Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Who, me?

Hi, I'm new and if there's anything you should know about me, it's that I'm terrible with titles.

Anywho, I'm Pat, I've been RPing on various sites for a while and recently came across this one and figured I'd throw up a character and see what happened.

I've got a few questions before I really get going:

1. Is there a place I can create a workshop, so I can mess with code? I really enjoy creating character templates and would love to have someplace I could tinker.

2. Is there anything important TL wise is should be aware of if I'm planning a Smuggler/Criminal type? I've read the currently available timeline, but I wasn't sure how up to date that was. (Edit) There were also a couple of images I couldn't see. 844 ABY: Netherworld & 850 ABY: The Galactic Games. 850 has a note saying it'll be fixed soon.

3. I goofed, like a regular pleb, when I created my character's sub-account. lol Is there away for me to change that or do I need to post in a thread somewhere?

Thanks in advance for the help!

Fiolette Fortan


Hey there and welcome, and as Australis mentioned you can get your own faction and tinker around there. You can go here to get your subaccount/names fixed up. Current year is 859 ABY would be the latest update of the most recent events. I wasn't around for the Netherworld event but there wasn't much to be said of the uh, Galactic Games as it were. Hope it helps a little bit, and as always feel free to ask any questions and enjoy your stay!

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Welcome to CHAOS, [member="Pat"]

I tinker with codes and images using my PM account, by PMing one of my alts. The editing and image transfers work just like it does when you post on the board. Also, great way to write a long detailed thread and saving it, if you are short on time before it is ready to post. :)
[member=Kaine Australis] & [member=Ryssa Yvarro]

Thanks that helps a lot! If I can think of any other random questions I'll throw them here!
Oof, Ninja'd! lol Thanks [member=Marina DeVoe] That's a really solid point. I'll get that a try in the future for sure. Hahaa

Welcome to Chaos; it's great to have you here with us. I can see [member="Kaine Australis"] got you the answers to your questions, but if there is anything else you need, please do not hesitate to ask.

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Lord... I mean, your majesty.
Where have you been, Queen [member="Faith Organa"] ?
I'm like at the palace and there are literally a horde of Imperials walking about this way and that, touching all the artifacts, paintings and stuff and...and... God it's horrible! I'm trying to be nice, but they are a horrid bunch! :(

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
As you wish Queen [member="Faith Organa"]. But what of the Imperials about the palace?
They are leaving black marks..BOOT marks all over the marble floors and..and the lot of them leave the seats up in the refresher rooms!
Where were these Imperials raised?! :eek:

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