Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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White Noise


[SIZE=14.6667px]Necro Minecore [/SIZE]​

[SIZE=14.6667px]Minecore was once a thriving planet of mining, and warmachines. This, of course was when the Old Republic still held power in the galaxy. When the Yuuzhan Vong attacked our galaxy, this planet was one of the first to be hit. During the siege by the Vong, the planet was massacred, and used as an experiment planet for the Vong’s abominations.[/SIZE]​

[SIZE=14.6667px]Years of terraforming the planet and Vong forming the beings that called Minecore home resulted in a terrible incident. A new evolution in the monsters the Vong created caused the corals that controlled these monsters became obsolete. A Yamask became indifferent to the Vong cause, and betrayed them.[/SIZE]​

[SIZE=14.6667px]The Vong had to leave, and consider the planet a loss cause. [/SIZE]​

[SIZE=14.6667px]Legends were created of a planet long lost during the Yuuzhan War, calling it the things of nightmares thus dubbing it Necro Minecore. [/SIZE]​

[SIZE=14.6667px]Forever lost...until now. [/SIZE]​

[SIZE=14.6667px]Objective 1 [/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=14.6667px]A - Find a way into the facilities of Minecore[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=14.6667px]B - Try to establish communications with the team[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=14.6667px]C - Sandbox [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px](bring your own objective, this will create new objective the further it goes)[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=14.6667px]D - Locate the Sokara [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px](Sandboxed Objective)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Objective 2 [/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=14.6667px]A - Discover the Core of Minecore[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=14.6667px]B - Reactivate the Security Droid Protocols[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=14.6667px]C - Repair the Ship[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=14.6667px]D - Discover what happened on the Sokara [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px](Sandboxed Objective)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Objective 3[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=14.6667px]A - Destroy the Dovan Basils [/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=14.6667px]B - Get to the Ship/Find a New Ship (Depending on what happens with Obj2B and 2C will judge whether the ship is repaired or a new one must be found.) [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Notable NPCs and Units and Ships[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=14.6667px]The Blood Knights - Frecker, Asira, Jager[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=14.6667px]The Shadow Gundan Companies - The Dynasty’s Will - Tyrad Squad (20)[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Razer Sin - younger brother of Crucifere (Romeo) Sin[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Drakon Regiment - Shadow Company - Eclipse Squad(5) [/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Resurrection (Shinigami Prototype)[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Tork (Shimin Lifeship) [/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Zakear (Ionizer Class Support Corvette) [/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=14.6667px]TPCs[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Drakon Dropships[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Notable Restricted Materials Being Used[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Phrik (small area)[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Power Glands (Yuuzhan Vong)[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Neuranium (medium area)[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Vong Shaped Environment (Force Dead effects)[/SIZE]


Sometime had passed from Axxila, to now. It had appeared one of the Mandalorian groups had begun to take over the planet, making it high time to leave. Though he had no ill will towards either group, it was best to keep attention from them at minimum at best. As the Resurrection came out of hyperspace and in the Shadow Realm space, the Ryuk hailed the prototype Shinigami.

