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Approved NPC Whisker, the Troublesome Tooka

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Ilinca Magnetar


  • Intent: To make an animal companion for Ilinca.
  • Image Credit: Star Wars, the Mandalorian.
  • Role: A pet, friend, and occasional enemy scratcher.
  • Permissions: N/A
    Links: Tooka, Loth-cat.


    • Age: Four years old.
    • Force Sensitivity: Non-Force User
    • Species: Tooka.
    • Appearance: A tooka with orange tabby markings, Whisker is a tiny four year old tooka who spent most of his life as an inside and outside cat in a Kuat city neighborhood. Due to some fights with other city tookas, Whisker has several scars, as well as a rip in his ear. He is lithe, fast, and easily able to fit through small spaces. His fur is groomed, yet still prone to being matted due to his adventurous nature. He is very difficult to brush for this reason.


    • Name: Whisker, also nicknamed a diversity of cutesy and silly nicknames like Whisker Whisper, Whisky, Muffin, Muffin Fluffkins, Floofers, Flooferoo, and many more.
    • Loyalties: Ilinca.
    • Notable Possessions: N/A
    • Personality: Whisker is an outgoing, adventurous feline with a tendency to be nice to people but violent towards other animals. He tends to bite off more than he can chew this way, taking on packs of anoobas or a rancor. He is very loyal to Ilinca and tends to stick by her despite his wandering nature.
    • Training: He has been trained in basic commands like sit, stay, and the likes. But he doesn't listen that often. If you want a loyal obedient fluffball, get an anooba, not a tooka.


    • Combat Function: Whisker has good teeth and claws, and is a feisty little tooka. However, he obviously can't hold a blaster. And if Ilinca tried to put armor on her, he'd give his owner plenty of scratches to think about. He is a natural beast, reliant on agiloty and his small size to survive, but a seasoned fighter of any kin could easily give the tooka a good kick.


    • - Smol: Whisker is a smol kitty, agile and speedy. He use his size to his advantage when fighting.
      - Memories: Whisker is loyal to his owner, and despite his wandering ways will always return to her.

    • - Smol: Whisker is a smol kitty, easily capable of being picked up by the scruff and chucked into the river.
      - Moody: Whisker has a feisty nature, easily biting off more than he can chew and making more enemies than he - or Ilinca - can handle.


Adopted by the Magnetar family as a pet, Whisker grew up in a small apartment in a run down area within the industrial cities of Kuat. He grew close to Ilinca and enjoyed sleeping with any of his owners. However, being a sociable cuddle bug was only a part time gig. He frequently travelled outside and lived as an alley cat. He got into fights, made his territory near the apartment, and hunted the local pests.

When Ilinca fled Kuat during the Jedi and Sith wars for the planet, she took her beloved pet with her. He currently reside on her ship.
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