Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Whispers in the Dark

Odacer-Faustin a world lost to corruption, covered in ice and blizzards as it swirled around the structure. The ancient sith academy built into a section of the mountain. Divided from the rest by a deep gap. Stretching and fill with smooth black stone. It had jagged rocks that would twist and jut at odd angles to smash anyone who fell down. The deeper it went the more narrow the passage to entrap and hold them in place. The very bottom being filled with water that has been used to cool the geothermal taps but it wasn't good water. With the rock around it and the machinery the water was poisoned, rish with toxins that would kill most who fall in and drink any of it... or let it touch their skin. THe black stone has a greasy oily feeling that absorbs the light and masks the facility from view.

Deeper down and across the solid hanger doors where the winter weather transports have been constructed. With it going out across the frozen ice shelf and lake. The walls of the facility were black and smooth, making it stand out in the snow more and more... but the air around the place was heavy, darker from the Silence Shroud. Nanites made to rob the sound and hearing of those who were there. To keep the experiments at bay and make the ones within the facility, sisterhood soldiers, sector security, sithspawn, battlelords monsters and other horrors that had been created. It made them just as much relient on their other senses as those who were brought into it. The sole set of doors leading into the facility are at the end of a plasma bridge, to give them full control of who comes and who goes.

Along the wall the sensors and turrets, writhing kudzu vines alchemically altered to resist and flourish even here in the arctic conditions. THe improvements, the upgrades and the slow construction efforts, all of it served to create a strange level of sinister feelings. The skies are darker here, heavy from the weather station that is within the section of mountain. Above the carved library itself that had been converted into a holding area, a place the sith brought the different creatures who had been brought here. No screams came out thanks tot he shroud itself. The towers of the rooms around the ancient academy starred down upon the courtyard, statues of sith, of people that had played a part within the black rose such as Zilti and Venefica.

Seras herself was within te central spire, inverted and going dep into the mountain, connecting to the lower levels and making the medical tower into an advanced section of it. Surrounding the ancient temple the academy and later facility had been built upon. Abofve it to mark it is the statue of Al-Kjali, golden with four faces. THree in various states of visibility and the fourth covered fully. A sense of judgement that would ask those who come to the academy seeking something. Overcoming the oppressive nanites, the questions of the statue and the dangers serve to protect what is within its ancient vaults.

The ruined sections have been destroyed over the years, to cleanse the creatures and it has been reconstructed until only the most ancient sections of it remain. THe deeper vaults, with stone tunnels connecting them and rooms where supplies were stored. THe sisterhoods work on making Al-Khali secured and what they were working on here. Flametroopers rto purge the rooms if they are needed, Snowtroopers of the sisterhood in white armor that was made to be formless so their genders and faces couldn't be seen. THe medical staff, the elite of them the hollows roaming around in masks so that they will never be known... biological weapons testing, sickness research, pain, torture, breaking the spirits of a people.

There is few things that are restricted at Al-Khali and whatever your hearts desire it can be gotten for a price. The few barracks, the few private rooms are sparcely populated. One in every ten at best has lights on and the few who are within the facility, who are not medical staff or soldiers wear shrouds, are nervous and jittery. From what is in the air or something worse as along the hallways a form of security is maintained. Stasis chambers with experimental subjects who were infected with the sickness, their armor tore and chunks taken out of their flesh. Seras herself is walking around the old library now a holding area. With the facility there is sections of it, each room, each area self contained.

Airlocks would keep the sections closed, biometric scanners, sensors and autoturrets were set up to defend it. From breach and danger while security droids and drones were made to ensure no one or no things got through. Seras walked across the stone floors checking out the cages, watching the experiments in creating and study of the brains of the infected. To find what attracted them to each other while resonating sounds were being tested to induce agitation, induce compliance and she wanted a way to lure them around with the correct sounds. A way to attract if not outright control them would be important. The mechanical breathing that works with her suit, golden eyes flaring while milky white skin was under the hood. THick black curls of her hair, scars and burns of pale flesh just peaking out.
That had to be the best in all her damned life. Some hell of a day not only to be out of fuel, but her hyperdrive was damaged, and she was stuck between going to that planet, or starve to death in her ship. Immediately upon her arrival, she had a bad feeling inside her, a feeling of something evil in that place, like a crawling chaos hiding beneath all the snow. And so much cold and snow, that she could feel her bones freezing, in Arkania she had faced situations as such, and she had to be used to the cold by now. But that planet was an ice ball, that would probably freeze her to death, if she had not found in the scanner a strange structure not far from where she land it.