[SIZE=14.6667px]"Lord Sin, we have received a distress call from the Lotus - class Patrol Corvette, Sokara. We are sending you the message now that we received." [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Crucifere turned to look at the fortune teller next to him on the bridge of the Resurrection with a curious look. This was cut short though as the message sent by the Sokara came in.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]"This is the Sokara of the Shadow~static~requesting naval~static~. Engines are down~static~too many~static~."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]For a good moment, only static echoed throughout the bridge as the Blood Knights ran unto the bridge behind the two with concern on their face. The message was being played over the intercoms of the Resurrection on purpose so that all crew members could understand what was going on. Suddenly more came back in from the message.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]Static once again filled the air with a disturbing ambiance that sent chills on everyone's spine. Sin only stood there will his arms across his chest in thought while he stared at the screen that the Hikage Armada channel showed. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]"How recent was this distress call received?"[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]The Sith Lord replied back to the Armada. For a moment there was only silence, sending a paranoid thought through the mind of the Vahla for one a split second till the silence was broken.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]"A week lord."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]His hands clinched into fists as his arms dropped to his side. How arrogant were these officers to not contact him sooner? By now it was a sure notion that the Sokara was lost. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]"It appears the beacon still is producing a signal, though, my lord. It is located just before our solar system ends. We believe we have invaders."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Sin's head tilted in confusion. Why was the patrol ship way out there? So far, the Dynasty was certain no other planets existed that far. Unless they were wrong and still more was yet to be discovered in the Shadow Realm system. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Turning back to look at Mystie, he gave a slight frown at the news then spoke softly. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]"This is not something we can ignore...we must go. Now. I am sorry that we can not land sooner than I had promised. Please forgive me...though I could send a shuttle to prepare to drop you off on Eclipstica while I deal with this....the choice is yours."[/SIZE]
The anger, fear, paranoia, and even concern radiating from Crucifer was almost overwhelming. Over the time they had spent travelling together Mystie's link with him had grown stronger. His feelings often overpowering her own. It had taken time and much practice to use their link to tap into other abilities that even she had been unaware of until meeting Sin.
Closing her eyes, she listened to everything going on around her, using the power of his emotions to focus. Very quickly a vision appeared in her mind, what she saw disturbed her. Mystic never knew how much time passed during her visions, Crucifere aleaus had to tell her. As she switched her focus back to reality, she noticed his frown. He was correct, their assistance was needed and there was no time to lose. They both knew what her reply would be, Sin was as in tune with her thoughts as she was his feelings, but he knew to always offer her a choice.
She held his gaze as she finally spoke, "Crucifere, based on what I was able to see, I have no choice... This rescue of that ship is going to require both of us. We must get there quickly!!!"
She knew later he would want details of what she saw and she would give them. Fear continued growing inside her as she reviewed what she had seen, moving quietly to the side she focused on keeping calm while listening to Sin give his commands.

Time between the two had given Sin the time to begin trusting her visions, and he knew whatever she had just saw meant they needed to get a move on. With a slight bow out of respect to the blonde, Crucifere turned back to the conversation with the armada.

"Send the coordinates. Listen, everyone. We are now beginning Operation: Sokara Down. Details include...almost nothing. I want Eclipse squad, and Tyrad squad to gear up, and double check your equipment. Frecker, Asira, Jager, stay with Mystie you are not to leave her side until we can confirm what is going-"

A new voice crackled over the intercoms, cutting of Crucifere's own. The voice sounded similar to the Sith Lord's, but it had a much more mischievous ton to it. With his eyes following down the bridge to look at Mystie, he rolled his eyes. Was this really the time for a quick family reunion?

"Good afternoon, Crucifere. It's been awhile."

Shaking his head on the new voice, Crucifere moved on past the Blood Knights, ignoring the voice. He gave a nod to a droid who began to block his younger brother's comms. Now with the Vahla cut off from communicating with the Resurrection, a micro jump was being prepared. All around them, though, droids, and men moved quickly to prepare for the rescue mission ahead of them.

"That younger brother, Razer. Bringing him into this will cause more problems then it will good. With that tone...he was probably to going to offer his help, in exchange for something...probably power."

His words moved to Mystie in a quiet tone so that only them heard it. Frecker already knew who it was, and Asira along with Jager kept quiet.

"My lord, maybe it would have been wise to-"

Sin cut Frecker off with a sharp looking that meant something bad would happened if he continued that sentence. The captain backed up and bowed while the two younger Blood Knights looked at each other in confusion.

"Eclipse squad, checking in. We are ready."

"Tyrad squad, ready."

Sin gave Mystie a long look, not sure what to say. This was not the time nor the place to discuss family matters. Razer would have to wait.
Mystie knew that the relationship between the brothers was tenuous at best and outright violent at worst. As she listened to Sin cut Frecker's attempt to interject off so coldly, so knew she had to intervene as quickly and diplomatically as possible. Mystie knew better than to speak hastily, she did not want to appear to be contradicting Sin in front of those he commanded. She knew she only had one method of getting the information he needed to him, it was one they had agreed to one use when absolutely necessary because it took so much energy from her, but this was critical. Holding Sin's stare, Mystie allowed herself to absorb all the negative emotions surrounding her. She used them to focus on Crucifere, reaching out to him mentally. She felt his surprise as she thought, "My Lord, you must listen to him. Razer is part of this, I don't know how or why... He was part of my vision" Mystie knew she could not maintain the connection for very long as she added "Do as you wish, your choice as always, but this is what I saw" and used her remaining strength to transmit her vision to him to interpret as necessary. As their connection faded, she felt herself falling...

