The Butcher
Odacer-Faustin a world lost to corruption, covered in ice and blizzards as it swirled around the structure. The ancient sith academy built into a section of the mountain. Divided from the rest by a deep gap. Stretching and fill with smooth black stone. It had jagged rocks that would twist and jut at odd angles to smash anyone who fell down. The deeper it went the more narrow the passage to entrap and hold them in place. The very bottom being filled with water that has been used to cool the geothermal taps but it wasn't good water. With the rock around it and the machinery the water was poisoned, rish with toxins that would kill most who fall in and drink any of it... or let it touch their skin. THe black stone has a greasy oily feeling that absorbs the light and masks the facility from view.
Deeper down and across the solid hanger doors where the winter weather transports have been constructed. With it going out across the frozen ice shelf and lake. The walls of the facility were black and smooth, making it stand out in the snow more and more... but the air around the place was heavy, darker from the Silence Shroud. Nanites made to rob the sound and hearing of those who were there. To keep the experiments at bay and make the ones within the facility, sisterhood soldiers, sector security, sithspawn, battlelords monsters and other horrors that had been created. It made them just as much relient on their other senses as those who were brought into it. The sole set of doors leading into the facility are at the end of a plasma bridge, to give them full control of who comes and who goes.
Along the wall the sensors and turrets, writhing kudzu vines alchemically altered to resist and flourish even here in the arctic conditions. THe improvements, the upgrades and the slow construction efforts, all of it served to create a strange level of sinister feelings. The skies are darker here, heavy from the weather station that is within the section of mountain. Above the carved library itself that had been converted into a holding area, a place the sith brought the different creatures who had been brought here. No screams came out thanks tot he shroud itself. The towers of the rooms around the ancient academy starred down upon the courtyard, statues of sith, of people that had played a part within the black rose such as Zilti and Venefica.
Seras herself was within te central spire, inverted and going dep into the mountain, connecting to the lower levels and making the medical tower into an advanced section of it. Surrounding the ancient temple the academy and later facility had been built upon. Abofve it to mark it is the statue of Al-Kjali, golden with four faces. THree in various states of visibility and the fourth covered fully. A sense of judgement that would ask those who come to the academy seeking something. Overcoming the oppressive nanites, the questions of the statue and the dangers serve to protect what is within its ancient vaults.
The ruined sections have been destroyed over the years, to cleanse the creatures and it has been reconstructed until only the most ancient sections of it remain. THe deeper vaults, with stone tunnels connecting them and rooms where supplies were stored. THe sisterhoods work on making Al-Khali secured and what they were working on here. Flametroopers rto purge the rooms if they are needed, Snowtroopers of the sisterhood in white armor that was made to be formless so their genders and faces couldn't be seen. THe medical staff, the elite of them the hollows roaming around in masks so that they will never be known... biological weapons testing, sickness research, pain, torture, breaking the spirits of a people.
There is few things that are restricted at Al-Khali and whatever your hearts desire it can be gotten for a price. The few barracks, the few private rooms are sparcely populated. One in every ten at best has lights on and the few who are within the facility, who are not medical staff or soldiers wear shrouds, are nervous and jittery. From what is in the air or something worse as along the hallways a form of security is maintained. Stasis chambers with experimental subjects who were infected with the sickness, their armor tore and chunks taken out of their flesh. Seras herself is walking around the old library now a holding area. With the facility there is sections of it, each room, each area self contained.
Airlocks would keep the sections closed, biometric scanners, sensors and autoturrets were set up to defend it. From breach and danger while security droids and drones were made to ensure no one or no things got through. Seras walked across the stone floors checking out the cages, watching the experiments in creating and study of the brains of the infected. To find what attracted them to each other while resonating sounds were being tested to induce agitation, induce compliance and she wanted a way to lure them around with the correct sounds. A way to attract if not outright control them would be important. The mechanical breathing that works with her suit, golden eyes flaring while milky white skin was under the hood. THick black curls of her hair, scars and burns of pale flesh just peaking out.
Deeper down and across the solid hanger doors where the winter weather transports have been constructed. With it going out across the frozen ice shelf and lake. The walls of the facility were black and smooth, making it stand out in the snow more and more... but the air around the place was heavy, darker from the Silence Shroud. Nanites made to rob the sound and hearing of those who were there. To keep the experiments at bay and make the ones within the facility, sisterhood soldiers, sector security, sithspawn, battlelords monsters and other horrors that had been created. It made them just as much relient on their other senses as those who were brought into it. The sole set of doors leading into the facility are at the end of a plasma bridge, to give them full control of who comes and who goes.
Along the wall the sensors and turrets, writhing kudzu vines alchemically altered to resist and flourish even here in the arctic conditions. THe improvements, the upgrades and the slow construction efforts, all of it served to create a strange level of sinister feelings. The skies are darker here, heavy from the weather station that is within the section of mountain. Above the carved library itself that had been converted into a holding area, a place the sith brought the different creatures who had been brought here. No screams came out thanks tot he shroud itself. The towers of the rooms around the ancient academy starred down upon the courtyard, statues of sith, of people that had played a part within the black rose such as Zilti and Venefica.
Seras herself was within te central spire, inverted and going dep into the mountain, connecting to the lower levels and making the medical tower into an advanced section of it. Surrounding the ancient temple the academy and later facility had been built upon. Abofve it to mark it is the statue of Al-Kjali, golden with four faces. THree in various states of visibility and the fourth covered fully. A sense of judgement that would ask those who come to the academy seeking something. Overcoming the oppressive nanites, the questions of the statue and the dangers serve to protect what is within its ancient vaults.
The ruined sections have been destroyed over the years, to cleanse the creatures and it has been reconstructed until only the most ancient sections of it remain. THe deeper vaults, with stone tunnels connecting them and rooms where supplies were stored. THe sisterhoods work on making Al-Khali secured and what they were working on here. Flametroopers rto purge the rooms if they are needed, Snowtroopers of the sisterhood in white armor that was made to be formless so their genders and faces couldn't be seen. THe medical staff, the elite of them the hollows roaming around in masks so that they will never be known... biological weapons testing, sickness research, pain, torture, breaking the spirits of a people.
There is few things that are restricted at Al-Khali and whatever your hearts desire it can be gotten for a price. The few barracks, the few private rooms are sparcely populated. One in every ten at best has lights on and the few who are within the facility, who are not medical staff or soldiers wear shrouds, are nervous and jittery. From what is in the air or something worse as along the hallways a form of security is maintained. Stasis chambers with experimental subjects who were infected with the sickness, their armor tore and chunks taken out of their flesh. Seras herself is walking around the old library now a holding area. With the facility there is sections of it, each room, each area self contained.
Airlocks would keep the sections closed, biometric scanners, sensors and autoturrets were set up to defend it. From breach and danger while security droids and drones were made to ensure no one or no things got through. Seras walked across the stone floors checking out the cages, watching the experiments in creating and study of the brains of the infected. To find what attracted them to each other while resonating sounds were being tested to induce agitation, induce compliance and she wanted a way to lure them around with the correct sounds. A way to attract if not outright control them would be important. The mechanical breathing that works with her suit, golden eyes flaring while milky white skin was under the hood. THick black curls of her hair, scars and burns of pale flesh just peaking out.