Walking with the heaviest clothes that she had, a slow march begun to that place, accompanied by her Aro-GX Security Droid, with the lightsabers in her waist, and blaster in hand. She almost could see a structure raising in the snow, but her eyes were not that good to see under that heavy, endless, blizzard. "Come, Aro, keep up. We should find shelter in that place.", she said to the droid, but her mind would say otherwise, specially about that place, as if she was warned not to go there, but needed to be safe from the cold... or not.

[member="Seras Goto"]
[member="Jaräel il'Belaerys"]

Klaxon's sounded in the lower chambers. Seras standing there while she stood int he pressurized room. Milky pale skin covered in burn and scar tissue. Her mouth ruined, sections of it malformed from recovering bit by bit. Her eyes were black but ringed with gold from the darkside as she allowed the force to sustain her at times. Where the sith lord herself though looked int he mirror she was checking out some parts of it. The explosions that had ruined her had also given her the chance to really work on masting her skills with the force. Art of the small allowed her to hide within the force and appear as mothing more then a microscopic spec.

"interesting, let them in." The plasma bridge coming from Al-Khali was made to protect the massive facility from well others geting here. the gap itself was dark and hard to see which helped but once the red and pink bridge was activated it would cast soft illumination in the dark itself. She was motioning and the automatic turrets moved to track and keep away the creatures, the infected. IN the snow the figures of the batosai... ice creatures who lived on the world but disliked interaction with outsiders could be caught out the corner of ones eye but then they would be gone just as quickly. The infected, the darkness in the world screamed.

The blood curdling scream that ripped from their throats and rose up as more and more of them became aware. Like a wave of fear and hatred coming from the sith creatures and infected. The sisterhood soldiers, wearing cold weather armor, thick, fur lined white and grey with swirling black to blend into the storms. Rifles raised from the walls when they were motioning for the girl to quickly move with her droid towards the bridge. The sounds of blasters resounding in the dark, cracking over the snow when the first thing went down. Seras watched from the monitor though as she was being secured in the life preservation suit for walking around the facility.

She was heading up the large lift and stood there, her lightsaber on her hip, the black hood covering her curled hair before the sith doctor came into a section of the facility. Seeing the ancient temple itself. Where she was looking over at some parts of it now. Standing in the courtyard of the older academy and letting the snow swirl around all of them. She walked seeing the area that was looking down the long curving steps of the temple. Once it had been filled with students but now as the winding pathway went towards the gate she had a better idea of it and carved into the mountain itself she saw the soldiers ready for a fight with flamethrowers.
Slowly she marched forward. Walking in the snow was something hard, her boots sank in the snow like in a swamp, and the cold was deep inside of her, she could feel it all the way to her bones. The cold in the cheeks freezing them bit by bit, the hair a bit sweaty due to the moisture of the snowflakes, her arms wrapped around each other to keep her body warm before she make it to the building. Took her, what it seemed, a long time, to reach the big gates in that place, the doors were ajar, as what it looked an invitation to Jaräel come in.

"Come on, let's get inside and get warm." Aro slowly agreed with his head, following her lead. And when she stood over what it appeared to be yard of that place. Her mind was drowned by a a horrible bad feeling about this, that it probably was better to die in space, than to stay in there, and almost as a reflex, her hand descended for the hilt of her lightsaber, just making sure that it was there. A feeling that made her feel safe. "Aro, what planet is this?", and after a time, the droid replied.

