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Private Who You Choose to Be


Maataua City


Elias closed his eyes and took in a deep breath.

He could feel the salty air rush into his lungs, filling him with a freshness that was unmatched on any other world but Genetia. Even other oceanic planets had trouble comparing… Kabal, Kamino - they were absolutely beautiful, but they had nothing on Elias’ homeworld. He leaned against the railing, looking over the edge of the platform city to the expansive seas surrounding it.

Genetia was a little known gem as far as the Alliance was concerned, and a selfish part of Elias was glad for it. He believed it would remain untouched by the war if it stayed under everyone’s radar. But Genetia was also home to an impressive Jedi enclave, here in the capital. Sharing the island people’s knowledge and understanding of the Force with the NJO could prove invaluable. So he decided to start acclimating slowly, first with a few Council members and then the rest of the Jedi, once his people were ready for openness.

The laughter of a pair of young Genetian children caught Elias’ attention. He turned to find a boy and girl, no older than 10, standing behind him. They had huge grins on their faces and a small whalebone carving in each of their hands. They offered them promptly to Elias, who immediately began to grab a couple of his own carvings from his trouser pocket.

Manuia le Tausaga Fou!” the children said in unison. As they swapped bone charms, Elias returned with a warm “Happy New Year to you as well.

They ran along, comparing the carvings he’d given them. Elias took note of his as well, seeing more beauty than most would in a simple child’s design. He cherished every scrimshaw and charm he’d ever received, no matter how simple or intricate the carving. Whalebone was a symbol of the new year for his people, and he was excited to share that with one of his closest friends.

He took a carefully carved charm from his pocket and rubbed his thumb over it as he watched the skies for Valery Noble Valery Noble to arrive.

Ashla guides your path, whether on the seas or above them,” he whispered, uttering the small prayer.



Outfit: Link!
Tag: Elias Edo Elias Edo

There wasn't a chance in the world that Valery would miss this.

As soon as she had received the invitation, she had gotten her ship ready and even picked out an outfit. The festival was supposedly nothing overly formal, so she went with something casual that still made her feel like she owned the world. That confidence was something she always wished to show, even to close friends who would never doubt the woman that she was. Elias was one of these friends, and she looked forward to seeing him again.

After their last meeting on Ossus, they had decided to meet up more often, after all.

Soon enough, right on time for things to really kick off, Valery's shuttle came down through the atmosphere and settled atop the designated landing zone. The ramp lowered, and Valery stepped out, her long hair waving along the currents of the wind as it wrapped around the landing gear. Fiery eyes then started to shift around, searching for the familiar face she was hoping to find within the crowd.

But her senses caught him first, and her gaze soon followed.

"Hey!" She called out with an excited smile. "It's good to see you again, Elias, and Happy New year." She closed the distance for a friendly hug, and pulled back only to smile at him some more.

"I see a lot of people have shown up for this festival, hm?"



Maataua City


Noble!” Elias greeted with open arms. He wrapped his friend in a warm hug, chuckling with joy at the sight of her.

Happy New Year!

He looked around at the new arrivals, nodding along with Valery’s observation.

They certainly have! I’m surprised at how many people have returned to Genetia, and by how many more have never been. It’s wonderful to see this.

Elias had a special glow about him today. His natural warmth in the Force was all the more remarkable, his heart full of pride and joy. The nervousness he felt earlier had already melted away, just like the rain clouds overhead. It was already shaping up to be a fantastic afternoon on Maataua City, and the best festivities had yet to begin.

The Jedi raised his arm in a gentlemanly gesture, offering to escort her into the large domed building nearby. He was wearing a much more casual outfit today than his typical Jedi robes. They were still his typical earth tones. Greens, tans, and browns, accentuated by simple gold embellishments.

Elias told her about the evening’s festivities as they walked through the indoor city.

Crafts are very important to my people,” he explained, fidgeting with the one he’d made for her in his pocket. “We value things made by hand, using natural materials from Genetia. Much of our belongings are homemade by its owner, or passed down through our families.

They passed by a line of food stands, and Elias’ pace slowed. He closed his eyes and grinned as he took in the scent of fresh seafood and spiced jerkies. No matter how different species could be, there was always something to share with food. Elias took Valery over to one of the carts and ordered them each a bowl of poke.

