Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Who Am I To Say No?

I carried all of my bladed weapons with me. My two Alchemy Daggers, my Phoenix blade, Magmasaber, and I even carried my chain whip. Each in there respective places on my back, waist, boots, and forearm. I was here for some training in lightsaber and melee weapons combat. I wanted something other than Niman, as I was already proficient there. But my mix of random moves and twists would not be enough after the next few days, months, or years. I needed to prepare myself to fight others who were better at me in swordplay.

I was fine in the force. There was where I excelled. I could easily outrank others in Fire shaping, that was if they were on Kro Var, I was pretty good in other force powers, but others I just plainly sucked at. I wanted -needed to get better. against those who did not have powers, I could easily take them out. But in the constant war that I had against them, I had gotten soft. I needed someone to train me alittle. Even if I didnt want to admit it

Walking up to the front battle yard where others trained I looked around for a master or atleast someone else to fight as I was here to learn this time.


Well-Known Member
Zaiden leaned against a wall off to the side of the arena, hidden by shadows, burly arms folded across his chest, the only hint he was there would be the slight glint off of the Cortosis on his Conquerors Lanvarok. Eyeing the many small group bouts going on around the sand pit, the Legate contemplated joining one of the group's for a group against himself. It would only be fair that way, many of those before himself were not even real Apprentices, let alone a threat in a group of 4 or 5. The only threat lay in his own men whom were far off to the right, segregated from the rest so as to train in solitude. The 120th were capable of being a challenge, whether a group or not.

As he thought, Zaiden felt the slightest tingle of a Force Signature nagging at his consciousness, and so he turned his gaze ever so slightly to @[member="Morna Imura"]. The man was clad with every weapon he possessed it seemed, and it made him appear ever more intimidating. For since their last meeting, the young boy had truly become a man and obviously risen well in power.

Leaping high into the air, Zaiden used his telekinesis to control his descent. Landing silently a few feet from the young man he spoke, "Morna. Long time no see. I must say, I am absolutely bored in this place. What say you give this recently announced Legate a challenge, it's good to stay in shape." As he said this Zaiden sighed, for though he wasn't best with weapons, his own were outnumbered. Carrying only his Conquerors Lanvarok, his Darkestnite Longsaber, his Crimson lightsaber, he would be a superb challenge yet nowhere near as intimidating.
Smiling as I could hear a voice behind me. I could remember it anywhere. Zaiden. The last time we had met he helped me in creating the Phoenix blade. Which I still had to this day. I turned around as he continued to speak asking -no requesting, to have a little battle between the two. I nodded as this man was more stronger than last, but so was I.

I pulled my saber from my belt and held it in my right hand. "It has been far to long." Igniting the saber with a devlish smile I replied, "Always good to keep in shape." I swung the blade experimentally. As each swing came around little bits of lava would drip and fling from the blade. Harmful to others, harmless to me. Coming to a neutral stance I cleared my face of all emotions. My eyes burned as a firey orange when I looked at him once more. "Old man goes first."
@[member="Zaiden James-Greyson"]


Well-Known Member
Zaiden nodded, closed his eyes and began to become one with the force. Focusing on each emotion coursing inside of himself he harnessed them, adding their energy to the pool of power swelling inside him. Slowly breathing deep, he concentrated...

When he opened his eyes they shone a bright Silver Blue, and his expression was unreadable in any fashion. His crimson sabers hilt flew to his palm with a soft tap, then a snaphiss to signal it's ignition. As he slowly let the air he had held, he launched forward at his friend.

Crimson light trailed behind the saber as it raced towards it's first target, Morna's left hip. Then a follow through brought himself and his saber in a 360° spin, saber aimed at the young man's left arm. The attack, despite it's strength, was not his fastest and thusly could be dodged, but to block it or attempt a parry could end badly.

@[member="Morna Imura"]
The first strike was easy to defend against. A simple twist of my wrist blocked the oncoming blade. However, as soon as they made contact they broke away. Smiling as Zaiden came in a circle to attack at the left once again. With the added momentum of the circle it would be a heavy but slower attack. I smiled as my left hand opened only to close around the hilt of my Alchemy dagger.

Pressing the magmasaber and the dagger together in a horizontal X across eachother and twisting my body slightly to the left, the crimson blade that came to my arm was funneled into the crook of my two weapons. Smiling I twisted both of my wrists to turn over one another hoping to yank the red hued saber away from Zaiden.
@[member="Zaiden James-Greyson"]


Well-Known Member
Relinquishing the hold on his saber, the Legate called his Darkestnite Longsaber to his palm. Igniting the humongous blade Zaiden jumped lightly into the air, flipping over the young man, and with the accompanying flip came a power slash aimed at the back of his head. With the young mans arms ahead of himself, he would be forced to attempt a block that could result in a damaging blow to the scalp, or dodge.

