circle around the recovering little beast. She pondered which passwords and key-codes to give to the Chiss. She obviously wasn't going to just tell him all of them. Nara didn't feel comfortable sharing power and wanted to make sure she was in complete control.

[member="Temore"] [member="Cryax Bane"] [member="Scyluc Vaidral"]
The gawky Chiss politely followed on the smuggler’s heels, gingerly stepping around her pet. He was eager to get out of making small talk and into singing the body electric. He readied his Datapad, a macgyvered Companion2000 punching in some perfunctory data with a slicer’s typical speed. Digging into his pocket for a universal jammer, he tramped into the freighter as if he owned it. He flopped down in a seat near the ship’s central computer and held up the delicate device, blinking his red eyes at Nara. “This thing isn’t going to install itself. I’m really gonna need some security clearance here.”

[member="Nara"] [member="Scyluc Vaidral"] [member="Temore"]
Scyluc's opinion of his new shipmates was fairly low at this point, and it sunk even lower with every control-hungry gripe the captain made. Scyluc grabbed his stuff off of his bike and left it there in the desert. He had no need of it, and he had the money to pay for transport wherever else he went. The money wouldn't last forever, but that was why he was signed on for this as a crew member rather than a traveler. A little extra income always helped when you were trying to find as much as you could to begin your own Cybernetics research.

Boarding the ship felt like a larger step than it was. Each footfall up the ramp felt severe, as if this was a journey that he could no longer turn away from. A choice, to live like this, to follow this path, was solidified with each inch he climbed. His old life was over it felt, he was leaving behind everything that had marked him before. Giving a look outside to the dunes of Geonosis, the Givin simply felt an immense welling of nameless emotion at the severity of the change his life had taken.

Putting his strange moment of sentimentality aside, he followed into the control room, watching the Chiss snap at their new captain for her obtuse attitude. Scyluc himself nodded in agreement, adding in, "If we're not given the freedom to do our jobs, how can you expect us to actually accomplish anything?"

Scyluc dropped his bag to the ground, kneeling by it, "For example, if I see an urgent repair in need of fixing, or I spot a malfunction or glitch," he rose, a dataslate in his hands as he casually bypassed into the Navcomputer, "how can you honestly expect me to rectify the issue if I've not the tools to do so?"

Scyluc's hands were aflurry on the pad, before looking up at Nara, his sunken eyes unreadable. A bonus to being Givin, his face was a skull-looking mask of boney exoskeleton, making him expressionless to those not versed in the intricacies of Givin body-language. One such expert might read the annoyance plainly broadcast from Scyluc's subtle movements, or the little ticks that marked him as both a bad poker player and someone who didn't hide his intentions.

"I'm afraid I never got your name," Scyluc said, looking over at the Chiss, "or is that some transgression to share it with new company?"

His tongue was a little sharper than it needed to be, his genuine interest tempered with annoyance at the impolite nature of the various aliens he had been encountering since he left Yag'Duhl. For the Givin, his patience was tried with every new lifeform he interacted with, resigning himself to having to find companionship in creatures who chose to ignore a simole greeting...

"If you need a hand, just let me know," Scyluc half-appologised, "Skipper, where's our destination? I'll chart the rout there while you're discussing the intricacies of denying your specialists their access."

He left out the part mentioning that both of them could probably bypass any security measures on the ship, let alone pilot and control the damn thing between the two of them. Such little comments were best left unsaid, lest he actually hurt his new Skipper's feelings. That would probably get him tossed out an airlock. For now he preferred a scathing tongue here or there, enough to annoy and show his displeasure at the whole power struggle that seemed to be going on.
Temore had so far explored the parts of the ship while focusing on controlling the droid. He had tripped once on a hydrospanner left on the ground, it had taken a few minutes to figure out how to move the droids arm to pick itself up. He had then gotten the droid to pick up the hydrospanner. The amount of energy and coordination required to control the droid had certainly taken a toll on Temore. Twice he had pulled out of the droid to collect food; now he was contemplating doing so again.

