Geonosis' storied history lent it a distasteful air. It wasn't a place you went to if you were a reputable individual with choices, nor a place you went to at all if you knew what was best for you. Still, it was that very storied history, the derelict droid production plants in fact, that had drawn Scyluc to the planet in question. An old rumor, of CIS Super Science far outstripping modern technology, persisted around this world. Some claimed that in the droid factories wait advancements and innovations that would never see the light of day. For someone with Scyluc's background and voracious curiosity, it was only fitting that he book a trip to Geonosis to investigate himself.
As such, he found himself leagues under the earth, in the dark of a cold foundry, ambling his way carefully over forgotten walkways and past various dormant droids that had worked in the plant but had been left to decay when the foundry was abandoned. Deep in the control room, not that far now by Scyluc's metric, the Givin expected to find a datacore which might jumpstart his research into robotics and cybernetics. The probability was low that it would be unique information, but even some trade secrets he wasn't aware of might impart a major boon.
Scyluc stopped halfway down one of the organic-looking hallways the Geonosians were so fond of, taking a moment to count the support struts, measure their thickness, and run a few calculations. By his measure... The control room should have been here, based on his observation of blueprints of the usual CIS structure design, all the math pointed to this being the spot...
Scyluc sat down, head in a hand as he leaned on the other in the damp darkness of subterranean Geonosis, struggling to double-check his calculations and pathfinding. He WAS right, he knew he was, but the damn CIS had gone and been wrong, putting the control space somewhere else. At times like these, it was hard for him to deny the oft-cited inefficiency of other races. The CIS were Droid-builders though, there was no way they'd put their Control center lower or higher, this was the perfect place and they would have known as much.
Scyluc looked up, running his torch across the walls. He had to be missing something, some detail. He wasn't wrong and he knew it. Math, numbers, calculus, never lied. It was here.
Standing, the Givin began to carefully scan for some nook, some crevice, something that didn't belong even, if he took a moment to pretend he was in an adventure movie. That was when, after he suspended his disbelief and thought of the potential of a hidden compartment of some sort, he found it: Something that didn't belong, a large knob of resin that shouldn't be there, and with a few awkward attempts he discovered it to be a false cover to a keypad.
Producing a small crowbar, Scyluc popped the cover of the keypad and produced a small interface terminal which cut into the keypads wiring fairly easily. After a few moments of fiddling with the settings and tuning, Scyluc popped the encryption and with a deep groan, the wall opposite slid away. Pocketing his gear, he proceeded into the room, the control room that he KNEW was here. Inside there was a series of terminals and screens, as well as a holotank. Moving to a nearby terminal, Scyluc booted the computer from an Auxillerary power source he had brought for just this instance. The computer was surprisingly lowly secured, revealing that useful information would have to come from notes and comments rather than just design schematics.
Scyluc was absorbed for almost an hour in his looting, scouring through old info, logs, and notes. Of particular interest, was the preliminary notes on a digital blackbox that was being designed, although all it contained was comments on potential avenues to approach the challenge, nothing pertaining to the technology in question. With a muffled grunt of annoyance, Scyluc ripped the notes he found of use, such as details on anti-gravity devices and a few metallurgy notes that he could always codify and refer back to from his own projects.
Some would consider this trip fruitless, but Scyluc was of a different mind; he had gained a few ill-known tricks that usually were only really present in specialist manufacturers wares, things that took years and generations to get right. Regardless, it came time to leave all too soon, as a small notice popped on his hud; his ride off of the planet would be arriving soon, and if he was to leave Geonosis alive, he'd need to hurry. Collecting his equipment, Scyluc hustled back the way he came, leaving the derelict facility to its ghosts once more.
It was over two hours before he reached the cargo bay his cheap speeder bike was waiting in, and with a little fiddling, Scyluc primed and activated the bike. Wheeling it around, he pulled his legs up and hugged the frame, zipping out and across the dunes and canyons of the arid planet. His helmet's display announced his destination fairly easily, and as the miles closed, he got a good view of the ship as he exited a particularly thick rock cluster.
It was a fairly simple ship from the outside, with an understated design compared to some of the larger ships of its class. It was, simply put, the right ship for the right job, nothing more, nothing less.
Pulling back on the throttle, Scyluc slowed to a hover and swung his leg off the bike. There were three figures milling about, a human, a Chiss, and a... Thing. The human to her credit seemed not to notice the... Thing, while the Chiss was edging away from it as Scyluc approached. The woman, who the Givin assumed was the captain, looked personable enough. The chiss seemed skittish and a little awkward, but his speech gave away his intellect.
"Greetings, I am Scyluc Vaidral," The Givin kept his distance, his eyes darting to the big-mouthed monkey-goblin beast as he introduced himself,"(Z–>)90º – (E–N²W)90ºt?"
Scyluc waited for the inevitable blank looks. He'd still been giving a chance to aliens, but ultimately he had discovered that almost all other races were very rude and refused to solve even the simplest of problems. With a bit of a breath, he added, "I am signing on to be your Technician and Navigator. You've probably heard of my people's ability in such pursuits."
[member="Cryax Bane"] [member="Nara"]