It’s like sushi,” Elias said, handing her a bowl. It was filled with vibrant chunks of fresh fish, sliced vegetables, and seeds, all coated in a salty sauce. He gave her a pair of wooden chopsticks.

One of my favorite things to eat,” he said with a smile.



Outfit: Link!
Tag: Elias Edo Elias Edo

"I'm glad to hear it," Valery said with a chuckle at just how excited he seemed to be. "You look good too, and I can tell you're in a great mood today!" It was nice to see, especially now during times of war. People often focused on just the bad things in life whenever the news was full of terrible things. But as awful as the Galaxy could be, there were definitely its beautiful things as well, and a festival like this was among it.

It brought people together, and everybody could just forget about the rest of their troubles for a day.

Valery then took his arm, and followed him through the city, while she listened to what he had to say about the festival. She hadn't known enough about it to bring a gift appropriate for the festivities, but she did have something she wanted to show him. First, though, she accepted what he had crafted, and stopped at the little food stall.

She could eat just about anything, as long as it wasn't military rations, so the idea of trying out local food excited her. Maybe it'd even give her ideas for something she could make at home!

Letting go off his arm, Valery accepted the bowl and offered a warm smile, "Thank you, it looks and smells delicious." She took the chopsticks in hand, and began to eat from the bowl. The gentle blush on her cheeks would likely make it obvious that she enjoyed the food a lot.

"Oh, before I forget, I brought you something, too." She reached into the pocket of her black leather jacket, and produced a small bag with seeds. "These seeds are from my homeworld. You won't find Keshian flora anywhere in the Galaxy, so I figured it'd be a fun little gift. Something unique for the greenhouse."



Maataua City


The charm he offered her was a sizable chunk of whalebone, carved delicately into the New Jedi crest. Behind the emblem was a backdrop depicting flames, a sure-fire nod to Valery’s fiery presence.

I made this for you,” he said, handing it to her as they ate. “It symbolizes who you are, and who you’ve become, but it cannot show who you choose to be. That part is up to you.

Then, she handed him a packet of seeds. Elias didn’t need to be told just how special they were. Keshian plants were more than just native to their homeworld, they were practically isolated to it. He took them into his palm with care, as if they were little gemstones. He studied them carefully before looking up to his friend.

This is an amazing gift,” he told her. She had been modest by saying they were fun. He truly knew their value.

E tuai tuai, ta te maʻona ai - these will be worth waiting to see. I’ll make sure they’re well taken care of.” He placed a hand on her shoulder, giving a friendly nod of his thanks.

You’re a good friend, Valery. I appreciate you very much. Now,” he said, pulling his gaze away from hers and focusing on the people around them, “there’s much to see! The New Year’s Festival is a huge celebration for Genetia. Where would you like to start?

He looked to her for a moment, then chuckled as he realized she likely wouldn’t have a clue where to begin. Not many outsiders have seen the Festival in the flesh. Elias stood, offering her a hand up as he listed a few options.

You could try your hand at carving a charm of your own,” he said, “or we could find more snacks if you’re hungry. There’s dancing and music, games, sparring. Whatever you’d like to see!



Outfit: Link!
Tag: Elias Edo Elias Edo

Valery's smile grew only brighter when he offered the charm. The symbol of the Jedi combined with the flames was about as perfect as it could be for her, and what he said in addition made her blush just faintly, "Thank you, I really love it," she said while she looked at the item in the palm of her hand a moment longer. Valery then pocketed the charm, and turned back to Elias to offer her own gift.

Luckily, he loved his own gift just as much, and placed a hand on her shoulder to tell her as much. Valery smiled warmly in return, and dipped her head, "I'll have to come visit to see how far they've grown." Another reason for a little trip back to the Bogano Enclave. Valery hadn't been there in a short while already, so why not find some more reasons to go back?

"I appreciate you as well, but I agree - let's go do something fun." Her smile turned into a grin, as she started to look around. She wasn't very familiar with this festival, and the crowds were so dense that she couldn't quite see everything. But once he offered some ideas, she turned back and pursed her lips in thought.

"I'd definitely like to make a charm at some point, but maybe we can go for some dancing first?" She wasn't sure what type of dances people did here, but that was part of the fun! She had learned all kinds throughout her travels, and sharing such a moment with a good friend seemed like fun.



Maataua City


Her choice made Elias grin ear-to-ear. Valery had no idea just how powerful a role dance had played for his people throughout their history.

