Criton's Point - Library of Xer
Davin took a deep breath, the moister being caught in the cold air outside the ancient abandoned library. From a spire across the desolate street he watched his prey quietly. How long had he been following the Sith? Learning his every move, understanding what he did? Even after three years he still didn't understand what Hal Terrano "was". Most of his time seemed to be spent in archives and ancient tombs, doing Manda knows what. But in this moment he had him. He could feel him, his guard down. Was it because of the strange presence he felt in the force?
The Library of Xer was ancient, even by his standards. Predating the Gulag Plague and even some records from as early as 40ABY the library held some sort of special tree. For centuries it had been nourished entirely by the Force, leading some to believe the place had some significance. Force users from around the Galaxy had been attracted to this very spot. A Force Nexus is what the Jedi scholars on Yavn had told him.
Again he took a breath and set his rifle down. He knew Hal wouldn't go down without a fight. Or maybe that was just what he hoped. After watching the coward in his vision...He wondered why Avalore wanted him back in the first place. With a quick, instinctual glance his armor's HUD read the command and activated the repulsor pack strapped to his back sending him quietly over to the roof of the ageing library.
This entire planet gave him the creeps. It was all but abandoned save the very small settlement just outside of the main city. The main city that had apparently been abandoned for centuries. Something made him uneasy here though. Despite the calm that seemed to resonate from the open vault of the great library. It was as if something was following him...
[member="Hal Terrano"]
Davin took a deep breath, the moister being caught in the cold air outside the ancient abandoned library. From a spire across the desolate street he watched his prey quietly. How long had he been following the Sith? Learning his every move, understanding what he did? Even after three years he still didn't understand what Hal Terrano "was". Most of his time seemed to be spent in archives and ancient tombs, doing Manda knows what. But in this moment he had him. He could feel him, his guard down. Was it because of the strange presence he felt in the force?
The Library of Xer was ancient, even by his standards. Predating the Gulag Plague and even some records from as early as 40ABY the library held some sort of special tree. For centuries it had been nourished entirely by the Force, leading some to believe the place had some significance. Force users from around the Galaxy had been attracted to this very spot. A Force Nexus is what the Jedi scholars on Yavn had told him.
Again he took a breath and set his rifle down. He knew Hal wouldn't go down without a fight. Or maybe that was just what he hoped. After watching the coward in his vision...He wondered why Avalore wanted him back in the first place. With a quick, instinctual glance his armor's HUD read the command and activated the repulsor pack strapped to his back sending him quietly over to the roof of the ageing library.
This entire planet gave him the creeps. It was all but abandoned save the very small settlement just outside of the main city. The main city that had apparently been abandoned for centuries. Something made him uneasy here though. Despite the calm that seemed to resonate from the open vault of the great library. It was as if something was following him...
[member="Hal Terrano"]