To continue his attack, Zaiden shot a few powerful bolts of lightning across the area Morna could flee to. Sure this was in no way a decisive attack, but if not handled with the absolute utmost care it could be bad.

@[member="Morna Imura"]
However much the man may chose to give me large and heavy attacks, I knew how to evade them. The black saber came for my head. to block would be bad, and to dodge would be worse. However that didn't mean there was another way. Bringing my Magmasaber up I allowed my blade to be slanted at a 45 degree angle. The powerful attack could still push my saber back. However with the Dagger near the bisect of the blade, Zaidens darksaber slid down my own. I flicked the tip of my saber around to avoid the saber from hitting my hand. and brought my dagger up into the chest of Zaiden.

As much as I hated the pain of lighting, I knew that I could take it. sparks gave way to flame. and as such sparsk were made from lightning. Only did I allow myself to be hit, to give one myself.
@[member="Zaiden James-Greyson"]


Well-Known Member
Zaiden rolled as he descended, and felt a deep sting as the dagger slid into his abdomen. Jerking to the side caused him more pain, but accomplished removing the knife from the man's hold. Taking a few steps back, Zaiden removed the knife from his abs, groaning softly. Eyeing the young man he nodded and smiled, "Not bad. I knew I saw potential in you on that day.." Zaiden said, then tossed the knife back to it's owner. Passing his hand slowly over his wound, he concentrated for a moment and when the hand pulled away, dried blood flaked and flew away in the wind, the cut healed.

Slowly removing his hand from the Longsaber, Zaiden let it float in the air above his left shoulder. Calling forth to the shadows within his saber, they responded in kind, billowing forward like a massive cloud of smoke. Slowly the wisps snaked and wrapped through the air, then around his palm, ever so taxingly forming a thin rapier style blade in his left hand and in his right a thick scimitar.

Leaping back into the fray, Zaiden brought both blades in for multiple attacks. Neck, shoulder, then neck again, knee, calf, hip, shoulder neck again. Each blow aimed from different angles each time, and every blow powerful and backed by his skill in Ataru.

@[member="Morna Imura"]
I smiled as I could feel the blade plunge into his stomach. It was good. Caused him some pain, but no pain no gain. I nodded my head at the mans compliment in kind. I watched as his shadows wrapped themselfs around the man. Each second it became now more prominent as the were now a Rapier, and a Scimitar. Balancing his weight in weapons. One to attack with quick and fluid like movements and a larger blade for heavier and simple movements.

I took the dagger that I had caught and replaced it back into my boot. Only to pull out my Phoenix blade. With the solid black blade in my left, and my orange cored red Magmasaber in my right. I was ready for him. With each strike I came up to block him. Each strike coming and trying to beat me down. Contstant sword use tired me. The different weights was awkward in my hands. But still I tried my best. Finally I got tired of the repetition of the blades. I breathed in deep and exhaled flames that widened out to be about 4 feet in diameter.
@[member="Zaiden James-Greyson"]


Well-Known Member
Zaiden cast a powerful Force Push, knocking the flames off course. Focusing for a second, Zaiden unleashed a huge torrent of lightning as his retaliation. But he was not finished there, taking in a deep breath as well as Force Energy, Zaiden used Force Combustion to cast flames of his own to travel along with the electricity. Swirling and shifting together, two seperate attacks became one as they flew well and true.

@[member="Morna Imura"]
I could feel the wind as it blasted past me to send the flames away from him. As they came towards me I let them pass rather than trying to absorb them for later use. However, as much as I liked this man, he was not thinking straight. I didnt need to use the force like others to apply fire. As well I had a Sith sword to absorb the lightning that he had sent at me. Smiling as the combo of attacks came at my I thrust my sword forwards to take both of the powers for myself. My body absorbed the flames as the lightning was taken away by the sword.

Smiling at him I shook my head. "You have got to try harder than that. I am impervious to flame, and highly resistant to lighting. And shadows do not corrupt me." Rushing him I sent my saber to smack away his larger blade from infront of him, I sent in my Phoenix blade to strike him, only I had another plan. once again I sent a wave of fire from my maw.
@[member="Zaiden James-Greyson"]


Well-Known Member
Despite the intent to knock his shadow rapier from his hand, it didn't, instead he flipped it and held the blade reversed to block the blow. Then he used his scimitar to parry the other blow away as well, however he felt a burning sensation along his leg, for the magma had begun to drop thusly burning him. Just as the flames came a second time, Zaiden spun 360° and used a much more powerful push to extinguish the flames entirely.

