Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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How many stories had she read over a lifetime that started with a singular event that rocked and shook someone to the very core of their beliefs. Rianna's beliefs were not in question least not by anyone who knew her, or worked around her.

Rianna was a Jedi had been a Jedi since a child, but she was haunted by events that she could not control. Her fingers neatly interlaced as her hands rested on her lap. Her eyes dark as the night around her looked about taking in the small details that surrounded her.

The trail of a firefly as he darted about from blade of grass to blade of grass. The call of a predator from the nearby skies shreiking as it looked for an evening meal, and the sounds of burrowing somewhere nearby but yet unseen.

"Oh goodness" She had tried to unburden her thoughts earlier through meditation, and failed miserably. She would try now to walk ahead into the future.

Closing her eyes letting the sound of life around her fall away into silence. Rianna reached to touch the force with her mind the force moved first like sand caught in the wind, then finally fluid like the waters of Naboo Rianna's mind drifted forward. Images came and went. Nothing was certain. But then nothing was ever certain time was always changing events never the same.

Far away it seemed, a land of mists and a soft voice that she did not recognize calling her name.
A Jedi never stops learning even those at the level of Master there was always something more to learn. The force revealed itself in many ways to Rianna, through the connecting tendrils of white current, the shimmer of light that seem to bind them all in one place at one time for a singular purpose, yes the force seemed even now to be summoning her forward.

She had many thoughts to contend with during this time, thoughts that she had considered done. She was wrong for here they were once again tugging at her memories and bringing up emotions.

She had grown up thinking that the Jedi were her family that they were the ones who nurtured her, taught her, and gave her purpose. But they had not given her life that belonged to two others. Two others who were gone killed during civil unrest. Their voices were coming to her in the night and during meditation.

Troubled. Rianna could not figure out why now.

The Jedi Master frowned opening her eyes to look at her surroundings for the specter of the past to be laughing somewhere near but with her eyes open the specter remained hidden
With great caution Rianna moved she did not feel alone something was tickling her thoughts sending her senses to the edge of the field. She looked steadily in one spot where all things seemed to focus.

Slowly she began to walk giving time to whatever or whoever it was to leave. It was a darkness beyond the trees that seemed to beckon Rianna to come closer. Darkness an absence of light but was it also an absence of good. For many years the argument of good and evil raged between those that could not help but discuss them. She had known many who argued for and against.

What did she believe.

Rianna believed that you cannot have good without evil whether it embody one individual for each side, or just one individual. House Thul was on her mind. She knew of the attempts by Elaine to overthrow Arianna. She knew that another Thul had come home only to run again from Alderaan. Were either the embodiment of evil. She doubted it very much.

But now back to the darkness that now loomed before her.

A test perhaps. She looked again to her left and then her right the mists were rolling in the air had grown chilled.

Again she heard a voice on the soft breeze coming from the east. "Is someone there?" She called out and waited, would someone answer.

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