Rubbing his face, Crucifere listened to Mystie carefully only to end up biting on his lip ring that was on his lower lip. He was unsure if allowing Razer his actions was such a wise choice, though he knew at one point he should have placed him into command when he was Manaan. The meeting with the the Esion Reformation would have been better had Razer taken Felicia's spot.

His head nodding over and over as he felt her words, he sighed and snapped his fingers.

"Dear brother, how rude! I come to offer help, and you shut me out? Tsk Tsk. Here I was, thinking we were getting to know each other better on both terms, and relationship. Was I wrong?"

"Razer, cut the crap, if you have something that will help....I'm listening."

"Oh I do...I'm sending it now."

Laughter crackled over the comms as Razer cut communications this time. What he had to offer was a quick scouting he had done himself. Razer was resourceful in his own way, and what the report had to offer turned Crucifere's cheeks red in anger. The Yuuzhan Vong had ties to the system, and the Sokara had found that connection. Apparently, Razer did some hard digging and found articles about the war with the Vong hundreds of years ago when they first came to the galaxy.

"Maybe you are right, though I promise you the wont be smiles between me and that man..."

The Resurrection made it's micro jump, a short entering of hyperspace then exiting of it to get where you needed quickly in a short about of space. When they came back out, the Sith Lord moved to the windows of the bridge, looking out into something he never though he would have seen in a million years. A planet.

A large asteroid field made a ring around it while it was quite clear what was surface, and what was a structure of the planet. If he had to made an estimate...nearly three fifths of the planet looked like a large building. If he had to continue that theory, he would have said a mining colony, or something of that nature.

Sitting still in the middle of this view was the Sokara. No light, no sign of any life on board.

"SF Sokara this is the Resurrection. Do you copy? SF Sokara, I repeat. This is the SHA Resurrection, what is your status?"

Silence filled the air around the bridge as the Sokara did nothing in response.

"Communications are not the only systems down, readings show that the Sokara has no active life support with multiple hull breaches. The Sokara is lost to us."

Sin turned to look at Mystie, than the Blood Knights with her. Running his hand through his hair, he made a command.

"What are scans showing on the planet?"

"Our scans of the planet are coming up...negative, as if nothing is there."

"Impossible, we are looking at it right now! It's right there!"

With his voice rising and his finger pointing to the planet outside, his anger was rising again.
Frecker moved quickly to stop Mystie's fall. This was not the first time the Blood Knight had been charged with her safety. He adeptly guided her to her seat. She knew that Crucifere was aware of everything that had occurred. As she recovered her strength Mystie listened to the communication between the brother's and took an immediate dislike to Razer. His cockiness and eagerness to antagonize Sin bothered her. Mystie felt very weak and was having a hard time keeping her eyes open. She dozed off and when she finally awoke she could hear Crucifere's attempts to communicate with the ship. Mystic knew it was a lost cause, there was no life aboard the Sokara. Mystie could feel his anger and frustration growing with his attempt to make contact with the ship. As the planet came into her view, Mystie felt her uneasiness growing. Something wasn't right, she could see the ship and planet before them, but could not feel any energies from either. What was going on here? Why were the scans showing nothing in front of them? How was this possible?
Sin looked at her for input, she managed to whisper "I feel nothing, I see them as you do, but I feel no energy from either. Crucifere, what could this mean?" She had seen a number of horrors in her life, but had been fairly sheltered in comparison to Sin. In their travels she often depended on his guidance as much as he requested hers.
As [member="Mystie"] spoke, asking why she could not feel the energies that should surround the objects in front of them, it made it only more clearer to him that this woman probably could touch the Force, though probably in her own way. The answer, though, to her question made his fist clinch harder to cause his knuckles to go white. Of course everyone on the Sokara had died...the Vong did not leave behind survivors.

"Damn those abominations..."

Was all he could say to her, and everyone else on the bridge. Now the question held to what it was they should do about this. If they tethered with the Sokara, Sin risked the Resurrection being boarded by the Vong that possibly still roamed the Lotus corvette. On the other hand, he needed to know what the situation was, was it a splinter group from the Horde? Impossible, Dredge was long dead, and there was no bringing that monster back. Sometimes, Sin wish he could go back and change that part of his life, never joining those monsters.

Jager came up behind the Sith Lord, and looked out the window closely, the blue Chiss was a new addition to the Blood Knights, a young prodigy. Coming up behind him, Asira laid a hand on his shoulder in reassurance. They all knew enough that when the Vong came into play, only blood and horror laid ahead on the path.