"Checking...", she felt bad that her mind forgot to ask that question before. "The name is Odacer Faustin. No other informations beyond that.". Rolling her eyes, in a way that meant 'oh great', the Offshoot started to walk around, noticing how grim the building looked like. The place looked well guarded, with turrets and big wals, maybe there was something still there, and maybe they knew she was there.

"Hello?" she asked, in a loud and husky voice. A firm grip in the snow, echoing in the empty walls, hoping someone was there. Or something. "My ship ran out of fuel, and we seek shelter from the snow. Is something out there?"
[member="Jaräel il'Belaerys"]

Seras remained where she was as the gates closed, the arctic creature that had been growing and set to encompass the facilities walls was there. Writhing and massive but she was in the main building watching from a seat. Not much fo a throne as it were but buried beneath the snow in the massive area below the crags facing an open valley. The Black Orchid sat, obscured and living as it grew larger and more powerful. From the Black Rose themselves as a small seedling it had bloomed into a flagship worthy of them but she turned back sending one of the weather proofed protocol droids to meet this one who had been coming.

"Ah welcome young master." The droids voice came out. "I am NOS-482 human cyborg relations in service to the visitors to Al-Khali." The black and silver droid moved around while the image of the soldiers on the sides of the wall and gate remained where they were. "We are not used to visitors since most forces have pulled off the planet. The Silver jedi used to have ships in place o monitor and warn away ships from here." He was walkign and the large areas of the courtyard looked abandoned but the droid led the way inside. "Unfortunately my master, the Good Doctor Goto will want to insist that your weapons be left behind. This is a medical facility after all and we do have patients."
Her droid suddenly turned to the direction the voice came. Pointing his blaster at the fellow machine, waiting to know if he was to fire at him or not, and it took her a moment to decide, raising her hand slowly for him to hold his fire.until the protocol droid spoke everything he had to say. And so, Jaräel nodded at his direction, with a warm smile, she was grateful to be in a safe place, and even more so to get out of that cold snow. Frozen planets were the worse place to be, but although it was strange to ask her to surrender the weapons, something inside the Offshot’s mind was finding that a bit weird. At least enough for her next moves, and the albino girl grabbed the weapons that were in plain sight, delivering the lightsaber and her blaster to the droid. Smiling at the machine and answering in a calm tone of voice. With both blue sharp eyes on the machine.
“Here you go. Now can we please get out of this cold?” She stopped talking for a second, doing some reflexion about the name of the master in this institute. “I would like to meet this Good Doctor to thank her.”, and Jaräel started to walk, after her droid did the same about his weapons.
[member="Jaräel il'Belaerys"]

The droid was leading the way through the courtyard it fell to the library itself. Opening the airlock as the droid stood there humming. With weapons turned over it seemed happy as decontamination procedures were done and getting through required the biometrics to at least for now log the woman into the system. Seras stood there as finally the airlock opened and she was in the main containment area. The test subjects were within the cells as Seras turned around and there were no screams while the nanites were being disabled outside fo the cells. To let the girl speak but the sith lord herself stood tall in her black armor. Her hood up and mechanical breathing. "Welcome to Al-Khali."
The place looked a lot grim from the inside. On the outside, it looked like a sturd and cold place, but on the inside, she could feel herself a lot unease with the damned place. In such a way that her hand went straight for the place where the lightsaber stood, and her heart lost hope on remembering she gave the damn thing to the droid.
“What the hell is this place?”, she immediately asked herself, looking at some weird things in the walls around her, as the robot showed her the fortress. She could see body parts, and could almost taste diseases in those damn parts. And when she first set her eyes in Doctor, Jaräel could not help to think that she had those crazy eyes that scientists usually did. “Al… what?”, the Arkanian asked immediately, remembering Aro saying how the planet was called Odacer Faustin, “Thank you for having us… but… what is this place?”, she asked turning her head to all the directions around her, thinking that maybe there was something she was missing.