If you think you can handle it,” he challenged, “then I’m game! But fair warning - we Gentians dance a bit more vibrantly than your Coruscanti gala guests!

Already, his voice was pitchy with excitement!

He couldn’t wait for her to see the dances he grew up with, especially the haka. It was a group dance with lots of chanting, stamping, and motion that was performed for all sorts of celebrations. It wasn’t easy for newcomers to learn, but the Genetians were always honored to invite friends to join the haka.

Elias, especially, was eager to show Valery how it was done.

He nodded off toward an open park nearby, which was reserved for festivities. Already, a small crowd had gathered to dance along with the rhythm of traditional music. Elias was bobbing his head as they joined the crowd, then let the beat of the drums guide the movement in his shoulders and hips.

Hope this isn’t too much for you, Noble!” he said, sashaying onto the grass.

Let’s dance!



Outfit: Link!
Tag: Elias Edo Elias Edo

Valery flicked her hair over her shoulder and feigned offense with a soft gasp, "If I can handle it? Oh, my dear friend, you're going to regret challenging me~" She flashed a cocky grin, and followed him to the open grass fields where people were dancing. She wasn't at all lacking in confidence, and even as she saw the way people danced, there was no hiding her excitement. Valery felt certain that they'd have some traditional dances she didn't know, but her experience would hopefully make it easier for her to learn.

She also had the perfect dance partner with her to teach her, so she wasn't nervous at all.

"You got some moves yourself, Edo," Valery grinned and followed him onto the grass, her body swaying in alluring ways at the hips, knees and shoulders. She knew how to draw attention to herself with a dance, even if that wasn't necessarily what she cared for, but after such a bold challenge from him, she was going to show off.

Coruscanti gala guests, hmpf~

To the rhythm of the music, Valery's body danced and flexed in ways she hadn't really shown before, and while that likely caught some passing glances, Valery didn't notice. She was in her own little world, and only spared Elias glances and grins to let him know she was returning the challenge.

It was on.



Maataua City


Elias was totally awestruck at how fluid Valery’s movements were. He knew she was nimble on her from the missions they’d completed together, but this was something totally new to his eyes -

- and he loved it.

Woah!” he said, “check out the Sword of the Jedi!” His face was bright as he danced alongside her, blending common moves with Genetian ones in a unique display of flexibility and grace.

He wasn’t a terribly rigid man, but his athletic build and drab clothing had done well to make him appear static. Out here, on the grass with his friend, Elias flowed like water. His footwork matched the percussion beautifully while his torso and hips moved with a mind of their own. It was necessary for the haka to move different parts of your body apart from the others, and even to other local Genetians, Elias was quite good.

Before long, a small crowd was forming around the pair as they danced. Elias hadn’t noticed them until he realized there wasn’t anyone close by to make room for. In fact, there was plenty of room in all directions. He kept dancing, but looked to Valery with apologetic eyes. If she was uncomfortable with the attention, he’d stop.

But if she was enjoying herself, the dance would go on.



Outfit: Link!
Tag: Elias Edo Elias Edo

"Don't let me take all the credit~" Valery teased with a smirk, while she continued to dance around him. She had noticed that people were backing up a little, but not because they were scared to be stomped on by the two. They wanted to watch the two Jedi dance because of how good they were, and even with so many eyes glued to her and her friend, Valery didn't lose her confidence at all.

She wasn't nervous.

"It's fine!" Valery called out with a bright smile, when she picked up on Elias' apologetic smile. "Nothing wrong with this! Enjoy it!" The people who looked cheered them on, and Valery didn't feel any weird or strange energy from them. Everybody at this festival seemed to be in an amazing mood, and now they were put in that happy spotlight a little.

Passing by him, Valery grinned and bumped her hip into his side, perhaps just as part of the dance, or maybe to throw him off a little. To her, it was still a bit of a dance battle, after all.



Maataua City


Elias felt his muscles loosen a bit when he saw that Valery was enjoying the spotlight. He turned to face the crowd nearest to him, soaking in the attention himself, when his friend bumped him right out of rhythm.

A few lighthearted gasps from the crowd told him it was intentional, but Elias wouldn’t let her get the best of him. If she wanted a dance battle, then she’d get one. The drummers must have noticed the energy as well. They changed the beat of their song from casual to a faster paced beat fit for a competition. Elias could feel his heart thumping along with it, and it made him feel like a hot-blooded teenager again.