He then realized that he heard some strange sounds, or in his case vibrations. Someone was entering the ship! He could hear voices and though he could not understand them he could tell that at least one of them was exasperated. He was too far away to make out the words, as his oral receptors were not quite as strong as most other beings. He decided that he could eat a little later; so he began walking the droid over towards where he believed the group would be talking. When he entered the room the first things he noticed were two beings that he had not seen before, a blue humanoid and a strange skeleton like being. The red haired being he recognized only as the one who had been in command of the ship when they left Relovian. Maybe someone else was in command now, he did not know.

He thought that maybe a greeting was the proper way to introduce one's self. The droids vocabulator! Of course that was the one thing he had not tested. Well no better time than the present. A few of his cells moved from various portions of the body into the vocabulator. As he tried to figure out how to speak static came from the droid. Then words could be heard. "Greeetings.... I aam Tee-fore." Temore tried to say Temore again, "Tee-more..... Temore."

[member="Scyluc Vaidral"]
[member="Cryax Bane"]
Cryax winced at the smart-alecky Givin’s question. The Givin didn’t know how uncomfortable the introverted Chiss was with engaging in small talk.

“Oh! Apologies!” He exclaimed and smiled a wide unChisslike for a race that was known to be so cold and calculating. “My name is Cryax Bane and it’s a pleasure to meet you.” He tried to be as polite as possible to make up for his trangression. He wanted the Givin to like him, especially since the navigator was from a species he admired for their intellectual prowess.

A robotic voice came from a far corner of the ship and Cryax furrowed his brow. It looked like there was a malfunctioing Droid on this ship, calling itself Tefore or Teemore. He reached into a bag, pulled out some tools, and having a feeling he could quickly get the fellow working in no time, moved towards the Droid.

“Hang on a sec...let’s get you working again shall we?”

[member="Temore"] [member="Scyluc Vaidral"] [member="Nara"]
Scyluc's attention was locked on the malfunctioning droid as it introduced itself. The Givin stared for a moment before looking over at the Skipper, "Your upkeep of your droid is... Lacking," he commented dryly, turning back to his bag. He foshed out a few tools and moved beside [member="Cryax Bane"], offering one of his own omnitools, "I've had this one for years, it's really good for tight spaces."

Scyluc gave a look over the half-scraped droid, wondering what its function was. The design was a little hard to make out with some of the bangs and dings it had suffered, but it looked in working-enough order. The servos were lit and humming, atleast when it moved. It seemed to be in critical power mode, either brough about by damaged connectors or a decayed battery as far as he could ordain.

"It's having issues powering its whole body," Scyluc called out as he observed the droid, trying to piece together this strange new addition, "almost as if it's only powering specific parts at a time. Should I grab some new wiring? Might be faster than a new power core."

Scyluc stopped behind the droid, leaning back to get a good look over of it. It was ruined, but the poor machine would need a lit of love to get back into optimal shape. Once a droid broke, it was an effort to restore it completely. He was as enthralled by this new prospective project as Cryax was, forgetting his disgruntled attitude from before in favor of the mutual technophilia.
Nara really didn't like Scyluc's attitude. He was going to get on her nerves if he kept this up. She could understand both the Chiss and the Givin need some power, but Nara had a hard time trusting people. Cyrax, though, didn't seem too bad. She could get used to him. He knew what he could do, and needed the tools to do them. Even though Scyluc was saying the exact same thing, he was going about it in a much ruder way.

Nara was about to respond when the droid came in. Her first reaction was of great shock. Her first thought was: Oh my gosh! The thing's gained a conscious! I knew I should have cleaned out that hold sooner!

Reality kicked in, and she became more observant. Nara noticed the jerky movement of the droid. She, like the other two, believed it was a malfunctioning droid in a really, really bad state. But she noticed something else.

"Wait! It's not on. There's no power." Nara moved in a bit closer, her hand right hand is resting on one of her guns. "The eyes aren't on. Is the switch on?" She would have looked herself, but she wasn't sure how unstable the droid was and how likely it was to make some form of attack.

[member="Temore"] [member="Cryax Bane"] [member="Scyluc Vaidral"]
When [member="Cryax Bane"] moved forward with in hand Temore stopped for a moment trying to think through the situation. As Temore was not aware that the others in the room believed it to be the droid speaking of its own accord, he wondered why the blue alien spoke about getting him to work again. Temore was in tip top shape.... Then the skeletal being moved forward producing its own tools. Even from inside the droid, Temore could feel the disturbance of the electrical currents in the devices. He had the cells move the droid legs backwards, forcing the droid to complete a very awkward backpedal.