[member="Seras Goto"]
[member="Jaräel il'Belaerys"]

"One of my labs." She said it standing there and turned around while she was working and started to walk. Isolated chambers around some fo the tables with different beings on them. "I study the sickness that infected this world and look for ways to evolve it and twist it to be used on these... vermin." She said it flicking her eyes over at the arkanian whens he spoke. "As an Arkanian or at least some version of them I would think you'd enjoy this. I learned it from your people." She said it and was bringing up the biometric scanners for idenitfying species of the infected and tracking viral load in everything they had. "We have been getting more successful at weaponizing the infection."
“I thought the droid said this was a medical facility.”, She answered, more like a comment to herself, than an answer. Jarael was now thinking. About what she said involving weaponizing a disease, or a virus, to make a weapon, but against who? The white haired girl knew nothing about chemistries or biology, she was a descendant of slaves, she had no place knowing such things.

“A weapon for who?”, that was the only thing she could ask out loud, thinking about how strange that place really was. A place that dark, could only mean one thing for the force sensitives like her, one that she might not have considered before getting inside that fortress. And that option meant danger.

[member="Seras Goto"]
[member="Jaräel il'Belaerys"]

"It is a medical facility, experimental and designed to research." She was looking at her while walking through the different containment cells and getting some ideas of the girl. The garhoon stopped just long enough to watch but she walked to stand next to her. "Come now, you must have come for a reason.... most do not come down here to this world." She brought her hand while looking over at her to bring up her hand guiding her in. "Perhaps you came because you wanted something more, perhaps you were wanting and the force guided you here to me." She said it with a mechanical breathing to herself while heading towards the deeper areas of the library.
Her blue sharp eye watched closely what the doctor did in her every move. She lost the damn eye fighting a Knight of Ren in Mustafar, a masked man that fought for those damn fanatics and was one of the faces that killed her master. Jaräel would have died, or maybe kidnapped if it wasn’t for her master and his sacrifice to save his apprentice instead of his own life. Calmly, the Jedi girl united both hands in her big floppy sleeves, warming her hands, rubbing them against her elbows.

“The cold brought me here. My ship had technical problems, and we needed to get safe from the cold. If you don’t mind us staying in here.”, slowly the Arkanian forced her lips to a somewhat calm smile. While her mind worked as her as it could to conceal her true intentions, her heart was most likely accelerated for that. After all, how could it not be? “So… Could we stay here tonight?”
[member="Jaräel il'Belaerys"]

"Of course." She said it while standing there and she was leading the way through the cells and beds here. Towards an airlocked door with a grin on her face as she went to it and was being scanned. The doors openign to a small chamber and decontamination to let them through to one of the hallways. "Procedutre, when dealing with such dangerous things." The black stone of the walls as she came out the other side finally and the guards who were there, getting through itno the barracks and after several more chambers, stairs leading down the central tower before the statue. A lift to take them down into the depths when she looked at her. "Now where would you like to sleep my dear, we have plenty of space here for one as you." She had a smile under her mask that hid her fangs but this far down the monitors showed silently experiments in some fo the rooms walking around. Armored shambling corpses, creatures and other guards.
The Arkanian remembered her teachings and did her best to conceal her true intentions with the Force, as she force a kind and calm smile to the good doctor. While to herself, the girl could only think about how stupid she was to not being able to notice what was right in front of her damn eyes, or eye.

“Anywhere close to the upper levels would be fine. After all, we are not going to stay for too long.”, this place was heavily monitored, and even more guarded. For guards and whatever she was sensing in some levels and rooms, things that she had no desire to know what they truly were.

Her only hope was to escape this place, and find some fuel so she could get the hell off this ice planet. Before she end it up in one of those jars the doctor had in her lab. "Once again, thank you so much for having us. We are very grateful for that."