Static came through the speakers as someone tried to make contact with them.

"~static~ Now, I know this will seem odd~static~On board the Sokara~static~No sign of life~static~Help brother?"

So that was how Razer knew about this? He was on the Sokara the whole time, but now something was disrupting the signal. The only thing Sin could think of to help the little Vahla was to send out the Tryad platoon after him, and that was exactly what he did. They would wait on the ship till something could be done.

The Resurrection moved in closer to the Sokara, the tractor beam tagged the corvette, dragging it a long with the Star Destroyer as it edged closer to the planet.

"Sir, we can't go any further, something is making our systems go crazy. We believe it has something to do with the asteroid field. Probably some kind of metal distortio-scratch that. Our systems can at most show us a fluctuation and gravity surrounding the larger portions of the asteroid field."

Sin cocked his head at this new intel. A raise of hand meant that the Vahla wanted the Resurrection to stop. They couldn't get any closer to the planet.

"Begin the docking..."

The Sokara was then pulled next to the Resurrection to a docking tube, where it was then docked, and a team awaited before the entrance. The twenty ma platoon was now split up to ten and ten, Alpha and Bravo.

"Bravo standing by, reading to begin breaching."

Sin could only wonder what the Drakons were doing now, as he had only heard them check to let him know they were ready. A the Sokara was only a hundred meters at it's longest measurement, it would not take long for Bravo team to get in, and find Razer, what laid in the shadows, though, was what else they would find.

"The Vong are not of this galaxy, they are extra galactic. Their existence defies the very core of the they can not be touched, nor touch it, but everything about this is purely organic. Their ships, armor, weapons, everything, is a living creature that they use for war. I can only fathom what the planet really looks like on the surface...but if what Razer sent is wont be pleasant. This planet could very well be a long lost legend once called Minecore. Legend says that the Vong lost control of the abominations they had made here, and opted to leave the planet behind. Those large structures we see right now are what once made the heart of a thriving mining colony, the Kamen Mining company."
Still regaining her strength under Freckers ever watchful eye, Mystie was only vaguely paying attention to what was going on around her. In her vulnerable state, visions of the horrors she had seen coming plagued her. She knew they only had a short time left before they would face monsters of a caliber few could hope to survive. She had tried to warn Crucifere by transmitting her vision to him. She had no true way to know if it had worked, Sin's demeanor gave away nothing. She had not regained enough strength to be able to communicate with him mentally or even emotionally and what she had seen was too horrific to speak of in front of everyone. She knew that she had to find a way to recuperate quicker, if she was going to survive on this planet without Crucifere's protection she was going to need every ounce of strength to survive. Mystie had to find a way to speak to Crucifere privately for a moment. She motioned Frecker closer, speaking softly as he drew near "I need to speak with Sin. It is urgent and of utmost importance that we not be overheard. Will you tell him for me??" Frecker nodded and Mystie watched as he moved quickly to do as she requested. Assured that Frecker would convey the urgency of her request as quickly as possible, Mystie leaned back in her seat and continued to rest.
On the Sokara, Razer sat on the ship in a meditation stance, unlike his older brother, Razer didn't know war as well as some of his other family did. He had chosen to not wage war for the Sith, and instead found his own place in the galaxy. The younger brother wasn't a Sith either, he preferred the notion of being something of his own, a Dark Jedi if one wanted to call him that. He didn't care about titles. So as drew in on the power of the darkside, he reached out towards the woman he knew was on his big brother's ship. Poking and prodding her mind like a sharp pin to a balloon.

Is this my brother's new toy? As he found himself a new bed warmer? You think you matter to that man who claims nobility through a darkened throne? Let me tell you something...Romeo....he will crush you, and everything around him that he touches falls apart.


The boarding process began as Bravo team waited in a defense formation, waiting for something dark to come their way.

"Crow, keep your eyes sharp, and your mouth closed. I dont want to hear a single peep of bantha poodoo from out you."

"Come on boss, you know me better than that."

The man named Crow replied to Captain Barak

"Yuka, remember when we were patrolling the sectors and watched people just poof?"

"Dude, you had to mention that now? Hell Jurik, shut up, and pay attention."

These where the whispers of the men of Bravo team in Tyrad Platoon. Everyday soldiers preparing for something they could not fathom. The Netherworld, or any other disastrous event could prepare the men of the Shadow Gundan.