He heard the red haired being say something, but it had been too loud and the sound had echoed around inside the shell of the droid. He began pulling his cells off of the droid, making himself leave shell so that if it were powered on he could be safe. As the cells moved out of the vocabulator, a loud crackling sound was produced. In a less than a minute the parts of the droid would no longer show signs of power and it would once again be a powered down robot with no sign of what happened.

[member="Scyluc Vaidral"]
"What the..." The Chiss scratched his head. One moment the Droid was talking and the next it had clunked around weirdly and then powered down. Poor guy. The Chiss blinked at it and then looked over at the smuggler.

The Chiss blinked at it and then looked at Nara. "You got one messed up Droid there, Miss." He shot a knowing look at the Givin and nodded slightly. They'd get it working later.

Right now he didn't want to be distracted from the task at hand. "So do you have those passwords for me or am I going to have to slice into the ship myself?" The Chiss raised an eyebrow at her and gave her a crooked smile to show he was joshing around. Although his leg was still bouncing up and down excitedly, he seemed to be more relaxed on the ship now that they were getting settled in.

He made a mental note to ask Scyluc about all that esoteric Givin tech once they had some time to kill in hyperspace.

[member="Temore"] [member="Nara"] [member="Scyluc Vaidral"]
Nara scratched the back of her head. She was just as confused as the others. She had a basic knowledge of robotics, but she never knew one to do that. And she was positive she kept most of her droid in decent shape. Most of them. Goodness knows what's hidden inside her cargo hold. Her mind moved back to her crew-to-be.

"You'll do no such thing. Only when I'm on my deathbed will I allow anyone to do anything like that on my ship. Give me a few minutes to pull together a list." Nara strode off to the cockpit and jumped on a control panel. She brought up the list of all the passwords needed. It was quite extensive.

Nara contemplated which ones to give him. She needed to keep some secrets just that; secrets. She could afford to give him about half the list. Hopefully, Cryax would never know. If he or Scyluc tried hacking into her ship, they would probably easily attain access. To amateur hackers and slicers, her system would be far above them. But as soon as a professional came in, Nara's skill lacked some.

[member="Temore"] [member="Cryax Bane"] [member="Scyluc Vaidral"]
A haphazard greeting, a static of chaos, and the Droid fell over much to the surprise of those present. The Givin was lost in thought, as he calculated what had happened down to the most minute detail. The back-step, the sudden loss of articulation, the explosive screech of overload and feedback, and the deactivation. The seemingly miracle deactivation, from an otherwise absolutely inoperable droid. In the end, something didn't add up. The term was a metaphor to most, but to Scyluc it was entirely literal. This was impossible, and he never did his math wrong.

Looking up from his moment of thought, he returned himself forcibly to reality. He would have time to debunk this little mystery later, for now he had to get his proper authorizations. He dragged himself out of his internal calculus soon enough to catch that familiar look that he himself wore whenever faced with an interesting challenge, cast from [member="Cryax Bane"]. Suffice it to say, he was thrilled at the idea of working on a machine alongside someone with such a strong fascination as he himself.

"If it will make you feel any better," Scyluc said to [member="Nara"], "I only need codes to the Navigation, Propulsion, Sensors and any other engineering-based systems I'll need to service and work with."

As a bit of a show of good faith, he kept from adding 'Communications'. If the Skipper was this paranoid, last thing he needed was her thinking he was squawking to a third-party. Moving to the Nav Computer, he pulled up his tablet again and began to access the security interface. Sending a glance at Nara, he nodded, "The password and destination, please. It'll only take me a moment to chart the path, I can complete the celestial and hyperspace path in the time it'll take you to lift off and get us void-headed."

Scyluc paused, mid thought, and suddenly remembered that he'd probably need to ask for some sort of executive bypass incase the ship depressurized. It was odd, suddenly remembering that the ship had atmosphere and pressure while in the void. All the ships he'd been on had been for Givin, and his race didn't mind Vacuum at all, meaning that if a hole was blown in the ship, he'd be the best one to fix the situation. He opted to discuss that eventuality however on a different time. What were the chances they'd have a hole blown in the side of the ship?

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