[member="Seras Goto"]
[member="Jarael Belaerys"]

She could feel her there for a moment as she led the way through twising halls and into one of the rooms. white metal over the grey stone, windowless with a small bed against the wall and space to move around but it was clearly just meant to have function instead of form or be luxury. "As you wish." Seras said it and looked at her for the moment. "But there are not many ways off of this planet. That is why we are here and communications are regulated to this facility. Tell me.. do you have a plan to bypass my security, disable my guards and overpower the biometric locks before I rip your heart out and make you eat it?" Seras said it while she moved to the door closing it to the airlock with a small hiss. THe look on her face with her eyes showed hunger and violent intentions. "Since you have come here, releasing you with the knowledge of where we are is dangerous jedi. I am forced to either try and kill you which would be a waste, preserve you as a prisoner which would become boring or try and break you into becoming an experiment or convert. The alternative of letting you go will only get you so far as you'd likely freeze in the wasteland."
As they walked, Jarael kept a nice and warm smile in her full lips. Her eye was always set in the doctor, as she walked behind the woman, while walking, she slowly made the gesture for her lightsaber to come down from her forearm, she had gave up her weapons, her blaster and her double lightsaber, but she was not going to be so easily taken. After all, what was the harm of a peacekeeper having a weapon hidden somewhere? The answer for that made her keep that little secret, halfway down her sleeve, the Arkanian heard her words.

And just as the woman closed the door, knew for sure she was a Sith. Or something similar to a Sith, not for the aura, but her eyes, her hungry and dark eyes, raising her left arm and opening her hand in the air, calling out for own self control to use Force Push on the woman, as the other arm moved like the tail of a snake, pulling the standard lightsaber and turning him on, allowing its amethyst, glowing blade, to shine in the air of the room.
“Aro, stay back.”, and the droid did that while the woman shouted, “You will let me go.”

[member="Seras Goto"]
[member="Jarael Belaerys"]

Looking at her as a blade appeared it let her eyes remain fixed and unfazed. "And what do you plant o do with that I wonder?" She said it without moving just letting her grin be wide and malicious. Radiating power but also amusement at such a thing. "How far do you think you will get here? Without me being alive the biometric sensors will register you as a danger and release my pets, you'll be navigating coridoors and sections you haven't even seen trying to find the surface while everythign hunts you in my death chambers." She walked around slowly watching her though and scented the air with eyes watching the girl and the first hint of dark power came. "You were drawn here for a reason, you came seeking something even if you can't be certain of it. Perhaps this is your fate jedi... perhaps you have no great destiny to save the galaxy... maybe you were always meant to be meat."
Her force push served for nothing like she want it. She had hoped to at least make the woman bang her head against the door or walls, if she was knocked, Jarael could at least bind her hands and eyes to use her to get away from that place and maybe find some fuel to get off this planet. Or send a signal, but who could she call? She had no one. She was nothing for the Silver Jedi to risk such journey, she was nothing to the Republic who did not knew her, she had no one. Only herself.

But maybe, just maybe, she could buy her time to leave this place. Perhaps make a deal with that insane woman. Especially not to meet her ‘pets’. Whatever those monsters truly were.

“For what reason?”, she said, still holding her lightsaber high, “My ship got out of fuel, that’s all.”, taking both hands to the saber, Jarael brought him close to her body, in a strike position. “I won’t be eaten like meat by anyone. That i promise you.” , already thinking if she should do that, or just cut her arm off, the Arkanian said at last. "What the hell is that you want to let me leave this place?", she said, trying to cut a deal with the woman to save her skin.

[member="Seras Goto"]
[member="Jarael Belaerys"]

Hmm she thought about it and what could she possibly want from this little creature.... the jedi was useful maybe but she wasn't exactly a sith empress... she preferred this.. being alone and out of the way compared to many who seemed to crave the spot light. "Well there is little you can offer me. I am not like the other sith and wanting in terms of territory. I prefer this, these mountains, these halls and my experiments. I don't want.... outsiders around." She said it like she was spitting something foul from her mouth though looking at the girl and her blade when she walked forward. "Though the prospect of breaking you down and remaking you as I want. a loyal sleeper agent sending intel and protecting this world, an apprentice, a fawning slave who welcomes the pain. THere is a secret song to the universe and it is the sound of razors through flesh."

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