I’ll enjoy showing you how it’s done!” he called back, earning a few ‘oohs’ from the crowd.

Then, he stepped up his game.

Elias was rolling his waist like the waves of Genetia, full of energy and consistency. His feet turned and stomped against the grass, likely appearing aggressive to visitors who were unfamiliar with Genetian dance. But to the rest of his people, Elias was embodying the passion and vigor that they know and love. Together, he and Valery were unlike anything else.

Fire and Water, embers and sea spray, twirling about in a duel of two elements.



Outfit: Link!
Tag: Elias Edo Elias Edo

"Is that so, Edo?" Valery teased with a challenging grin. Her hip bump had thrown him out of rhythm for a short beat, and she hoped she was getting inside his head a little with it too. Throw him off, make him flustered and get him to slip up even more in the moment. But, especially with the crowd cheering them on to battle, it seemed he was only getting more into it all. The music picked up, and so did his moves.

"Not bad, not bad~" She laughed while she swayed her hips along to the same rhythm, synchronized to his own moves. If there was ever a time to show off the more feminine curves of her body, this was it — she wasn't going to lose to him, even if he was on his homeworld.

"But what about this?"

Valery wasn't going to try and mirror the dance of his own people, fearing it would only be insulting if she got it wrong. So, while her hips and belly moved like the waves, she stretched her arms out to the sides, and grinned. Her fiery gaze began to glow, and actual flames started to dance around her arms. Their heartbeat followed the rhythm of the music, as well as Valery's beating heart.



Maataua City


Totally unfair! Elias couldn't compete with elemental flair, at least not in the literal sense that Valery could. It wasn't like he could burst into flames, and the Wilder techniques he'd learned from Vulps were lightning-based and they were beneath the domed room of the city central. He'd have to beat her with dance alone.

"Pulling out the big guns," Elias commented, twirling by her. He could feel the warmth on his skin, like the sun itself were beaming against him.

"I can do the same."

His golden eyes seemed to glimmer as he let himself go, channeling the best of the ancestral dances he'd learned as a child. More stomping, more rolling, more vigor - Elias was dancing his heart out, but even at this level, it was clear he couldn't truly compete with the spectacle his friend had put on. After one final turn, he dropped to a knee and bowed his head. The crowd around them cheered, drowning out the sounds of the music. There was no way Valery could hear him, but she'd be able to read his lips.

"You were amazing."

When the competition was over and Valery had finished her dance, Elias stood and rejoined her in the center of the park. A few of the specators approached them, complimenting them on their performances, but many had dispersed to other parts of Maataua to enjoy the festivities. When they were alone to themselves, once again a part of the crowds, Elias nudged her with his elbow.

"That was intense! Where'd you learn to dance like that, Noble? I've seen dozens of Genetians dance like the gods, but few come close to that!"



Outfit: Link!
Tag: Elias Edo Elias Edo

"All is fair in love and war~" Valery teased when she saw his reaction to the flames she had summoned. It wasn't really fair to pull a trick like that — it wasn't exactly a dance move after all, but it created enough spectacle that it drew people's eyes towards her. Not that Elias couldn't do the same thing. He stepped up his own game, and Valery was tempted to drop the flames and just let him take the spotlight for a moment.

But before she could, he dropped down to a knee and bowed his head. She took the gesture and lowered both of her arms, while the flames went out and brought them into shadow.

She saw his eyes and read his lips over the sound of people cheering, and looked at him with a grin. Her own fiery gaze burned bright, and she dipped her head to say the same, "So were you." Dancing on its own was a fun little ritual, but to have someone else join in like that, was something entirely else.

Valery knew few who could do the same.

With people dispersing again, Valery finally let her body relax, and looked at him with a warmer smile. Long strands of her dark-brown hair clung to her sweaty forehead, and her chest was heaving from the intense movements she had forced herself too. But all of it had been worth it, "I've been dancing since I was a little girl, and later alongside my lightsaber form studies. Some Forms very much look like a dance, if you have a good eye."

"You're great yourself, though! It really fired me up to give it my all."



Maataua City


Hah! I can tell!” he said with a laugh. She was quite literally fired up, and he loved seeing her enjoy herself. All too often, Jedi get stuck in the ruts of duty and honor.

It’s a beautiful thing to see them get to be people instead of warriors.