Stepping back, Zaiden began to gather energy at an immense rate, pouring the power inside of himself until he felt he could explode. When he opened his eyes they shone a brilliantly blinding silver blue tint, and his voice was deep as he spoke, "Shadows need not corrupt. Only wound. Just as the flames and electricity did as intended. So, as your thoughts betrayed, who isn't thinking clearly?" With that he gestured to a now crumbling gargantuan stone pillar that was falling towards @[member="Morna Imura"] and himself. Though the naive young man had believed the attacks averted, the few tendrils of energy that had gotten there had damaged it's base.

For Zaiden it was a matter of stepping backwards once or twice, but for Morna that meant to flee, and quickly. Just as the young man would begin his dodge, Zaiden let loose his energy with a massive Force Blast which was accompanied by a massive cloud of shadows. The Blast began to crush the pillar as it came in contact along it's path, and the shadows became a hundred swirling daggers with edges honed so sharp they could cut Phrik.

"You are not impervious to anyhing Morna, no one is. I wish you had not awoken my inner hatred. For once awake, it is near impossible to quell." He called softly.
As Zaiden would strike my Phoenix blade he would have been blasted back from the absorption of lightning. Once the blade's abilities take effect, the sword would store that energy for the next attack. As so Zaiden would feel the blast that was directed towards him. Even as it may, The force push sent the flames back once more. He spoke to me about the pillar as it fell. As I turned to face him again, all I could do was smile. Trapping me would do him no good. The man spoke if his inner demon. I smiled. As the blast came towards me and the pillar fall to squish me. I jumped.

I used the basics of a force push but narrowed the blast. I caused the force push to become a knife as it cut through the pillar like a honed edge. The pillar pieces were separated to allow me through and the blast would hit the pillar as it fell. As I reached the peak of my jump, I could feel my body burn. As I climbed into the sky my skin started to melt. Through the force I spoke. "You may have an inner hatred within YOU, but I have an inner demon within ME"

My body began to flame, my hand and feet started first, as I slowed to a stop. Falling faster and faster my body turned to bone that grew flames from within my heart. Smiling I slammed my flaming bone fist into the ground, sending a wave of energy out. The stone cracked beneath my feet and was punched down to look like a small asteroid had hit the ground. Looking up at Zaiden, I could only hold my weapons out wide. showing him who I really was. My body that was made of flames gave off a bright burn as my eyes seemed like holes that never ended until the very center where they glowed a bright orange. My leather jacket and clothes looked as though they were in the process of burning down and charring.

I could make very precise thoughts. However my speech was not up to par. "ME FIRE DEMON. YOU MAD? THEN ME PISSED OFF!" There was only one tone of my voice as a spoke. Loud. "COME HERE! I BURN YOU WITH HELL'S FLAMES!"
@[member="Zaiden James-Greyson"]


Well-Known Member
Leaping and spinning, body angled like an arrow, Zaiden flew through the same hole, and flew after Morna. Arms before him, when he came back down towards the ground Zaiden flipped off his hands and landed mid crouch. Mere feet from the now flaming body, Zaiden smiled as the veins in his neck began to visibly pulse harder.

Eyes slowly shifting from silver to crimson, veins appearing against the color, making it seem magma inside his own eyes, Zaiden grinned broader. Shadows began to swirl and spin, tripling then quadrupling in size and ferocity. Soon his cloak flapped hard, hair whipping back and forth, the amount of air pressure could be mistaken for a small hurricane. Letting the Force Enhance his muscle and bone structures, he sighed. It was a feeling he had not allowed himself in a while. To truly be ready for battle.

"Why do you think my hatred and rage are so great!?! I am the mortal host for the Omnipotent Nero!! Tell me little demon, how do you fare to a reborn god!?" Zaiden roared, the ground seeming to quake beneath his Force Bellow, which erupted unintentionally but with enough force to knock him over as well as blow ear drums. Shadows snaked around Zaiden like smoke, but with an aggressive force behind them.

@[member="Morna Imura"]
I laughed at his taunt. The man swirling with shadows seemed to grow into a being of pure rage and hate. I smiled as we both were in forms that nobody would expect to see together. I knew that this would be the limit. This would be a battle that nether of us would forget. I smiled as both of us had weapons that could bring the end to ether of us. How both of us were covered in our natural elements. Both of us fueled with power beyond what we may think.

