Ludolf Vaas
"Trust me"
Hey everyone,
This is a super fun forum game that I found. It's called Werewolf, or you may have heard of it under its alternate name, Mafia. It's a game that can be played both in forums and in real life. Here's how it works:
Werewolf game basics:
The citizens of a small village one morning wake up to discover that there are werewolves in their town! If something is not done, the entire village population will be eaten!
There are several variants of Werewolf games, but the standard game is called "Vanilla", which this overview focuses on. For details about game variants, see the this article.
There are two teams, called The Werewolves and The Villagers. The werewolves all know each other, and may communicate with each other during NIGHT (see below). The villagers do not know each other, each villager only knows his or her own role. There is one special villager called The Seer.
Wining the Game:
The werewolves win by eliminating enough people so that they make up half of the players in the game. The villagers win by eliminating all the werewolves.
Turn Structure:
The game alternates between two phases, called DAY and NIGHT.
Day Phase - During the day, all players get together to discuss and decide who might be a werewolf! Everyone may vote for who they think is a werewolf. They may also change votes or un-vote as the discussion develops. In most games, day has a fixed length of time, and whoever has the most votes when the time runs out is lynched, which means they leave the game.
In order to vote for a player, you simply bold the name of the player in the thread:
lynch [player name]
Because bolding indicates a vote, bold text should not be used for other purposes inside the game thread
In many games, Day ends early if one player has a majority of the votes, and he is lynched immediately. This is called a Majority Lynch.
When a lynch occurs, the game mod then reveals the lynched player's role in the thread, as they will with all dead players.
Night Phase - During the night phase, the werewolves decide who they are going to eat! This is typically referred to as the Night Kill. The wolves are allowed to communicate privately outside the main thread to make this decision. Normally werewolves are not allowed to communicate privately during the day, although it depends upon the specific game variant.
Also during the night,The Seer may communicate with the game mod and learn the role of any player in the game. The moderator will inform the seer of that player's role (werewolf or villager) prior to the start of the next day. If the game includes other special roles they may also have abilities which they exercise in secret during Night.
Villager - anyone who is a regular villager is trying to lynch all the wolves during the day, and has no action at night. They win if all the wolves are dead, even if they are dead themselves.
Werewolf - Werewolves talk and vote during the day just as villagers. At night they collectively choose a victim. A werewolf will win if there are as many werewolves as other people remaining in the game and like the villager, it doesn't matter if you are alive or not at the end.
Seer - During the day the seer talks and votes just like the villagers. At night, a seer is allowed to determine the role of any one townsperson. The seer is on the villager side and has the same winning conditions.
Villagers - Your job is to try to kill the werewolves during the day. In trying to find werewolves, look for statements made or voting behavior that are consistent with a player acting as a werewolf but not consistent with them acting as a villager. Once it's a couple days in, try to look for voting behavior. Try not to find single werewolves but also combinations that make sense.
Werewolves - You are trying to eliminate the villagers. You will not win unless you successfully frame the other villagers into seeming like werewolves and your fellow werewolves don't get lynched off. Try to blend in and not make statements that only a werewolf would make. At night try to eliminate villagers who are more likely to figure you out or are more likely to be the Seer.
The Seer - Try to blend in. You don't want to stick out as the werewolves or the villagers could both kill you. An important decision is when to "come out" and reveal that you are the Seer. This varies widely by game and depends on what information you have. The Seer is very important to a villager win. You have to weigh the value of coming out. The benefit is that you reveal all your information; if you were to die then you cannot do so. The cost is that you are probably going to get eaten that night.
Here is a link to an example game.
So, who's in?
This is a super fun forum game that I found. It's called Werewolf, or you may have heard of it under its alternate name, Mafia. It's a game that can be played both in forums and in real life. Here's how it works:

Werewolf game basics:
The citizens of a small village one morning wake up to discover that there are werewolves in their town! If something is not done, the entire village population will be eaten!
There are several variants of Werewolf games, but the standard game is called "Vanilla", which this overview focuses on. For details about game variants, see the this article.
There are two teams, called The Werewolves and The Villagers. The werewolves all know each other, and may communicate with each other during NIGHT (see below). The villagers do not know each other, each villager only knows his or her own role. There is one special villager called The Seer.
Wining the Game:
The werewolves win by eliminating enough people so that they make up half of the players in the game. The villagers win by eliminating all the werewolves.

Turn Structure:
The game alternates between two phases, called DAY and NIGHT.
Day Phase - During the day, all players get together to discuss and decide who might be a werewolf! Everyone may vote for who they think is a werewolf. They may also change votes or un-vote as the discussion develops. In most games, day has a fixed length of time, and whoever has the most votes when the time runs out is lynched, which means they leave the game.
In order to vote for a player, you simply bold the name of the player in the thread:
lynch [player name]
Because bolding indicates a vote, bold text should not be used for other purposes inside the game thread
In many games, Day ends early if one player has a majority of the votes, and he is lynched immediately. This is called a Majority Lynch.
When a lynch occurs, the game mod then reveals the lynched player's role in the thread, as they will with all dead players.
Night Phase - During the night phase, the werewolves decide who they are going to eat! This is typically referred to as the Night Kill. The wolves are allowed to communicate privately outside the main thread to make this decision. Normally werewolves are not allowed to communicate privately during the day, although it depends upon the specific game variant.
Also during the night,The Seer may communicate with the game mod and learn the role of any player in the game. The moderator will inform the seer of that player's role (werewolf or villager) prior to the start of the next day. If the game includes other special roles they may also have abilities which they exercise in secret during Night.

Villager - anyone who is a regular villager is trying to lynch all the wolves during the day, and has no action at night. They win if all the wolves are dead, even if they are dead themselves.
Werewolf - Werewolves talk and vote during the day just as villagers. At night they collectively choose a victim. A werewolf will win if there are as many werewolves as other people remaining in the game and like the villager, it doesn't matter if you are alive or not at the end.
Seer - During the day the seer talks and votes just like the villagers. At night, a seer is allowed to determine the role of any one townsperson. The seer is on the villager side and has the same winning conditions.

Villagers - Your job is to try to kill the werewolves during the day. In trying to find werewolves, look for statements made or voting behavior that are consistent with a player acting as a werewolf but not consistent with them acting as a villager. Once it's a couple days in, try to look for voting behavior. Try not to find single werewolves but also combinations that make sense.
Werewolves - You are trying to eliminate the villagers. You will not win unless you successfully frame the other villagers into seeming like werewolves and your fellow werewolves don't get lynched off. Try to blend in and not make statements that only a werewolf would make. At night try to eliminate villagers who are more likely to figure you out or are more likely to be the Seer.
The Seer - Try to blend in. You don't want to stick out as the werewolves or the villagers could both kill you. An important decision is when to "come out" and reveal that you are the Seer. This varies widely by game and depends on what information you have. The Seer is very important to a villager win. You have to weigh the value of coming out. The benefit is that you reveal all your information; if you were to die then you cannot do so. The cost is that you are probably going to get eaten that night.
Here is a link to an example game.
So, who's in?