As they walked, he took in all the sights, sounds and smells of the festival. Maataua was a beautiful city already, but the seasonal atmosphere made it even more so. Pennants in blue, gold, white, and teal were strewn overhead from balcony to balcony; Confetti and glitter popped off from small handheld tubes as the children wielding them ran by, chasing one another and laughing; Every home had open windows, playing music and cooking meals for the evening to come.

Elias felt nothing but pride.

He glanced over to Valery, hoping she was enjoying his home as much as he was - even if she was having a fifth of the fun he was, she’d still be having the time of her life.

What do you want to do next, Noble?” he asked.



Outfit: Link!
Tag: Elias Edo Elias Edo

Valery raised a hand up through her hair and let out a soft, happy sigh. This entire planet, as far as she was concerned, was amazing. The people were kind and supportive, the food was great, and the dancing and festivities really got her going. Now, she was almost hoping to stay for longer than just a day, just to enjoy even more of what Genetia had to offer.

Maybe something to bring up later.

"You seem to be having a very good time yourself." Valery had noticed the way he smiled and walked around. This planet obviously meant a lot to him, and being here during this festival had lifted his spirits even more.

At his question, Valery tilted her head and pursed her lips in thought, "Maybe make a charm? Or we could try some games, if there's anything fun you have in mind. I don't know what's popular here." Which was part of the fun. Being out for a day, not knowing what to expect.

Whatever it'd be, she knew she'd have a great time.



Maataua City


"I'd love to show you how!" Elias said, eyes bright like child's. Carving the whalebone into shapes and designs was one of his favorite things growing up. It was a rarity to share the experience with someone from off-world, so the opportunity couldn't be missed.

And he knew just the place to take her.

"There's a shop on the edge of the city that my father used to take me to, whenever he needed tackle or supplies. Sometimes, he'd get me bits of whalebone. It became a sort of tradition almost, for the two of us. I can take you there, get the materials for your first charm?"

It wasn't a far walk from the city center where they were now, but even if Oko'a's shop was on the far side of Genetia the trip would be worth every mile. Oko'a had ran the business for as long as Elias had been alive, and much longer than that by the way his father spoke. Oko'a was a wizened Nautolan whom Elias spent a lot of time studying in his youth. The fond memories brought a smile to his lips.

"What do you say, Noble?"



Outfit: Link!
Tag: Elias Edo Elias Edo

"I think you're somehow even more excited about this than I am," Valery said with a somewhat teasing grin. His excitement showed in the warmth of his eyes and body language. Valery herself was interested in it too, so she agreed to going to this little shop with a dip of her head. "Show me the way," she said before gesturing him to move forward. Even if it was a short walk, Valery enjoyed being able to look around a little.

The dancing had drawn her focus away to other things.

"Where are you going after the festival? Back to Bogano?" She asked to make some conversation. Elias wasn't someone she saw around on Coruscant too much, so she figured he traveled around more.

Perhaps he was busy with his own assignments.



Maataua City


Elias pursed his lips as he thought, but an answer came to mind rather quickly.

"Jakku, actually," he said with a confirmatory nod. Bogano always had a grip on his heart, but the season of life Elias found himself in called for exploring. The arid world was next on his list of interstellar destinations.

"I've heard many great things about the enclave there, and I believe it'd make a wonderful ally to Bogano. Coruscant isn't the only temple we exchange students with after all," he added with a wink. "Besides, I've been in loose contact with Romi Jade Romi Jade and I like what she stands for."

"And you?" he asked, slowing his pace a bit to lengthen their chat. The shop was within view now, mere meters away at the end of the platform.

"Where will the stars guide you next?"



Outfit: Link!
Tag: Elias Edo Elias Edo

"Jakku is a lovely place to be," Valery said with a smile. "As long as you don't mind the sand and barren landscapes. The Temple is quite amazing, though." She had been there several times. Even before it was first destroyed to find an old friend who had been wounded in battle.

But most of all, she had good memories because Romi was one of her best friends.

She always would be.

"Well, home probably." She snickered and turned her eyes to him as they walked. "The little ones are probably missing me. I've been away for a few days already." It was the hard part of being a Jedi, but there was something fun to having purpose beyond family, too. It made coming home even sweeter.

"After that? Wherever the Force guides me. There are... darker things swirling in the Galaxy, and you know my purpose." The Sword of the Jedi — a blade against the darkness.


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