Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Who Would You Thread With?

Listib Hibin Listib Hibin Thank you. What a touching thing to say. I love to write with anyone who is story minded, or working toward character development. I am not a fan of one on one PvP. But I have had a great time back in the day, writing PvE against multiple writers in faction invasion threads. I never had more laughs than writing with the Mandalorian Union.

I may have more time soon, as I still have a few weeks left until I finally move out of the city to the country.
Major Faction


Become One With All Things
My writing time has slowed down significantly since when I first started, but I am still always down to RP with someone. Just might have some slow reply times. Doesn't have to be a thread with Okkeus, I'm good for any of my characters.
Also, common theme with the list below is people I've been in the same thread with, but never personally got the chance to write with them.

Amea Virou - I always thought the Div in your bio was legit. Don't know much about Amea's story, but the Spacer flair is always a nice thing to see.

Atlas Drake / Kingsley / Zark San Tekka - All three of these characters are good reads. Atlas with his hyperspace mapping and Outbound Flight. Kingsley because of his reputation as the most fearsome criminal in the galaxy. And Zark, because he is an amazing leader and Jedi.

Jorus Q. Merrill - Same as Amani Serys, I think you have a lot of interesting characters that would be fun to write with. Jorus has become a huge inspiration for how I write Okkeus, so it would be cool if the two met each other.

Kaleleon - Always loved reading threads with this character. Plus, Spacer Jedi are just cool in general.

Loske Treicolt / Maynard Treicolt - I joined NJO too late to experience any Saber Squadron action, but still having these Jedi pilots meet would be legit.

Ryv Ryv - We did a private thread a long while back that died because of my busyness with life. I'd always be down to write with you though. Ryv has been one of my favorite characters on the site for a while now.

Zef Halo - We've been in a lot of threads together, but I don't think I've had the opportunity to write with you yet. Anytime I see a post with your characters, I know it is going to be a good read.

If you want a Ryv force ghost thread, lemme know.

Its the only reason I'd spend anymore time here.
Here are a few I'd love to RP with but haven't had the pleasure to yet;

Judah Lesan Judah Lesan - I always love to read through his posts whenever one appears. In ways, I'm a secret fan of Judah xD

Jand Talo Jand Talo - We've VERY briefly bumped into each other in a social thread, but I've always wanted to start something with Jand. The character itself is a joy to read each time I see one of his posts.

Koda Fett Koda Fett - I see him around now and then but haven't had the chance to put anything into action. We briefly talked about an idea but unfortunately didn't have the time to do it.

Cyran Vaas Cyran Vaas - I adore Cryran's style and would love to do something with him sometime.

Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren - The eldest of Valery's padawans. Silas has still yet to do a proper thread with her, mainly due to OOC time. However, her art and writing style is something I've always admired


Anybody who wants to

This character is pretty new. I could see the police academy asking a Jedi to lead a physical training session for new police officers. Maybe that could be a thread?

As for this thread my characters all need more connections so I’m open to threading with anybody.
I am relatively new still and having a character that is not a Force Wizard does put a limit on interactions, ha ha! And I do not know enough characters here to be able to mention them.

I would like to write with other non-Force-wizards, no matter their profession! Especially those that are political-minded. I have written with a few Sith and Jedi with the Sith surprisingly being the most hospitable, ha ha! So it's not to say that I am against writing with either of them. I just think it'd be fun to write with other normal people as well :)

Trug Zigash

I'm blessed being able to write with some awesome writers in my first (almost) two months here, and definitely feel home here! That being said, there are a couple of writers I've only came across in public/faction threads or only admire from far, who I'd love to write with sometimes in the future :), some of them being;

Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania - we bumped into one another in Ukatis, love the stories that you've written (the Cora-Makko-Horace saga, ugh love it)
Starlin Rand Starlin Rand (or your other characters) - also someone I'm a fan of! we had few interactions in Braxant, but I'd love to write with one of your GA characters with Thania, or Jacen with Romulus
Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren (or your other Naboo chars) - also bumped into in Braxant and always love your posts. Romulus Naboo tour sounds lovely XD
Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen - the resident favorite war criminal. idk who should I write with when it comes to Sully, but I love your writing style and the visuals you bring in, and hopefully we get to write in the future (maybe I'll catch Sully for credits? ;))
Valerius - I am a fan of the Imperial Remnants stuffs you are doing! Maybe my Imp could bump into you in the future

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