I smiled as I could hear the song of the mans heart. My training with Anara had allowed me to hear the force as well as feel it. Now that the man was showing who he really was I smiled. His tone was strong and powerful, having no wavering notes in any way. only then did I see the man for who he was. The man spoke of being a god. I could only laugh. "YOU GOD? HA! I DEATH! ALL DIE. IT CURSE OF EVERYONE! COME MEET THE ONLY DEATH!"

I started to run at him. My blades out by my sides, each flaming as one dropped lava and was made to cut anything, and a blade that burned with pure flames only to meet with a honed Phrik edge. My face looked emotionless because of the lack of skin. But if he could see my face. he would only see the rage in my sharp features. I roared at him as I ran, Unhuman in nature as I had once been so close to death myself. Now I no longer was Human. I was a demon.
@[member="Zaiden James-Greyson"]


Well-Known Member
Zaiden watched as the man spoke, listening to his words, jumbled as it was. He was right, everyone dies, but Zaiden? Death was a long time lover, he wasn't ready to be taken and Death wouldn't have him just yet. Throwing his hand up, it appeared at first that Zaiden intended to block the future blows with his arm. Though it was a Phrik Cybernetic implant, he wasn't the stupid, for as his arm moved, so to did the shadows. Following his hand, the shadows became a shield nearly as tall as himself.

A moment ago, the battle had appeared Morna's for the taking. But now, among the sand and rubble of the Pit, there were two powerful forces dueling on a level most never lived to see. The onesides match had shifted, to some it would seem in Morna's favor still. To others, it was Zaiden.

But those men weren't the ones getting themselves wounded by a flaming demon, or the God of Shadows. Zaiden knew it wasn't that easy. This far into the match, Zaiden had made a few judgement calls to test his opponents abilities, and Morna remained unharmed. But that wasn't decisive, no Zaiden had been holding back and now it was revealed that his enemy was as well.

Slowly lifting his hands to the sky, Zaiden concentrated, using his anger to hone the cloud of shadows around himself. Soon a massive swirling ball surrounded them, almost like an arena inside the arena. Only from the outside, no-one could see through the darkness, and vice versa. As well, each shadow was now becoming it's own living entity. Some chose to fly at Morna, almost like razor sharp ribbons waving through the air.

Though he showed his full strength now, Zaiden was wary to use it. One false move..

@[member="Morna Imura"]
I came to swing both of my blades at the proclaimed god. Each one, however, was blocked by a shield made of shadows and of the force. There was not a way for me to break through. as such it seemed as he wanted to make this entire place a realm of his making. I smiled as I took a step back from him. His tendrils of black energy came down at me. There was nothing I could do to stop them. Each one came down to strike me. With my saber and flaming sword I swiped at them, dodging a few of them entirely or even creating a flaming shield around my fist as I punched or sent waves of flames to counter them.

Each it still seemed that I was being hit. Ether at my arms legs or chest. I grew tired of it. There was so much energy in me that I couldn't just hold it off forever. I had to let it go. As both of us were on the ground I decided to use a tactic that i had only used once. even then, I could hardly do it back then, now I could have a chance to test it. Deep within me I could feel the flames becoming hotter, stronger, and more vile. As I reached within myself I reached within the planet. As all planets were created by gasses that were pressured together, they created magma to keep the planet warm. The core of the planet was what gave off the gravitational pull. I dug deep as the shadow fingers of the god that Zaiden now was, strike me down to my knees. Only then was a completely full. Looking up at him I spoke, "GODS CAN'T DIE! BUT NOBODY BELIEVE A GOD THAT CAN BLEED!"

I pulled. I pulled with all that I had to the surface. Pulling on the very thing that I had learned to control. Magma. I yanked up on the planet, passing through the plates of iron and rock, up into the very practice field we stood. Others began to run, others fled, while Zaiden and I stayed. I pulled up on the ground as it shook, eventually the tension was too great for the ground. It snapped as Lava began to blast into the sky, and around us.

Seeing as we now both stood on the very edge of a supervolcano, in the midst of Zaiden's clouds of power. This had truely become a fight.

@[member="Zaiden James-Greyson"]


Well-Known Member
Zaiden smiled, noticing out of the corner of his eye, dried flakes of blood flying from his now healed leg. Watching Morna as he summoned a supervolcano right in front of them, the force of which began to fill up the shadow arena. This could be a problem...

But for now, Zaiden called out to the shadows that fill the air inside the dome. Focusing on them, Zaiden slowly formed a longsword in his left hand, and in his right he formed them into a shadow wanna-be force lightning that bolted across the air towards Morna.

@[member="Morna Imura"]

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