On the bridge of the Resurrection, Crucifere moved over to over screen that would show the surrounding scans the Shinigami had just produced. It showed nothing, the Sokara was the only visible object, and it had no life on it...but Razer just confirmed he was on it.What the blazes was the little Vahla doing. But Jager came over to confirm that Frecker needed him. After listening some to Frecker, he nodded at the man, if [member="Mystie"] needed him privately, it was important.

He walked over to Mystie, dismissing everyone on the bridge as she seemed to be in no condition to be moved. After everyone left, SIn spoke up.

"What bothers you? What do your visions show you?"

Sin got one knee so they could be on eye level.


In the hangar of the Resurrection, the much more professional Drakons gathered for a briefing session, unaware that something was about to come in for a surprise.
As Mystie's eyes locked with Crucifere's, she felt Razer's invasion. Instantaneously she was consumed by a white hot rage, this fool had no rights here!!! Her anger was so vivid that she was speaking aloud, as she communicated telepathically to Razer, Sin was hearing every word. "Who are you to speak to me in such a manner? You have no ideas who I am or what I am capable of. If you have questions about my place as your brother's "toy" or "bedwarmer", I challenge you to ask him. Whether I matter to him or not is his question to answer. I will tell you this only once Razer, your thoughts of me matter naught, but if you ever dare to insert yourself into my mind without my prior permission again, you will find out just exactly how much Crucifere has helped me develop my abilities." As Mystie laid into Razer, her gaze never wavered from Sin's, she could feel his anger grow as he heard her words and realized what was happening. She felt him take her hand and add his strength to hers. "Razer, your behavior is that of an impudent child. I warn you now, I will not tolerate it and neither will Romeo, as you call him." Breaking her connection with Razer, she whispered softly to Crucifere, "My apologies, my lord!! That is not why I asked to speak with you..." She paused, giving Sin the opportunity to process what had just occurred.

At first, he thought he had done something wrong, then realized he really had not so why was she going crazy? Had she lost her mind? When she spoke the name of his brother though, he hopped up with a snap of his finger. That would make total sense to why she was going off. When she was done, he shook his head, half amused, and half angry.

"I'm almost certain that is not what your visions showed you...we will deal with Razer when the time comes."

He got back down to her level once more, and leaned in.

"Now tell me what you saw."


As the boarding process was complete, Bravo team moved in as the blast doors opened to reveal the docking tube They moved with the first five going into the Sokara while the other five stayed behind to watch the docking tube, and to keep it secure. The Resurrection's tube was bright, and had windows on either side so that one could look out for whatever reason they felt like, but as Junik stepped near the window just to get a glimpse of the Lotus corvette, he thought he also saw something move on the hull of the ship. It was gone as soon as he saw it.

"Yuka, I think I just saw something on the hull of the Sokara."

"Get a hold of yourself Junik, we dont need men going crazy at a time like this."

Captain Barak retorted to the man.


In the hangar, though, one of the Drakons looked out the shields that kept the void of space separate from the artificial gravity of the Resurrection. He was looking out at the unknown planet, wondering what was on it, and what it would be like to be on it's surface at this very moment. Even then, though as his eyes moved from the planet, he swore he watched things crawling on the asteroid field of the planet.


Razer found himself chuckling as the violent comeback was received. Quickly, he cut the connection when he swore he heard a sound. Standing up, he grabbed his weapon, and found himself falling back on the ground as his leg continued to bleed all over the floor. Whatever that thing had been, it got him good.

He cursed to himself for being so careless, and for trying to help his big brother out.
"You are correct Crucifere, we don't have much time... I originally asked to speak with you for two reasons. First, the monsters on this planet are beyond anything I believe any of you have ever encountered. They do have weaknesses, but reaching them is going to be a challenge. Killing them individually is going to take multiple steps. I didn't see what we would have to do, so I can't help there. Also, the monsters are only the beginning...." She paused not sure how he would react to the next part, she used the name Razer had which was one she hadn't called him in many years, "Romeo, we end up fighting them separately!! When we get to the planet, you and I become separated in the chaos and I am left battling these monsters alone. We will be able to connect but on a very limited level. I am weakened, I fear that I will not be able to survive even a hide and seek mission. We have to find a way to restore my strength and fast if we are to succeed." Suddenly she felt a sharp pain in her leg as she felt the results of Razer's attack. " Sin, we must do something NOW, Razer has been injured and as much as I dislike him right now, you need his help if this mission is to be successful!!"

