On board of his masters personal ship the new sith student was applying his make up to his face, a simple white skull painted on to him. "Dressed up like a million-dollar trooper tryin' hard to look like Gary Cooper Come let's mix where Rock-a-fellas Walk with sticks or umbrellas In their mitts, puttin' on the Ritz" he began to sing to himself as he finished applying his make up, with the skull adorned on his face he sighed contently and reached down on to his counter and grabbed a glass of bourbon, taking a very long sip he sighed contently then kept it firmly in his grasp. "Sith I swear, sometimes it's like arguing with a bear." combing back his dreads under his top hat he picked up his communicator with his free hand and looked to see that he was being summoned by his master. "No god should have a master, though I must say it beats being a guy holding a blaster." dancing his way to the opened it and walked out of his cabin and out to the halls.
It was quite strange to see a man in a full purple suit with feathers and a skull cane just semi dancing his way down the halls. It was a surprise to him that she would call for him at a time like this. She certainly was a strange woman to take a person like Najac on as a student, but he wasn't complaining. He needed the training and she was certainly a kind enough to take him on. As he progressed down the halls he made his way to the bridge of the ship where she would more than likely be. Cocking his hat and making sure he looked presentable he smiled and threw a cigar on his lips. Drink still in hand the doors opened and he walked forward to greet her. "Greetings my master you summoned me? I am here and how may I serve thee?" smiling he bowed before her his arms extended completely as his back was straight out in front. Cane in one hand, drink in the other he awaited her orders and was quite eager to learn more from her.
It was quite strange to see a man in a full purple suit with feathers and a skull cane just semi dancing his way down the halls. It was a surprise to him that she would call for him at a time like this. She certainly was a strange woman to take a person like Najac on as a student, but he wasn't complaining. He needed the training and she was certainly a kind enough to take him on. As he progressed down the halls he made his way to the bridge of the ship where she would more than likely be. Cocking his hat and making sure he looked presentable he smiled and threw a cigar on his lips. Drink still in hand the doors opened and he walked forward to greet her. "Greetings my master you summoned me? I am here and how may I serve thee?" smiling he bowed before her his arms extended completely as his back was straight out in front. Cane in one hand, drink in the other he awaited her orders and was quite eager to learn more from her.