Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  • Unit Name: Whiteout
  • Affiliation: Haxion Brood
  • Classification: Special Forces
  • Description: Whiteout is a congregation of former Knights of Ren, Stormtroopers, and other imperial elements that were scattered throughout the decades of recent conflict. These highly-trained individuals have banded together under Jonah's leadership to fight for themselves for a chance. Together, they serve the interests of the Haxion Brood and each other.
  • Experience: Knights of Ren, Stormtroopers, and other imperial soldiers are known for their rigorous training and unwavering obedience. Thus, these individuals bring a wealth of experience to each and every battlefield.
  • Skillsets: Given the diverse number which makes up Whiteout, the organization is capable of fulfilling a variety of combat roles. From infantry support, to disrupting the enemy, and much more.
  • Jedi and Sith: While the Knights of Ren within Whiteout are skilled, they do not possess the same level of prowess as full-fledged Sith Lords or Jedi Masters. In a head-on confrontation with equal numbers, these Knights will fall short.
  • Equipment: Bereft of formal, imperial support, Whiteout has to make due with what is available. Due to this, their equipment and vehicles are largely refurbished models from centuries ago. These can (and will) pale in comparison to some of the modern technologies on a typical battlefield.

As war ravaged the Galaxy, wielders of the Force were used as weapons time after time after time. One such gathering were the Knights of Ren of a First Order long since past. These individuals fought bravely for their home and country, only to be displaced when their nation fell underneath their feet. Before long, the Knights of Ren themselves scattered across the stars. Some ultimately found new homes within imperial movements decades later. But for one small group, there was never a second home.​
Instead, they chose to fight for themselves.​
Along the way, the broken cell picked up soldiers, troopers, and other forgotten souls who were tired of playing the game of war for others. And, in time, their midst grew to a sizeable, well-trained force that was capable of multiple operations. Their services tended to be sold to the highest bidder, which is what first drew the attention of Jonah to begin with. He arranged a meeting with the leaders of the cell and painted a vision which coincided with their own desires. They could fight uphill, settling for the meager contracts which had sustained them. Or, together, they could have it all.​
So it was that Whiteout was born: a special forces unit that flies the flag of the Haxion Brood. Together, they serve the syndicate's interests, while making damn certain their paydays are tremendous.​



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