"We will cross those roads when we get to them...the Vong always have something hidden up their....sleeves? I'm not sure if those are sleeves.....maybe...bracers...anyways, Whatever is down there, we can handle it. We will adapt and we will be fine. My men are the best in the entire Shadow Dynasty, and they will not let me down. As far as Razer is considered, the soldiers will watch over him, and help him. He is a moron, but he can take care of himself. My little brother is stronger than he appears...kinda."

Sin took her hand, not worrying about being called Romeo, though he made a mental note about addressing it later. He smiled at her and rose up from his kneeing position, looking out the window from afar as the planet rotated on its axis. Was it just him, or did it spin a little faster than usual?

Suddenly the bridge was alive with chatter from the Drakons, and Bravo team....


As Bravo team moved forward, the blast doors to the Sokara opened up, shoving the smell of death into the docking tube. The team halted, waiting for something, anything to come through. When the coast looked clear, they moved again until they were finally in the Sokara. The lights were out, thus making their helmet LEDs light up to give them the ability to see again. For a moment, it seemed the Sokara was just fine, as if nothing had happened...but as they scanned the room, they came across a sight that made their stomachs turn.

"Bravo team to the getting this?"

Live feed of what the men were seeing came across the bridge of the Resurrection for all to see who was there.


The Drakon watched the asteroid field a little longer, wondering what it was that he had saw. What the man did not notice, though, was the movement a the corner of the hangar opening. A body, massively disfigured crawled into the Resurrection, while the opposite side also found itself being intruded by a grotesque body.
Sin's reassurance did little to put Mystie's mind at ease. She knew what she had seen and it did not end well for any of them. Crucifere's confidence had her concerned,as much as she trusted him she didn't think he was fully aware of what they were about to face. She knew that all she could do at this point was keep her strength as high as possible in preparation of what was coming. She was not going to have Sin to protect her for very much longer and while she knew Frecker would do his best he was going to be no match for these monsters alone.
As the feed began playing, Mystie looked to Crucifere whispering "It has begun....there is no turning back now."

The ship rocked some and the lights went from dim to red emergency lights. Even with his balance, Sin still had to check himself to make sure he didn't fall over. His eyes widened as he heard her words.

It had begun indeed...

The feeling of dread came over him as he could not feel what it was that had caused the ship to shift the way it had. No one was reporting the attack, and no one had come over the coms to report any damage done. Unknown to him, though, the engines were being over ran by the monsters that the planet found itself over ran with.

Finally, the image of Bravo team came in, and Crucifere stopped in mid track. It wasn't battle, it was slaughter.

"Mystie...if I showed you how to use a weapon, how fast do you think you could pick up on it?"


Bravo team continued to move forward, their flood lights sweeping the walls, and corners that were covered in viscera..the remains of Sokara's crew. as they continued their movement, the sound of battle echoed through the halls.


Razer's lightsaber moved up to block the bladed appendage of the monster before him, still in awe of the fact that the weapon did not cut through what was obviously bone. It made no sense to him, but he also was not as knowledgeable of the Vong has his older brother was. He then had to push back to dodge the stab of the other bladed appendage, then charge in to sweep his weapon over it's over.

It fell off easily, from the shoulder, and it reared back in anger more than pain. Flood lights came in as firing began to commence on the creature he was fighting, dotting it in holes.


The figure dropped on the Drakon with extreme speed, it's lower body a tail, and large fangs coming out of it's mouth, It attempted a bite, but only gnawed on metal armor. The other members of the Drakons imminently began to fire upon the creature, pushing it off their comrade. They were brothers, family, they would not let the monster have their blood.

They moved in to disintegrate it, while the droids in the hangar commenced to fire on the other figure on the ceiling.
Things were happening so quickly, Mystie barely had time to respond to Crucifere's question with nod. Mystie was bombarded by images of the slaughter, it took absolute control to shut them out and not allow herself to become overwhelmed. She saw Razer battling for his life, the image interrupted as Sin reached her and began quickly showing her what she needed to know. Mystie had no idea when Frecker had returned to the bridge or appeared at their side, but as she realized he was theee, it reassured her only minimally that things were progressing as her visions had shown. She knew that they would not die in this attack, not even Razer. She had seen the horrors they would face on the planet these monsters call home. Shifting her focus back to Sin, "Show me!!!"

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